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119 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.


Aira, César (Argentina)
Parménides, prominente jerarca griego del siglo V a. de C., contrata al escritor Perinola para que le ayude a escribir un libro "sobre la naturaleza". El porqué quiere escribir un libro parece responder a motivos egocéntricos: quería ver un libro firmado por él, que viajara, que le diera prestigio y fama. La relación entre estas dos personas interesadas por la literatura se vuelve intensa y dependiente y así pasarán los años. Aira nos hace re...

CHF 24.50

The Seamstress and the Wind

Aira, César / Knecht, Rosalie
The Seamstress and the Wind
The Seamstress and the Wind is a deliciously laugh-out-loud-funny novel. A seamstress who is sewing a wedding dress for the pregnant local art teacher fears that her son, while playing in a big semitruck, has been accidentally kidnapped and driven off to Patagonia. Completely unhinged, she calls a local taxi to follow the semi in hot pursuit. When her husband finds out what's happened, he takes off after wife and child. They race not only to t...

CHF 21.90


Aira, César / Andrews, Chris
Unmistakably the work of César Aira, Varamo is about the day in the life of a hapless government employee who, after wandering around all night after being paid by the Ministry in counterfeit money, eventually writes the most celebrated masterwork of modern Central American poetry, The Song of the Virgin Boy. What is odd is that, at fifty years old, Varamo "hadn't previously written one sole verse, nor had it ever occurred to him to write one....

CHF 19.50


Aira, César / Andrews, Chris
Maxi, a middle-class, directionless ox of a young man who helps the trash pickers of Buenos Aires's shantytown, attracts the attention of a corrupt, trigger-happy policeman who will use anyone - including two innocent teenage girls - to break a drug ring that he believes is operating within the slum. A strange new drug, a brightly lit carousel of a slum, the kindness of strangers, gunplay... no matter how serious the subject matter, and despit...

CHF 21.90


Aira, César
El congreso de literatura de César Aira: César es un escritor que se gana la vida haciendo traducciones y que lleva una vida secreta de científico loco. Poco después de ganar una fortuna resolviendo el enigma centenario que encerraba el extraño monumento conocido como el Hilo de Macuto, es invitado a un congreso de literatura en la pequeña ciudad de Mérida. Camuflado bajo el aspecto de un inofensivo escritor, en realidad, se propone llevar a c...

CHF 24.00

The Miracle Cures of Dr. Aira

Aira, César / Silver, Katherine
The Miracle Cures of Dr. Aira
César Aira's newest novel in English is not about a conventional doctor. Single, in his forties, and poor, Dr. Aira is a skeptic. His personality - his weaknesses, whims, and pet peeves - is summed up in a series of digressions and regressions but he has a very special gift for miracles. He no longer cares about miracles, however, and has no faith in them. Perhaps he is even a little ashamed about his supernatural powers. Such is Dr. Aira, who...

CHF 18.90

Seyyah Ressamin Yasamindan Bir Kesit

Aira, Cesar
Seyyah Ressamin Yasamindan Bir Kesit
Neredeyse bir hafta boyunca yükseklikten baslari dönerek cizim yaptilar. Yolda bin türlü katirciyla karsilastilar, Mendozali ve Silili katircilarla ilginc mi ilginc sohbetler ettiler. Papazlara ve Avrupalilara, hatta rehberlerinin kardeslerine, amcalarina ve kayinbiraderlerine bile rastladilar. Ama yalnizlik duygusu cabucak geri geliyor, uzaklasan insanlarin görüntüsü iclerini ilhamla dolduruyordu. Alman ressam Johann Moritz Rugendasin Güney A...

CHF 35.50

Flores Geceleri

Aira, Cesar
Flores Geceleri
Semtin bu kismindaki sokaklar oldukca karanlikti. Siklikla bozulan civali ampuller pembemsi bir pariltidan öte isik yaymiyorlardi. Bozulmasalar da agaclarin yapraklari üstlerini pece gibi örttügünden cukurlarla dolu catlak kaldirimlara ürkütücü gölgeler düsürüyorlardi. Rosa ile Aldo kaldirimlardaki bu bozukluklari coktan ezberlemislerdi, zaten kol kola girip siklikla duraksayarak yürüdükleri icin yasitlarinin hayatini karartan düsüslerden koru...

CHF 12.90


Aira, César / Silver, Katherine
Daily conversations in outdoor cafés with cultured friends can help make reality a little more real. Unfortunately, however, during one such conversation, one man spots a gold Rolex watch on a TV soap opera's goatherd. This seemingly small absurdity sets off alarms: strange sensations of deception, distress, and incipient madness. The two men's uneasiness soon becomes a nightmare as the TV adventure advances with a real-life plot - involving a...

CHF 20.50

Nasil Rahibe Oldum

Aira, Cesar
Nasil Rahibe Oldum
Hikayem, yani Snasil rahibe oldugumun hikayesi, yasamimin erken bir döneminde basladi, alti yasimi daha yeni bitirmistim. Bu baslangic hafizama öyle bir kazindi ki hala en ince ayrintisina kadar gözümde canlandirabiliyorum. Öncesine dair hicbir sey hatirlamiyorum, sonrasindaysa her sey canli ve uyku anlarini dahi kapsayan tek bir hatiraya dönüsüyor, en sonunda da rahibe giysisini sirtima geciriyorum.Alegorik bir otobiyografi mi yoksa mistik bi...

CHF 15.50

I fantasmi

Aira, César / Schenardi, R.
I fantasmi
È la mattina dell'ultimo dell'anno, a Buenos Aires il caldo è soffocante, una squadra di operai è al lavoro in un edificio in costruzione e i futuri inquilini visitano i lussuosi appartamenti. Intorno a loro fluttuano nell'aria alcuni fantasmi, uomini nudi cosparsi di calce che ridono a crepapelle dei discorsi dei proprietari del palazzo, ma solo i bambini e alcuni muratori cileni riescono a vederli, e non sembrano preoccuparsi troppo della lo...

CHF 28.50

Wie ich Nonne wurde

Aira, César / Laabs, Klaus
Wie ich Nonne wurde
Alles beginnt mit einem Erdbeereis, das so widerlich schmeckt, dasses dem kindlichen Erzähler buchstäblich im Halse stecken bleibt. SeinVater bringt den Eismann kurzerhand um. Ein Mord, der eine Kettevon Ereignissen in Gang bringt, die in ihrer schicksalhaften Unvermeidbarkeiteine groteske Tragik entwickeln. Die verstörende undunentwirrbare Ebenenverschiebung treibt die Erzählung in hoherGeschwindigkeit voran. Das Karussell kindlicher Boshafti...

CHF 22.90

Der Beweis

Aira, César / Laabs, Klaus
Der Beweis
»Wollen wir ficken?« Maos Liebeserklärung nach Punk-Art hält dieblonde Marcia für einen schlechten Scherz. Sie hat gerade die Talsohleeiner schweren Depression hinter sich, Übergewicht und wenigLust auf derlei Angebote. So versucht sie, sich der aufdringlichenMao zu entziehen. Vergeblich. Bald fühlt sich Marcia dem Gespöttder Leute um sie herum preisgegeben. Doch es kommt schlimmer, auch Maos schweigsamer Schatten, die Punkerin Lenin, verliebt...

CHF 20.50

Der kleine buddhistische Mönch

Aira, César / Laabs, Klaus
Der kleine buddhistische Mönch
Ein fast unsichtbar kleiner buddhistischer Mönch sehnt sich danach, seiner Heimat Südkorea zu entfliehen und die westlicheWelt kennenzulernen, von der er nur eine vage, doch großartigeVorstellung hat. Er beginnt verbotenerweise, sich durch den Kanonder westlichen Kultur zu lesen: Kunst, Literatur, Philosophie, Theologie - ach, was studierte er nicht alles! Als er dermaßengewappnet auf ein französisches Touristenpaar trifft und sie aufeiner Rei...

CHF 19.90


Aira, César / Silver, Katherine
One Saturday night a bankrupt bachelor in his sixties and his mother dine with a wealthy friend. They discuss their endlessly connected neighbors. They talk about a mysterious pit that opened up one day, and the old bricklayer who sometimes walked to the cemetery to cheer himself up. Anxious to show off his valuable antiques, the host shows his guests old windup toys and takes them to admire an enormous doll. Back at home, the bachelor decides...

CHF 20.50

Il marmo

Aira, César / Schenardi, R.
Il marmo
Non avendo moneta per dargli il resto, il cassiere di un supermercato offre al protagonista del romanzo la scelta tra una miriade di cianfrusaglie. Rassegnato, l'uomo pesca a caso una confezione di pile made in China, un occhio di plastica, una forcina dorata, un anello di bigiotteria e una macchina fotografica grande quanto un dado. Ignora che di lì a poco lo attende un'avventura incredibile, in cui ciascuno di quegli oggetti apparentemente i...

CHF 27.90

Eine Episode im Leben des Reisemalers

Aira, César / Hansen, Christian
Eine Episode im Leben des Reisemalers
Der Augsburger Maler Johann Moritz Rugendas erreicht 1837 zusammen mit Alexander von Humboldt Lateinamerika. Als Landschafts- und Naturmaler soll er die Forschungen des Entdeckers durch Illustrationen unterstützen. Auf dem Weg von Chile nach Buenos Aires passieren sie einen unheimlich anmutenden Landstrich, bald zieht ein nachtschwarzes Gewitter auf und entlädt sich über ihnen. Rugendas wird vom Blitz getroffen. Er überlebt, doch er verfängt s...

CHF 22.50