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77 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

A Strange Country

Barbery, Muriel / Anderson, Alison
A Strange Country
Alejandro de Yepes and Jesús Rocamora, young officers in the Spanish regular army, are stationed alone at Castillo when a friendly redhead named Petrus appears out of nowhere. There is something magnetic and deeply mysterious about him. Alejandro and Jesús are bewitched, and, in the middle of the sixth year of the longest war humankind has ever endured, they abandon their post to follow him across a bridge that only he can see. Petrus brings t...

CHF 22.90

A Strange Country

Barbery, Muriel / Anderson, Alison
A Strange Country
TARGET CONSUMER. Literary Fiction. Fantasy. Historical KEY SELLING POINTS. From author and translator of The Elegance of the Hedgehog, 54 weeks on the NYT bestseller list. A literary-fantasy crossover title for fans of Christelle Dabos, Kazuo Ishiguro, Lev Grossman, Margaret Atwood. For readers of Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell, Deathless by Catheryne M. Valente. Set during a war whose central conflicts echo the current moment: border disputes,...

CHF 25.90

Vita degli elfi

Barbery, Muriel / Bracci Testasecca, A.
Vita degli elfi
Vita degli elfi" è un romanzo che sfida le aspettative, non facile da classificare. È una storia sull'animo umano intrisa di immaginario, una storia che esprime un messaggio di speranza attraverso una prosa lirica e ammaliante. Quando l'armonia tra gli esseri viventi si tramuta in disaccordo le stagioni vanno alla deriva e il mondo naturale si ritrova in preda allo scompiglio, gli esseri umani, ormai incapaci di provare empatia e percepire l'i...

CHF 18.50


Barbery, Muriel / Anderson, Alison
France's greatest food critic is dying after a lifetime in single-minded pursuit of sensual delights. But as Pierre Arthens lies on his death bed, he is tormented by an inability to recall the most delicious food to ever pass his lips, which he ate long before becoming a critic.

CHF 18.50

L'eleganza del riccio

Barbery, Muriel / Caillat, E. / Poli, C.
L'eleganza del riccio
Siamo a Parigi in un elegante palazzo abitato da famiglie dell'alta borghesia. Dalla sua guardiola assiste allo scorrere di questa vita di lussuosa vacuità la portinaia Renée, che appare in tutto e per tutto conforme all'idea stessa della portinaia: grassa, sciatta, scorbutica e teledipendente. Invece, all'insaputa di tutti, Renée è una coltissima autodidatta, che adora l'arte, la filosofia, la musica, la cultura giapponese. Poi c'è Paloma, la...

CHF 24.50

Das Leben der Elfen

Barbery, Muriel / Zehnder, Gabriela
Das Leben der Elfen
Über die Schönheit der Welt - und ihre Bedrohung Maria, ein Findelkind, lebt in einem Dorf im Burgund, ist der Natur und den Tieren besonders verbunden, versteht deren Sprache. Clara, die als Waise im Haushalt eines Pfarrers in den Abruzzen aufgenommen wurde, spielt, einem Wunder gleich, bezaubernd Klavier. Sie wissen nichts voneinander - bis Elfen es bewirken, dass sie einander kennenlernen. Dank ihrer besonderen Talente könnte es gelingen, d...

CHF 15.50

L'élégance du hérisson

Barbery, Muriel
L'élégance du hérisson

«Je m'appelle Renée, j'ai cinquante-quatre ans et je suis la concierge du 7 rue de Grenelle, un immeuble bourgeois. Je suis veuve, petite, laide, grassouillette, j'ai des oignons aux pieds et, à en croire certains matins auto-incommodants, une haleine de mammouth. Mais surtout, je suis si conforme à l'image que l'on se fait des concierges qu'il ne viendrait &a...

CHF 15.30

Gourmet Rhapsody [With Earbuds]

Barbery, Muriel
Gourmet Rhapsody [With Earbuds]
In the heart of Paris, in the posh building made famous in The Elegance of the Hedgehog, the greatest food critic in the world is dying. Revered by some and reviled by many, Monsieur Pierre Arthens has been lording it over the world's most esteemed chefs for years. But now, during these, his final hours, his mind has turned to simpler things. He is desperately searching for that singular flavor, that sublime something once sampled, never forgo...

CHF 56.90

The Elegance of the Hedgehog [With Earbuds]

Barbery, Muriel / Rosenblat, Barbara / Morris, Cassandra
The Elegance of the Hedgehog [With Earbuds]
Rene Michel is the 54-year-old concierge of a luxury Paris apartment building. Her exterior (short, ugly, and plump) and demeanor (poor, discreet, and insignificant) belie her keen, questing mind and profound erudition. Paloma Josse is a 12-year-old genius who behaves as everyone expects her to behave: a mediocre pre-teen high on adolescent subculture, a good but not outstanding student, an obedient if obstinate daughter. She plans to kill her...

CHF 51.60