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153 Ergebnisse - Zeige 141 von 153.

Non lasciarmi

Ishiguro, Kazuo / Novarese, P.
Non lasciarmi

Kathy, Tommy e Ruth vivono in un collegio, Hailsham, immerso nella campagna inglese. Non hanno genitori, ma non sono neppure orfani, e crescono insieme ai compagni, accuditi da un gruppo di tutori, che si occupano della loro educazione. Fin dalla più tenera età nasce fra i tre bambini una grande amicizia. La loro vita, voluta e programmata da un'autorità superiore nascosta, sarà accompagnata dalla musica dei sent...

CHF 21.50

Cuando fuimos huérfanos

Ishiguro, Kazuo / Zulaika Goicoechea, Jesús
Cuando fuimos huérfanos
Inglaterra, años treinta. Christopher Banks se ha conver-tido en el más célebre detective de Londres. Pero hay un enigma que es incapaz de resolver y del que él mismo es protagonista: cuando era niño y vivía en Shangai con su familia, sus padres desaparecieron misteriosamente. La ausencia de sus padres, de los que ni siquiera sabe con seguridad si están vivos o muertos, le atormenta. Y por eso decide enfrentarse al caso de su vida y viaja desd...

CHF 25.50

Il gigante sepolto

Ishiguro, Kazuo
Il gigante sepolto

Per il suo settimo romanzo Ishiguro torna ai temi a lui da sempre cari – la fallibilità e il ruolo della memoria, la dimensione onirica e quella nostalgica dell’esistenza, il dolore della vecchiaia e della perdita – ma lo fa qui scegliendo una forma inedita e quanto mai sorprendente. «Un’intensa indagine sulla memoria e sulla colpa, ma anche un racconto di straordinarie atmosfere, una storia di travolgen...

CHF 21.50

Never Let Me Go

Ishiguro, Kazuo
Never Let Me Go
In one of the most acclaimed and strange novels of recent years, Kazuo Ishiguro imagines the lives of a group of students growing up in a darkly skewered version of contemporary England. Narrated by Kathy, now 31, Never Let Me Go hauntingly dramatises her attempts to come to terms with her childhood at the seemingly idyllic Hailsham School, and with the fate that has always awaited her and her closest friends in the wider world. A story of lov...

CHF 14.50

A Pale View of Hills

Ishiguro, Kazuo
A Pale View of Hills
From the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature and author of the Booker Prize-winning novel The Remains of the Day, here is the story of Etsuko, a Japanese woman now living alone in England, dwelling on the recent suicide of her daughter. In a novel where past and present confuse, she relives scenes of Japan's devastation in the wake of World War II.

CHF 18.50

When We Were Orphans

Ishiguro, Kazuo
When We Were Orphans
From the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature and author of the Booker Prize-winning novel The Remains of the Day comes this stunning work of soaring imagination. Born in early-twentieth-century Shanghai, Banks was orphaned at the age of nine after the separate disappearances of his parents. Now, more than twenty years later, he is a celebrated figure in London society, yet the investigative expertise that has garnered him fame has done lit...

CHF 22.50

The Remains of the Day

Ishiguro, Kazuo / Bean, James / Puschmann-Nalenz, Barbara
The Remains of the Day
Ishiguros Roman beschreibt - aus Sicht des Butlers Mr. Stevens - die Geschehnisse auf dem englischen Landsitz Darlington Hall in der Zeit zwischen den Weltkriegen: Durch die politischen Ambitionen des Hausherren, der eine Annäherung an Nazi-Deutschland sucht und internationale Prominenz aus Adel und Politik um sich schart, erlebt Stevens Weltgeschichte quasi »von unten«. Der Roman erhielt 1990 den Booker Prize und wurde 1993 mit Anthony Hopkin...

CHF 12.90

Never Let Me Go

Ishiguro, Kazuo
Never Let Me Go
Narrated by Kathy, now 31, this book hauntingly dramatises her attempts to come to terms with her childhood at the seemingly idyllic Hailsham School, and with the fate that has always awaited her and her closest friends in the wider world. A story of love, friendship and memory, it is charged throughout with a sense of the fragility of life.

CHF 14.60