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856 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.

Classicos da George Orwell (6 book set) (Portugese)

Orwell, George
Classicos da George Orwell (6 book set) (Portugese)
George Orwell é um dos escritores mais influentes do século XX. Autor de romances, ensaios, críticas e artigos acadêmicos, com texto de fácil compreensão, inteligente e crítico, apontando injustiças sociais. Suas obras transmitem antitotalitarismo, tornando-as influentes não apenas na cultura popular, mas também na política. Conheça a essência de Orwell em 1984, no pior de Paris e Londres, dentro do baleia, e outros trabalhos. Por favor, um po...

CHF 58.90

Homenagem a Catalunha (Portugese)

Orwell, George
Homenagem a Catalunha (Portugese)
Aos 33 anos, o escritor britânico George Orwell embarcou à meia-noite de 25 de dezembro de 1936 em uma estação de trem de Paris com destino à Barcelona. Os vagões estavam cheios de voluntários europeus, que rumavam para lutar contra os fascistas na Guerra Civil Espanhola. Ao longo de seis meses, Orwell participou de treinamentos militares com adolescentes espanhóis, quase morreu de tédio nas trincheiras, atirou contra soldados franquistas, mon...

CHF 29.50

Politics and the English Language

Orwell, George
Politics and the English Language
George Orwell's article "Politics and the English Language" (1946) criticises the "ugly and incorrect" written English of his period and investigates the link between political orthodoxies and linguistic debasement. The article focuses on political language, which is "intended to make falsehoods sound true and murder acceptable, and to give the illusion of solidity to pure wind, " according to Orwell. Because the language was intended to obsc...

CHF 19.50

Animal Farm (Portuguese)

Orwell, George
Animal Farm (Portuguese)
A famosa sátira da Revolução Russa de George Orwell é tão parte da nossa sociedade atual que muitas vezes esquecemos quem escreveu as linhas originais. É o andar de como Mr. Jones' Manor Farm é transformado em Animal Farm, uma sociedade totalmente democrática fundada na crença de que todos os animais são criados iguais. Em uma evolução lenta que traz uma familiaridade inquietante, os porcos Napoleão, Garganta e Bola de Neve emergem como lídere...

CHF 19.90

Books vs Cigarettes

Orwell, George
Books vs Cigarettes
Between 1936 and 1952, a collection of essays was published in several periodicals. George Orwell's entertaining and uncompromising essays begin with a quandary about whether he should spend more money on reading or smoking, and go on to explore everything from the dangers of second-hand bookshops to the dubious profession of being a critic, from press freedom to what patriotism really means.

CHF 18.90

Notes on Nationalism

Orwell, George
Notes on Nationalism
Uncertainty about what is truly going on makes it simpler to hold to irrational views.' From the man who wrote more about his country than anybody, razor-sharp thoughts on patriotism, bigotry, and power. Penguin Modern is a collection of fifty new books that celebrate the legendary Penguin Modern Classics series' pioneering spirit, with each giving a concentrated dosage of the series' contemporary, worldwide flavour. From Kathy Acker to James ...

CHF 18.50

Animal Farm (Italian)

Orwell, George
Animal Farm (Italian)
La famosa satira della rivoluzione russa di George Orwell è una tale parte della nostra società attuale che spesso dimentichiamo chi ha scritto i versi originali. È il piano di come la fattoria del signor Jones' Manor Farm viene trasformata in Animal Farm, una società totalmente democratica fondata sulla convinzione che tutti gli animali sono creati uguali. In una lenta evoluzione che porta una inquietante familiarità, i maiali Napoleon, Squea...

CHF 21.50

A Collection of Essays

Orwell, George
A Collection of Essays
The collected nonfiction of George Orwell, written in the clear-eyed and uncompromising style that garnered him a devoted following. George Orwell, one of the most thought-provoking and vivid essayists of the twentieth century, used pen and paper to fight the injustices of his time. He covers everything from his youth schooling and the writing profession to his thoughts on the Spanish Civil War and British imperialism in this collection of art...

CHF 30.50

Animal Farm (Spanish)

Orwell, George
Animal Farm (Spanish)
La famosa sátira de la Revolución Rusa de George Orwell es una parte tan importante de nuestra sociedad actual que a menudo olvidamos quién escribió las líneas originales. Es la historia de cómo Mr. Jones' Manor Farm se transforma en Animal Farm, una sociedad totalmente democrática fundada en la creencia de que todos los animales son creados iguales. En una evolución lenta que conlleva una familiaridad inquietante, los cerdos Napoleón, Squeale...

CHF 19.90

A Clergyman's Daughter

Orwell, George
A Clergyman's Daughter
This satiric social fiction is both a gem and a disappointment after a half-century. Orwell's wit is priceless-and ruthless-as he describes rural Church of England parish life, the transitory culture of the hops harvest, a brothel's soiled linen, not to mention when his heroine hobnobs with the homeless of Trafalgar Square on a bitter winter's night or bullies bored students in a fourth-rate private school: "Last term the girls had behaved bad...

CHF 28.90

Dentro da Baleia e Outros Ensaios (Portugese)

Orwell, George
Dentro da Baleia e Outros Ensaios (Portugese)
Um dos ensaístas mais vibrantes e instigantes do século XX, George Orwell lutou contra as injustiças de seu tempo com singular vigor através da caneta e do papel. Nesta seleção de ensaios, ele vai desde reflexões sobre sua educação de menino e a profissão de escritor até suas opiniões sobre a Guerra Civil espanhola e o imperialismo britânico. As peças aqui reunidas incluem algumas relativamente desconhecidas e outras mais célebres. A pergunta...

CHF 28.90

Shooting an elephant

Orwell, George
Shooting an elephant
Shooting an Elephant' is George Orwell's harrowing and excruciatingly honest account of his time as a police officer in imperial Burma, where he was forced to kill a fugitive elephant in front of a crowd'solely to avoid looking a fool.' Classics like 'My Country Right or Left, ' 'How the Poor Die, ' and 'Such, Such were the Joys, ' his memoir of the horrors of public school, as well as discussions of Shakespeare, sleeping rough, boys' weeklies...

CHF 18.90

Burmese Days

Orwell, George
Burmese Days
George Orwell's first novel is an honest and evocative assessment of empire's debasing effect on both the occupied and the occupier. Burmese Days is about a group of Englishmen who meet at the European Club to drink whisky and talk about the profound and unacknowledged loneliness of life in 1920s Burma, where Orwell worked as an imperial policeman. One of the men, a lumber merchant named James Flory, has softened, realising the futility of Eng...

CHF 30.50

Um Pouco de Ar, Por Favor (Portugese)

Orwell, George
Um Pouco de Ar, Por Favor (Portugese)
UM POUCO DE AR, POR FAVOR! George Bowling, um homem de meia-idade insatisfeito com seu trabalho, em crise conjugal e aflito pela aproximação da Segunda Guerra Mundial, conta sua história. Bowling decide gastar uma quantia inesperada de dinheiro em uma viagem à cidade onde cresceu, com o objetivo de recapturar as memórias felizes de sua infância. No entanto, a realidade com a qual somos confrontados é muito mais difícil e deprimente do que se p...

CHF 30.50

Keep the Apsidistra Flying

Orwell, George
Keep the Apsidistra Flying
A novel by the author of 1984 about a man who is determined to reject middle-class standards but finds that living in heroic poverty is more difficult than he anticipated. Gordon Comstock despises middle-class materialism and shallowness-the worship of money, the pursuit of dull, stuffy respectability. He quits his lucrative job as an advertising copywriter to devote himself to poetry and other high-minded endeavours in order to live up to his...

CHF 28.90


Orwell, George
Winston Smith is a low-positioning member of the ruling Party in London, in the country of Oceania. Wherever Winston goes, even in his own home, the Party watches him through telescreens, wherever he looks he sees the substance of the Party's all-knowing pioneer, a figure referred to just as Big Brother. The Party controls everything in Oceania, even individuals' set of experiences and language. The Party introduces some set of new rules which...

CHF 33.90

Animal Farm

Orwell, George
Animal Farm
Old Major, a prize-winning boar, gathers the animals of the Manor Farm for a meeting in the big barn. He tells them of a dream he has had in which all animals live together with no human beings to oppress or control them. He tells the animals that they must work toward such a paradise and teaches them a song called "Beasts of England, " in which his dream vision is lyrically described. The animals greet Major's vision with great enthusiasm. Wh...

CHF 21.90

Animal Farm (Spanish)

Orwell, George
Animal Farm (Spanish)
La famosa sátira de la Revolución Rusa de George Orwell es una parte tan importante de nuestra sociedad actual que a menudo olvidamos quién escribió las líneas originales. Es la historia de cómo Mr. Jones' Manor Farm se transforma en Animal Farm, una sociedad totalmente democrática fundada en la creencia de que todos los animales son creados iguales. En una evolución lenta que conlleva una familiaridad inquietante, los cerdos Napoleón, Squeale...

CHF 34.90

Homage to Catalonia

Orwell, George
Homage to Catalonia
George Orwell travelled to Spain in 1936 to report on the civil war but instead joined the P.O.U.M. militia to fight the Fascists. He portrays both the harsh and hilarious aspects of trench warfare on the Aragon front, the Barcelona uprising in May 1937, his nearly fatal wounds two weeks later, and his escape from Barcelona into France after the P.O.U.M. was suppressed in this now justly famous account of his ordeal. Orwell's analysis of why t...

CHF 40.50

A Clergyman's Daughter

Orwell, George
A Clergyman's Daughter
This satiric social fiction is both a gem and a disappointment after a half-century. Orwell's wit is priceless-and ruthless-as he describes rural Church of England parish life, the transitory culture of the hops harvest, a brothel's soiled linen, not to mention when his heroine hobnobs with the homeless of Trafalgar Square on a bitter winter's night or bullies bored students in a fourth-rate private school: "Last term the girls had behaved bad...

CHF 42.90