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84 Ergebnisse - Zeige 61 von 80.

Three Daughters of Eve

Shafak, Elif
Three Daughters of Eve
Set across Istanbul and Oxford, from the 1980s to the present day, Three Daughters of Eve is a sweeping tale of faith and friendship, tradition and modernity, love and an unexpected betrayal. Peri, a wealthy Turkish housewife and mother, is on her way to a dinner party at a seaside mansion in Istanbul when a beggar snatches her handbag. As she wrestles to get it back, a photograph falls to the ground - an old polaroid of three young women and ...

CHF 18.50

The Forty Rules of Love

Shafak, Elif
The Forty Rules of Love
In this lyrical, exuberant follow-up to her novel, The Bastard of Istanbul, acclaimed Turkish author Elif Shafak unfolds two tantalizing parallel narratives-one contemporary and the other set in the thirteenth century, when Rumi encountered his spiritual mentor, the whirling dervish known as Shams of Tabriz-that together incarnate the poet's timeless message of love. Ella Rubenstein is forty years old and unhappily married when she takes a j...

CHF 25.90

Black Milk

Shafak, Elif
Black Milk
Elif Shafak is an award-winning British-Turkish novelist and the most widely read female author in Turkey. She writes in both Turkish and English, and has published seventeen books, eleven of which are novels. Her work has been translated into fifty languages. Shafak holds a PhD in political science and she has taught at various universities in Turkey, the US and the UK, including St Anne's College, Oxford University, where she is an honorary ...

CHF 18.50

Il palazzo delle pulci

Shafak, Elif / Manzana, S. / Martolini, L.
Il palazzo delle pulci
Un professore universitario che si divide tra la passione per le donne e quella per Kierkegaard, la misteriosa Amante Blu, la stramba Igiene Tijen con la figlioletta Su, la vecchia Madama Zietta: sono gli stravaganti inquilini di Palazzo Bonbon, un edificio signorile ormai fatiscente nel cuore di Istanbul. Costruito a metà degli anni Sessanta da un ricco emigrato russo per la moglie pazza, è diventato un condominio, infestato dagli insetti e a...

CHF 21.90

Spiegel der Stadt

Shafak, Elif / Caner, Beatrix
Spiegel der Stadt
Spiegel der Stadt ist ein Roman modernster Machart und die junge Schriftstellerin Elif Shafak versteht es ausgezeichnet, den heutigen Leser, trotz eines ernsthaften Themas, spannend zu unterhalten. Die Geschichte des historischen Romans führt über ganz Europa, beginnt im Spanien der Inquisition in der ersten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts und spannt sich über Italien bis zum Osmanischen Reich. Die jüdischstämmige Familie Pereira gerät dabei in d...

CHF 27.90

Black Milk: On the Conflicting Demands of Writing, Creati...

Shafak, Elif
Black Milk: On the Conflicting Demands of Writing, Creativity, and Motherhood
After the birth of her first child in 2006, Turkish writer Shafek suffered from postpartum depression that triggered a profound personal crisis. In this elegantly written memoir, she retraces her journey from free-spirited, nomadic artist to dedicated but emotionally wrought mother.

CHF 25.90

Zwarte melk

Shafak, Elif / Hooft, Irene 't / Breunese, Sytske
Zwarte melk
Elif Shafak schrijft over de vele stemmen die in haar innerlijk klonken voor en na haar zwangerschap. Ze geeft de lezer een indringend beeld van haar depressie en de emoties waar ze doorheen ging na de geboorte van haar dochter. Shafak weet haar persoonlijke angsten, dromen en twijfels zo te verwoorden dat ze voor iedereen herkenbaar zijn. Elif Shafak (1971) schrijft voor diverse Turkse kranten, The Guardian en publiceerde ook regelmatig in N...

CHF 28.90

Drie dochters van Eva

Shafak, Elif / Arns, Frouke / Smits, Manon
Drie dochters van Eva
Het Turkse meisje Peri groeit op tussen twee vuren: haar vader is progressief, haar moeder probeert het gezin steeds strengere islamitische regels op te leggen. Zo gauw ze kan, vlucht Peri dan ook, aangespoord door haar vader, naar het verre Oxford. Maar ook de vriendinnen die ze daar leert kennen worstelen met hun geloof. En dan valt Peri ook nog als een blok voor een charismatische maar controversiële hoogleraar. Hij leert haar voor zichzelf...

CHF 28.90

De stad aan de rand van de hemel

Shafak, Elif / Arns, Frouke / Smits, Manon
De stad aan de rand van de hemel
De Indiase Jahan is op jonge leeftijd aanwezig bij de geboorte van het witte olifantje Chota, waardoor tussen hen een bijzondere band ontstaat. Wanneer Chota aan de sultan wordt gegeven als cadeau, gaat Jahan met hem mee naar Istanbul om voor het dier te zorgen. Hier valt Jahan al snel op door zijn intelligentie en wordt hij ingezet als leerknecht van de architect van de sultan. Dit behoedt hem echter niet voor de grillen van de sultan, die he...

CHF 36.90

La bastarda di Istanbul

Shafak, Elif / Prandino, L.
La bastarda di Istanbul

Istanbul non è una città, è una grande nave. Una nave dalla rotta incerta su cui da secoli si alternano passeggeri di ogni provenienza, colore, religione. Lo scopre Armanoush, giovane americana in cerca nelle proprie radici armene in Turchia. E lo sa bene chi a Istanbul ci vive, come Asya, diciannove anni, una grande e colorata famiglia di donne alle spalle, e un vuoto al posto del padre. Quando Asya e Armanoush si cono...

CHF 21.00

The Flea Palace

Shafak, Elif
The Flea Palace
Elif Shafak is an award-winning British-Turkish novelist and the most widely read female author in Turkey. She writes in both Turkish and English, and has published seventeen books, eleven of which are novels. Her work has been translated into fifty languages. Shafak holds a PhD in political science and she has taught at various universities in Turkey, the US and the UK, including St Anne's College, Oxford University, where she is an honorary ...

CHF 19.50

La casa dei quattro venti

Shafak, Elif / Manzana, S.
La casa dei quattro venti
Dicono che i gemelli siano inseparabili, due corpi per un'anima sola. Pembe e Jamila sono nate a tre minuti di distanza, nel piccolo villaggio curdo della Casa dei quattro venti. Jamila ha occhi verdi come l'edera, sogna di girare il mondo come i marinai e di svegliarsi ogni giorno in un porto diverso. Pembe è seria, posata, la sua risata è il rumore di due bicchieri che si toccano e le sue mani conoscono i segreti della vita e della morte. Da...

CHF 19.50

La città ai confini del cielo

Shafak, Elif / Masini, B.
La città ai confini del cielo
Nella Istanbul del XVI secolo, in un caleidoscopio di personaggi storici e immaginari, Jahan è un mahout bugiardo e opportunista, un ragazzino scaltro di origini oscure. Arrivato via nave nella città delle sette colline per accompagnare Chota, l'elefante bianco che lo Scià dell'Hindustan ha mandato in dono al Sultano Suleiman, la sua vita dovrebbe restare confinata nel serraglio, fra tigri, leoni, gazzelle e giraffe. Jahan dovrebbe rimanere pe...

CHF 21.90

The Bastard of Istanbul

Shafak, Elif
The Bastard of Istanbul
A "vivid and entertaining" (Chicago Tribune) tale about the tangled history of two families, from the author of The Forty Rules of Love and The Architect's Apprentice"Zesty, imaginative . . . a Turkish version of Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club." --USA Today As an Armenian American living in San Francisco, Armanoush feels like part of her identity is missing and that she must make a journey back to the past, to Turkey, in order to start living her...

CHF 27.50

La bastarda de Estambul

Shafak, Elif / Tapia Sánchez, Elisa Sonia
La bastarda de Estambul
Encuadernación: Cartoné con sobrecubierta Colección: NarrativaUna novela que cabalga entre lo doméstico y lo histórico y que evoca los colores, los aromas y la magia de las calles de Estambul.De la mano de una de las autoras turcas más aclamadas internacionalmente llega esta novela sobre la historia de dos familias. Para Armanoush, recién llegada de Arizona en busca de sus raíces, Estambul es como un gran barco de ruta incierta. Acogida por la...

CHF 43.50