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12 Ergebnisse.

Motherhood in the Context of Human Trafficking and Sexual...

Pascoal, Rafaela
Motherhood in the Context of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation
This book discusses motherhood of Nigerian and Romanian women in Italy and Romania, who are human trafficking victims for sexual purposes. It provides a broad gender approach to emerge on the phenomenon of human trafficking with an analytic perspective of all the social, cultural, legal and economic components that play an important role during all phases of motherhood. The book compares the motherhood of these two nationalities within a conte...

CHF 157.00

Sistemas de Realidade Aumentada Pervasiva Móvel - MPARS

Pascoal, Rui Miguel
Sistemas de Realidade Aumentada Pervasiva Móvel - MPARS
Depois de apresentar aspetos relacionados com os sistemas de realidade aumentada móvel, este livro investiga a evolução desses sistemas com a tecnologia pervasiva. O trabalho também debate a aceitação desta tecnologia no contexto de aplicações em ambientes exteriores. É discutida a necessidade de desenvolver mecanismos de informação cientes do contexto, em tempo real, que levem em consideração uma medição contínua da Qualidade da Experiência d...

CHF 71.00

Motherhood in the Context of Human Trafficking and Sexual...

Pascoal, Rafaela
Motherhood in the Context of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation
This book discusses motherhood of Nigerian and Romanian women in Italy and Romania, who are human trafficking victims for sexual purposes. It provides a broad gender approach to emerge on the phenomenon of human trafficking with an analytic perspective of all the social, cultural, legal and economic components that play an important role during all phases of motherhood. The book compares the motherhood of these two nationalities within a conte...

CHF 157.00

Passaporte para Portugues 1

Pascoal, Jose / Kuzka, Robert
Passaporte para Portugues 1
Passaporte para Portugues 1 to podstawowy kurs jezyka portugalskiego, przeznaczony do okolo 180 godzin nauki.Nauczy Cie komunikowac sie szybko, skutecznie, z pewnoscia siebie i kompetencja dla poczatkujacych, a takze dla tych, ktorzy ucza sie portugalskiego, aby poradzic sobie z komunikacja w elastyczny sposob. Zawiera okolo 1400 slow i podstawowych wyrazen, dzieki czemu uczen moze komunikowac sie autonomicznie. Zawiera praktyczne i odpowiedni...

CHF 89.00

Feliz Angola Livro De Receitas

Pascoal, Patricia
Feliz Angola Livro De Receitas
Feliz Angola contains fresh Angolan food recipes which is not spoken or written anywhere else. most of you may know the best cooks on earth are our mothers, Ms Pascoal yearns to unveil these fresh and fantastic recipes in her new book. These recipes, our innovative style of cooking. It's Ms Pascoal heart's desire to show these recipes with you and in hope it will be appreciated by you. The intention is to take you into this new Feliz Angola jo...

CHF 40.90

Feliz Angola

Pascoal, Patricia
Feliz Angola
Feliz Angola contains fresh Angolan food recipes which is not spoken or written anywhere else. most of you may know the best cooks on earth are our mothers, Ms Pascoal yearns to unveil these fresh and fantastic recipes in her new book. These recipes, our innovative style of cooking. It's Ms Pascoal heart's desire to show these recipes with you and in hope it will be appreciated by you. The intention is to take you into this new Feliz Angola jo...

CHF 40.50

Angolana Culinária Angolana

Pascoal, Patricia
Angolana Culinária Angolana
Angola é um país localizado na costa atlântica ocidental do sul da África entre a Namíbia e a República do Congo. Patricia Pascoal reuniu um incrível livro com receitas favoritas de Angola, embalado cheio de receitas tradicionais e suntuosas. Este livro foi criado para introduzir a comida angolana em um novo e emocionante livro de receitas. O objetivo é representar os angolanos, o quão belas e amorosas pessoas somos e quão criativas somos na n...

CHF 36.90

Angolan African Recipe Cuisine

Pascoal, Patricia
Angolan African Recipe Cuisine
Angola is a country located on the western Atlantic coast of southern Africa between Namibia and the Republic of the Congo. Patricia Pascoal has put together an amazing book featuring favourite recipes from Angola, Packed full of sumptuous and hearty traditional recipes. This book was created to introduce Angolan food in an exciting new recipe book. The aim is to represent Angolans, how beautiful and loving people we are and how creative we ar...

CHF 38.50