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2079 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

International Law Reports: Volume 198

Greenwood, Christopher / Lee, Karen
International Law Reports: Volume 198
Decisions of international courts and arbitrators, as well as judgments of national courts, are fundamental elements of modern public international law. The International Law Reports is the only publication in the world wholly devoted to the regular and systematic reporting in English of such decisions. It is therefore an absolutely essential work of reference. Volume 198 is devoted to the 2008 and 2015 International Court of Justice judgments...

CHF 269.00

The Valuation Treadmill

Park, James J.
The Valuation Treadmill
How Securities Fraud Threatens the Integrity of Public Companies. Law, Corporate law, commercial law, company law, American government, politics, policy

CHF 39.90

The Valuation Treadmill

Park, James J.
The Valuation Treadmill
How Securities Fraud Threatens the Integrity of Public Companies. Law, Corporate law, commercial law, company law, American government, politics, policy

CHF 115.00

Human Development and the Path to Freedom

Prados de la Escosura, Leandro
Human Development and the Path to Freedom
How has human development evolved during the last 150 years of globalization and economic growth? How has human development been distributed across countries? How do developing countries compare to developed countries? Do social systems matter for wellbeing? Are there differences in the performance of developing regions over time? Employing a capabilities approach, Human Development and the Path to Freedom addresses these key questions in the ...

CHF 39.90

Human Development and the Path to Freedom

Prados de la Escosura, Leandro
Human Development and the Path to Freedom
How has human development evolved during the last 150 years of globalization and economic growth? How has human development been distributed across countries? How do developing countries compare to developed countries? Do social systems matter for wellbeing? Are there differences in the performance of developing regions over time? Employing a capabilities approach, Human Development and the Path to Freedom addresses these key questions in the ...

CHF 115.00

Network Responsibility

Condon, Rónán
Network Responsibility
The contemporary landscape of transnational political economy is dominated by networks. Public and private networks, and networks that combine public and private actors, cross borders, exert regulatory power and their activities often harm third parties. However, tort law as a traditional source of remediation for third party harms appears impotent when faced with the problem of regulating the 'society of networks'. This book, using a systems ...

CHF 139.00

Loosening the Grip 12th Edition, Faculty Reference Workbook

Kinney, Jean
Loosening the Grip 12th Edition, Faculty Reference Workbook
FACULTY REFERENCE WORKBOOK! "Loosening the Grip" has long been an authoritative source of information for those working in the substance abuse field. This "Reference Work" is a tool-box for faculty now training clinicians. This Reference Work for Educators provides essential materials to prepare faculty for their classroom efforts . . . It includes "A Manual for Instructors", Chapter Summaries, Quiz materials . . .ready for use with students, ...

Rituales de Magia Negra

Ka, Asamod
Rituales de Magia Negra
Un compendio de más de 100 hechizos pesados de varios sistemas de magia negra (Candomblé, Quimbanda, Santería, Palo Mayombe, Satanismo, Vudú) y más. Además de los hechizos, el libro tiene instrucciones completas de cómo proceder paso a paso, precauciones de defensa (amuletos, baños de limpieza, invocación del Exú personal, repeler enemigos, rezos), tiene varias fotos que ejemplifican tipos y formatos de velas. Fotos paso a paso de cómo crear m...

CHF 27.50

Keeping Chris

Dickinson, Shannon
Keeping Chris
Cancer. Marriage. Divorce. In this gripping love story, Lilly and Chris Rylan are forced to make a choice. Lilly is caught between two worlds, but he wants her to stay forever. For better or worse, she must make a choice fast--before it's too late.

CHF 25.50

&#2351,&#2370, &#2319,&#2306,&#2337, &#2350,&#2368,...&#2...

Mukherjee, Mallika / Macwan, Ashwin
&#2351,&#2370, &#2319,&#2306,&#2337, &#2350,&#2368,...&#2311,&#2344, &#2342, &#2357,&#2376,&#2354,&#2368, &#2321,&#2347, &#2350,&#2376,&#2350,&#2352,&
About the Book: हिन्दी चैट उपन्यास "यू एंड मी... द अल्टिमेट ड्रीम ऑफ लव" की भव्य सफलता के बाद इस उपन्यास की अगली कड़ी आपके सामने हाज़िर है लेखक द्वय मल्लिका मुखर्जी एवं अश्विन मैकवान के निजी जीवन की सत्य घटनाओं पर आधारित यह उपन्यास प्रेम के शाश्वत रूप को न सिर्फ़ गहराई से स्थापित करता है बल्कि सूक्ष्म मानवीय संवेदनाओं का प्रतिनिधित्व भी करता है। इकतालीस साल के लंबे अंतराल के बाद दोनों सोशल मीडिया पर मिलते हैं। दोनों के बीच13500 कि. मी. का फ़ासला है, लेकिन वे एक दूसरे ...

CHF 25.50

Corazones salvando la Tierra

Martín, Carmen
Corazones salvando la Tierra
Cinco jóvenes de Barcelona deciden viajar a la isla de Ibiza con la intención de vivir una aventura de supervivencia en plena naturaleza. A medida que pasan los días, descubren con ilusión los secretos de la vida natural y se produce en ellos un despertar de sus conciencias, a raíz del cual se dejan llevar por su amor por la naturaleza y se ven inmersos en cuerpo y alma en la odisea de salvar a nuestro planeta de su declive medioambiental. En ...

CHF 33.90