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2866 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Lejos. Historias de Gente Que Se Va

Roncagliolo, Santiago (Perú)
Lejos. Historias de Gente Que Se Va

Hombres y mujeres en tránsito, llegados a un país o una ciudad nueva, viajeros atrapados en un crucero teóricamente paradisiaco que se convierte en pesadilla, parejas que cuanto más hablan menos se comunican, padres primerizos de un bebé llorón, mujeres que celebran un cumpleaños en el que no hay mucho que celebrar... toda una galería de personajes llenos de verdad y con vidas a la der...

CHF 31.00

Atlas de Lugares Extraordinarios Para Pequeños Curiosos

Torrijos León, Pedro / Laufer
Atlas de Lugares Extraordinarios Para Pequeños Curiosos

Conviértete en un explorador y descubre los seis continentes a través de sus lugares más curiosos, contados a los más jóvenes de la casa por el autor bestseller Pedro Torrijos. Un atlas a todo color, repleto de fabulosas historias e indispensable en las estanterías de todas las familias.

Cuentan que en la Antártida hay un edificio en forma de oruga que surca la nieve ...

CHF 32.00

Amor contadino

Carlo, Goldoni
Amor contadino
Vasta campagna arativa, sparsa di vari fasci di grano mietuto. In lontano colline deliziose, ingombrate d'alberi e vigneti, con caduta d'acque, che formano un vago rivo, sopra il quale si vedono degli alberghi villerecci.

CHF 14.50

A Pointed End

McKenna, Kit
A Pointed End
Caitlynn Foster is trapped in a cliche. She's stuck in a loveless marriage with a philandering husband and unable to leave because of a prenuptial agreement. After two and a half decades, there's no need to maintain the facade for her children any longer so it's time for change. Homicide Detective Ford Pickering was just having fun admiring a beautiful woman from afar. Little did he know that fate was about to throw them into each other's pat...

CHF 25.50

Story about Lara

Nada Kljaji¿
Story about Lara
This manuscript of the novel that came into my hands under the title ¿Story about Lara", could surely be named ¿Story about people, " or ¿About love and people", or ¿When you are born like a dog" and I deeply believe that every title of these could fit well because every one of them draws one dimension of observation and significant content in this novel.For a long time, we do not have similar novels on the shelves of public and home libraries...

CHF 14.90

The Doomsday Drifter

Dasilva, Mark
The Doomsday Drifter
Millions are dead after terrorists succeed in gas attacks on major cities across the globe. Rushing home to be with his family, businessman Ted Ratelle suddenly finds himself stranded, lost, and alone in the Mojave Desert. Society has broken down quicker than he could imagine and Ted must then endure starvation, thirst, and lawlessness as he struggles to survive each day. Finding his family is priority. To do so, he'll need to use his wits, in...

CHF 37.90

Pride and Prejudice

Austen, Jane
Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice may today be one of Jane Austen¿s most enduring novels, having been widely adapted to stage, screen, and other media since its publication in 1813. The novel tells the tale of five unmarried sisters and how their lives change when a wealthy eligible bachelor moves in to their neighborhood.

CHF 34.50


Colleene, Carolina
About The Author - Though born in Utah, Carolina has never lived in one place longer than four years. This nomadic lifestyle has taken her to Texas, for now, working as a 9-1-1 dispatcher. While Carolina was originally an English major in college, she quickly switched to study Experience Design (with an Art History minor!) at Brigham Young University - a major (and minor!) that she does not use. Ironically, her scheduled life of balancing wor...

CHF 40.90

Space Cowboy

Stanchfield, Justin
Space Cowboy
Something deadly has awakened on the remote planet Aletha III, a nightmare creature that shouldn't exist, and no one except teenage cowboy Travis McClure believes it is real. Bored with his life on the terraforming project, herding cattle and doing homework, Travis longs for adventure but gets more than he bargains for when he is attacked by the creature. Now it's kill or be killed as Travis is forced to defend himself and the other terrafor...

CHF 38.90

Arms and the Man

Shaw, George Bernard
Arms and the Man
In the middle of the 1885 Serbo-Bulgarian war, an enemy soldier escapes a cavalry charge by climbing up a drainpipe into Raina Petkoff¿s room. Raina is the daughter of one Major and engaged to another, but she chooses to save the soldier¿s life by concealing him. Arms and the Man, named after the opening lines of Virgil¿s The Aeneid, is a play that humorously deals with the hypocrisy of humanity and the stupidity of war. It was among George Be...

CHF 18.50

Schönes Postkarten Set "Sei wie der Mond"

Kramer, Johanna
Schönes Postkarten Set "Sei wie der Mond"
Das Postkarten-Set "Sei wie der Mond" beinhaltet 16 verschiedene Mond Postkarten mit verschiedenen, liebevoll gestalteten Mond Illustrationen und inspirierenden Botschaften, Sprüchen und Zitaten. Inklusive einer schönen, hochwertigen und nachhaltigen Geschenkverpackung aus Naturkarton, gedruckt mit veganen, tierversuchsfreien Farben. Postkarten sind ein Überbringer von Inspiration, Freude und Liebe. Vollende deine Geschenke mit einer persönlic...

CHF 22.50

Phill Niblock. Nothing but working A Retrospective

Phill Niblock. Nothing but working A Retrospective
One of the great experimental composers of our time, Phill Niblock has during his sixty-year career produced minimalist music, structural cinema, dance performance, improvised theater, systematic art, and ethnographic photography. Since 1985, Niblock has served as director of Experimental Intermedia, a foundation for avant-garde music based in New York, and curator of the foundation's record label XI. This catalogue is devoted to Niblock's wi...

CHF 40.90

Vidas en cautiverio

Tahuer, Phillips
Vidas en cautiverio
El secuestro (privación ilegítima de la libertad) es uno de los delitos más atroces contra las personas. Los motivos son muy variados: • Recibir un rescate • Ajuste de cuentas, venganza. • Actos rituales, incluidas las sectas totalitarias. • Resolver problemas personales o políticos. • Secuestro de niños para venderlos a familias sin hijos. • Utilizar seres humanos como donantes de sangre o de órganos internos • Negocio de la pornografía, pros...

CHF 19.50

I misteri del processo Monti e Tognetti

Sanvittore, Gaetano
I misteri del processo Monti e Tognetti
V'ha in Roma una classe di preti diseredati, che non hanno alcuna parte nell'orgia dei lauti piatti e delle grasse prebende. Questi sciagurati vengono chiamati comunemente preti di vettura. Per essi il maggior provento di lucro è quello che traggono dai mortori, e perciò a somiglianza dei corvi costoro fiutano l'odore dei morti, e calano a stormo sul fresco cadavere di un estinto. La loro opera, tanto per l'associazione, come per la messa, v...

CHF 26.50

Della Punizione Degli Eretici E Del Tribunale Della S Inq...

Pani, Tommaso Vincenzo
Della Punizione Degli Eretici E Del Tribunale Della S Inquisizione Lettere Apologetiche Vol I
Dalle bizzarre espressioni, motti pungenti ed ironiche maniere, che voi parlando del tribunale del S. Officio avete usate nell'ultime vostre lettere, parmi di dovere arguire che sia in voi scemata di molto quella venerazione, che l'educazione, le leggi e la vostr'indole istessa portata alla giustizia e pietà avevano profondamente impressa nel vostro cuore verso quel sagro tribunale, che ne' paesi d'Italia ed anche altrove veglia con tanto zelo...

CHF 26.50


Valera, Paolo
Le belle, deliziose serate che passammo! Io entrava nel vostro salotto solferino-pallido, le guancie imporporate di timidezza, il cuore commosso, sfiorando i ricchi tappeti per sorprendervi il pensiero che mi chiamava alla sfuriata dei baci. Voi, spruzzata da un bagliore crepuscolare, inchinata sulla tastiera, le pupille lampeggianti nella dolcezza lattea, sprigionavate un sospiro che era tutta una promessa e, colle bianche manuccie che affolt...

CHF 26.50

Gli ultimi Filibustieri

Salgari, Emilio
Gli ultimi Filibustieri
Co... co... co... Che cosa vuol dire, per tutti i tuoni e le tempeste del mare di Biscaglia? Co... co... So che dei pappagalli si chiamano Cocò, ma io credo che chi mi ha scritto questa lettera non sia uno di quei volatili variopinti!... ¿Sarà meglio che chiami mia moglie. Chissà che non riesca a decifrare questi scarabocchi. ¿Panchita!...¿ Una robusta donna sui trentaquattro trentacinque anni, bruna, cogli occhi tagliati a mandorla come le...

CHF 27.90