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Following Moses: The Story of Joshua

Sperling, Karima

Following Moses: The Story of Joshua

This is the story of the Muslim prophet Yusha' ibn Nun (as), known in English as Joshua, who was both the servant and the inheritor of Moses (as). It is the story of heroic deeds and spiritual triumphs, but also of humbleness and submission to God. Content to remain in the shadow of his master, Yusha's (as) own story remains partially hidden. To help uncover it, a comparison is made to 'Ali ibn Abi Talib (kw) the companion of the Prophet Muhammad (sas). Warriors, scholars, and spiritual champions, they teach us something about the path of service whose destination is the holy land.

CHF 34.50


ISBN 9798218024826
Sprache eng
Cover Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verlag Eigomanga
Jahr 20220719


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