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Reading, Kappiya

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Mr. Thandamil Periyar, Shantaseela, Mr. V. Ka. Some of them have been compiled for their high-spirited and unique ideas. Let us not forget that all the platforms, all the parties and all the religious groups of the Tamil country were enlightened by his eloquence. We also know that Tamils ¿¿and Tamils ¿¿have been soaked in his ideas and led to renaissance. Each of Attaku Periyar's text. After the event - should be compiled and received in print. Therefore, in Tamil Nadu, in this country where the benefit is immeasurable and not measured, his golden speeches have not been preserved completely. Of the many that are perceptible to the ear, only a few can take shape perceptible to the eye. Therefore, it is the responsibility of Tamils ¿¿to accept and benefit from them.

CHF 13.50


ISBN 9798887721644
Sprache tam
Cover Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verlag Harpercollins 360
Jahr 20220719


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