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5 Ergebnisse.

Way of Silent Love

A Carthusian
Way of Silent Love
A carthusian novice master reminds his charges, and his readers, that the call to live wholly and radically in Christ is the vocation of al Christians and all humanity. 'The Christian is not a separate species of human being, but what each person is called to be. And the monk is not a separate species of Christian. He tries to be what each Christian ought to be. Conformity to Christ in faith, hope, and love: this is holiness, and each person i...

CHF 34.90

Freedom of Obedience, Volume 172

A Carthusian
Freedom of Obedience, Volume 172
The spiritual centre of the human person, the self', writes the author, 'maintains its fundamental identity for the whole of life on earth and is destined for participation in the eternal life of God... The person is not a succession of separate points at the mercy of the conditions of the moment. God has given us a share in his power as creator, and to create ourselves through our liberty, to go beyond ourselves towards absolute values'. Thes...

CHF 38.90

From Advent to Pentecost

A Carthusian
From Advent to Pentecost
The author writes with warmth, with learning, with passion and with humor. The reader can enter into something of the accumulated wisdom of an Order whose members 'have carried out the same little series of exercises since the eleventh century'. Each season has its special appeal for Carthusians - as the Conferences on Mary and on John the Baptist in the Advent and Christmas seasons show. The great Sunday Gospels of Lent - the Transfiguration,...

CHF 47.90

Poor Therefore Rich

A Carthusian
Poor Therefore Rich
Followers of the way of Jesus Christ through two millennia have engaged in the joyful yet life 'costing struggle of responding to the challenge of being transformed into his likeness. This further volume of Carthusian Novice Conferences offers the father 'master's words of instruction on poverty to the men who have been drawn to the Carthusian form of the Christian way.As with all of us, 'poverty' operates on many levels, and one of the most r...

CHF 45.50

Interior Prayer

A. Carthusian / Carthusian, A.
Interior Prayer
Prayer is a journey, sometimes a combat. There are trials, purifications, passages. It is at once the most simple and the most profound of human activities. May these pages help someone to discover its hidden joy." For members of the Carthusian order, prayer is not just something that is done at certain times of day: It is in fact the vital respiration of their faith. This third volume of novice conferences gives us access once again to the Ca...

CHF 38.90