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sbz 714 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Die Dinge daheim

Simon, Christoph
Die Dinge daheim
Christoph Simons Band kleiner Formen beschäftigt sich mit dem as-if der Objekte. Was wäre, wenn wir das Haus verliessen, heimlich, still und unsichtbar zurückkehrten und dann dem Treiben der wie belebten Dinge daheim beiwohnten, sie beobachteten, ihnen zuhörten? Wir bekämen es mit naheliegenden Anthropomorphismen bzw. Prosopopöien zu tun. Oder gar - wie menschlich - mit Gegenständen in völlig verqueren Situationen oder mit überzogenen Vorstell...

CHF 18.50

Ich zieh an, was mich glücklich macht, und du?

Cabrera Álvarez, Carolina
Ich zieh an, was mich glücklich macht, und du?

Mario zieht gerne glitzernde Kleidung an und trägt langes Haar wie sein Lieblingsfussballspieler, aber viele Kinder betrachten das nicht als gut und wollen deshalb nicht mit ihm spielen.

Ich habe diese Geschichte auf der Grundlage einer realen Tatsache geschrieben, damit Kinder lernen, andere zu respektieren und sich in den Kleidern, die sie tragen, wohl zu fühlen und glücklich zu sein. Damit Männer und Frauen gl...

CHF 15.00

Mayo Clinic Principles of Shoulder Surgery

Sanchez-Sotelo, Joaquin
Mayo Clinic Principles of Shoulder Surgery
Highly illustrated with detailed figures and tables throughout and a key point summary boxes at the end of every chapter to improve comprehension~Includes over 40 videos of the most common procedures performed by an orthopedic surgeon~Each chapter includes a color coded tab to facilitate easy navigation at-a-glance~Organized into concise chapters for quick review

CHF 139.80

John Aubrey: Brief Lives with An Apparatus for the Lives ...

Bennett, Kate
John Aubrey: Brief Lives with An Apparatus for the Lives of our English Mathematical Writers
The first scholarly edition of Aubrey's Brief Lives since 1898, now available in paperback ~Offers a complete transcription of the text ~Annotations based on a vast amount of new manuscript evidence ~Includes a detailed introduction ~Winner of the British Academy Rose Mary Crawshay Prize, 2017

CHF 74.00

On God and the World

On God and the World
Three sections of this classic work of medieval Islamic learning~These epistles explore the hierarchy of existence, the proper attitudes towards body and soul, and the arrangement of the world on numerical principles~Original texts and new English translations~Full contextual and expository introduction, explanatory notes and appendices ~

CHF 81.00

On Composition and the Arts

On Composition and the Arts

A key section from the first part of this classic work of medieval Islamic learning~These epistles explore mathematics, science, and their applications in the world ~Provides students and non-specialists with access to an Islamic philosophical treatise~Introductions to the texts summarize the contents and explain the historical context ~Notes to technical concepts and obscure passages elucidate the text~Appendices offer glossary of technica...

CHF 116.00


Caruso, Gregg; Flanagan, Owen
Differentiates Neuroexistentialism from the first and second waves of neuroexistentialism.~Reports for the first time on new empirical work on humility, anxiety, and free will belief.~Reports on new findings with regard to the use of neuroscience in appellate decisions in criminal cases.

CHF 36.20


Caruso, Gregg; Flanagan, Owen
Differentiates Neuroexistentialism from the first and second waves of neuroexistentialism.~Reports for the first time on new empirical work on humility, anxiety, and free will belief.~Reports on new findings with regard to the use of neuroscience in appellate decisions in criminal cases.

CHF 93.60


C. Gillespie, Caitlin
Unique as a comparative literary biography of Boudica~Fully illustrated with a variety of photographs and maps

CHF 71.20

The Logic of American Nuclear Strategy

Kroenig, Matthew
The Logic of American Nuclear Strategy
Advances a new theory of nuclear deterrence: the superiority-brinkmanship synthesis theory~Provides the first coherent theoretical explanation for why nuclear (or strategic) superiority matters~Conducts a systematic empirical examination of the effects of the nuclear balance of power on international politics, analyzing new data from 1945 to the present~Offers concrete guidance to policymakers about how to design the ideal nuclear posture

CHF 32.00

Land Law

Bevan, Chris
Land Law
The author's clear, engaging writing style speaks directly to students and anticipates their questions, enabling the book to present a sophisticated analysis of the law that does not overwhelm or confuse readers~90 carefully-constructed diagrams and flowcharts set out the material in intuitive visual formats, providing bird's eye views of topics and concepts and thereby aiding understanding~Key cases for each topic are succinctly summarized in...

CHF 50.20

Tomorrow's Table

Ronald, Pamela C.; Adamchak, Raoul W.
Tomorrow's Table
Makes a compelling argument in favor of a balance between genetic engineering and organic farming, by presenting both sides of the equation to the reader~The author team has decades of experience, in both the academic and professional sectors

CHF 19.40

Cicero, Agrarian Speeches

Manuwald, Gesine
Cicero, Agrarian Speeches
Offers the first comprehensive commentary on the corpus, paving the way for increased critical engagement ~Contains a new English translation, making the text accessible to readers of all levels of familiarity with ancient languages ~Engages with a broad array of textual, linguistic, legal, and historical issues in the detailed commentary and incisive introduction

CHF 158.00

Propertius, Greek Myth, and Virgil

Heslin, Peter
Propertius, Greek Myth, and Virgil
Offers a bold new interpretation of Greek myth in the poetry of Propertius~Provides a revealing new perspective on Virgil's career through the eyes of one of his contemporaries~Formulates a revised model of interaction and poetic engagement within the circle of Maecenas~Elaborates a new relative dating of the works of Virgil and Propertius

CHF 95.00

Computational Chemistry

Harvey, Jeremy
Computational Chemistry
Focused introductions designed to give students an in-depth understanding of a diverse range of important topics in modern chemistry~Frequent diagrams and margin notes support students in their learning~Questions at the end of every chapter and interactive online questions encourage active learning and promote deep understanding~The diverse applications of computational chemistry are demonstrated through frequent worked examples

CHF 32.00

The Long Road to Sustainability

Gillespie, Alexander
The Long Road to Sustainability
Gives a detailed evaluation of the last one hundred years of environmental law, as well as discussing the medieval period and the build up to the twentieth century~Debates how humanity could achieve the goal of sustainable development~Offers close analysis of factors such as population growth, habitat and species loss, unsustainable fishing, and alternative energy sources

CHF 102.00


Cantat, Isabelle; Cohen-Addad, Sylvie; Elias, Florence; Graner, Francois; Hohler, Reinhard; Pitois, Olivier; Rouyer, Florence; Saint-Jalmes, Arnaud
Presents both the physical and physico-chemical properties of foams ~Covers all major foam properties: structure, drainage, coarsening, rheology, and all major techniques ~Pedagogical approach highlighting basic principles and orders of magnitude. More detailed information is displayed in boxes within the text. ~Experiments for the reader to perform at home using household materials ~Exercises to further illustrate the materi...

CHF 46.00