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4 Ergebnisse.

Sea Creatures 'n Mermaids Coloring Book for Adults

ACB l Adult Coloring Books
Sea Creatures 'n Mermaids Coloring Book for Adults
For those interested in creatures of the ocean, this adult coloring book comes packed with 40 illustrations, split between cute mermaid pictures in various scenes and an assortment of marine life, including: sea turtle, snail, shark, whale, dolphin, fish, octopus, seahorse and more. For those wanting just marine animals, check out our title Marine Life, which contains the animal illustrations from this book (not the pictures of mermaids) along...

CHF 13.50

Criaturas do Mar e Sereias

ACB l Adult Coloring Books
Criaturas do Mar e Sereias
Para quem tem interesse nas criaturas do oceano, este livro de colorir para adultos vem recheado de 40 ilustrações, divididas entre imagens fofas de sereias em várias cenas e uma variedade de vida marinha, incluindo: tartaruga marinha, caramujos, tubarão, baleia, golfinho, peixe, polvo, cavalo-marinho e muito mais.

CHF 17.90

Profound Profanity

ACB l ACB Coloring Books
Profound Profanity
50 Swear Words in both American and British English You Can Colour to Relieve Stress Profound Profanity features a sampling of illustrations from volumes 1 and 2 of the Swearing Silently Series, offering a mix of curse words from across the English language. Some witty, some straightforward, some creative, some utterly profound (in a sweary kind of sense, that is!) When you need to unwind after a long day at work, let the crude colorist in you...

CHF 15.50

Creatures Marines et Sirenes

ACB l Adult Coloring Books
Creatures Marines et Sirenes
Pour tous ceux qui sont intéressés par les créatures de l'océan, ce livre de coloriage pour adultes renferme 40 illustrations divisées entre, d'un côté, des sirènes toutes mignonnes représentées au sein de différentes scènes et, de l'autre, un assortiment d'animaux appartenant à la faune marine dont des tortues de mer, des bigorneaux, des requins, des baleines, des dauphins, des poissons, des pieuvres, des hippocampes et bien d'autres animaux.

CHF 17.90