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Zur Kasse

18 Ergebnisse.

The Night Will Have Its Say

Al-Koni, Ibrahim / Roberts, Nancy
The Night Will Have Its Say
The year is 693 and a tense exchange, mediated by an interpreter, takes place between Berber warrior queen al-Kahina and an emissary from the Umayyad General Hassan Ibn Numan. Her predecessor had been captured and killed by the Umayyad forces some years earlier, but she will go on to defeat Ibn Numan's forces. The Night Will Have Its Say is a retelling of the Muslim wars of conquest in North Africa during the Middle Ages, narrated from the per...

CHF 65.00

The Night Will Have Its Say

Al-Koni, Ibrahim / Roberts, Nancy
The Night Will Have Its Say
The year is 693 and a tense exchange, mediated by an interpreter, takes place between Berber warrior queen al-Kahina and an emissary from the Umayyad General Hassan Ibn Numan. Her predecessor had been captured and killed by the Umayyad forces some years earlier, but she will go on to defeat Ibn Numan's forces. The Night Will Have Its Say is a retelling of the Muslim wars of conquest in North Africa during the Middle Ages, narrated from the per...

CHF 21.50

Gold Dust

Al-Koni, Ibrahim
Gold Dust
Rejected by his tribe and hunted by the kin of the man he killed, Ukhayyad and his thoroughbred camel flee across the desolate Tuareg deserts of the Sahara. Between bloody wars against the Italians in the north and famine raging in the south, Ukhayyad rides for the remote rock caves of Jebel Hasawna. Alone in the desert, haunted by the prophetic cave paintings of ancient hunting scenes and the cries of jinn in the night, Ukhayyad awaits the ar...

CHF 21.90

Gold Dust

Al-Koni, Ibrahim / Colla, Elliott
Gold Dust
Mythic tale of camels, tribes, vengeance, honor, told with beautiful simplicity by one of the Arab worlds greatest living novelists Gold Dust was runner-up for the Saif Ghobash-Banipal Prize for Arabic Literary Translation New in the Hoopoe format: new cover, newly designed interior Ibrahim Al-Koni was shortlisted for the 2015 Man Booker International Prize The author's has an amazing backstory having been born in the rural Saharan deser...

CHF 21.90

La patria delle visioni celesti e altri racconti del deserto

Al-Koni, Ibrahim / Avino, M. / Camera D'Afflitto, I.
La patria delle visioni celesti e altri racconti del deserto
Al centro della narrativa di al-Koni c'è il deserto, il Sahara, un universo favoloso, d'inattesa varietà, pieno di storie, di personaggi, di leggende, di pericoli e di visioni. La narrativa di al-Koni è colta, ricca di riferimenti alla Bibbia, al Corano, alle leggende dei Tuareg, ma anche alla letteratura occidentale contemporanea, perché al-Koni, cresciuto tra i Tuareg nelle sabbie del Sahara, ha vissuto e studiato successivamente a Mosca e i...

CHF 27.90

Gold dust

Al-Koni, Ibrahim
Gold dust
Gold Dust is a classic story of the brotherhood between man and beast, the thread of companionship that is all the difference between life and death in the desert. It is a story of the fight to endure in a world of limitless and waterless wastes, and a parable of the struggle to survive in the most dangerous landscape of all: human society.

CHF 23.90

New Waw, Saharan Oasis

Al-Koni, Ibrahim
New Waw, Saharan Oasis
Upon the death of their leader, a group of Tuareg, a nomadic Berber community whose traditional homeland is the Sahara Desert, turns to the heir dictated by tribal custom, however, he is a poet reluctant to don the mantle of leadership.

CHF 38.50

Ein Paradies aus Nichts

Al-Aswani, Alaa / Salich, Tajjib / Taher, Baha / Bischara, Asmi / Dschabra, Dschabra Ibrahim / Kanafani, Ghassan / Al-Koni, Ibrahim / Munif, Abdalrachman / Mussa, Sabri / Mustagab, Muhammad / Nasr, Hassan / Badeen, Edward / Becker, Petra / Fähndrich, Hartmut
Ein Paradies aus Nichts
Nur ein schmaler Grat liegt zwischen der ursprünglichen Lebensweise der Wüstenbewohner und ihrer Vereinnahmung durch die Zivilisation. Verwöhnt durch die Schönheit der Wüste, sind ihre Menschen auch ziellose Wanderer auf der Suche nach dem Unerreichbaren, nach Gott und einer Poesie, die das Geheimnis der öden Wildnis jenseits ihrer Illusionen erfassen könnte. Einsiedler, Abenteurer und Schatzgräber sind ihr verfallen, aber auch Gotteskrieger, ...

CHF 21.50

Die verheissene Stadt

Al-Koni, Ibrahim / Fähndrich, Hartmut
Die verheissene Stadt
Es ist der alte Widerstreit, der die Menschen in Ibrahim al-Konis Roman 'Die verheißene Stadt' plagt: die Verlockung der Ferne, der Weite, des Unterwegsseins auf der einen, die Sehnsucht nach Sesshaftigkeit, Geborgenheit, einem festen Dach auf der anderen Seite. Am Ende ist der Zwiespalt vielleicht nichts anderes als Ausdruck der vergeblichen Suche des Menschen nach einem verlorenen Paradies. (Der Bund) - Der 'Tuareg von Goldiwil' hat einen za...

CHF 18.50

A Sleepless Eye

Al-Koni, Ibrahim / Allen, Roger
A Sleepless Eye
The Libyan landscape is one of the most diverse and breathtaking, replete with barren deserts, vast ocean coasts, and a stunning display of earth's elements. Al-Koni, an award-winning and critically acclaimed Arabic writer, reflects on this fragile environment and the increasing threats to its existence in A Sleepless Eye, a collection of the poet's desert wisdom.

CHF 14.90

Blutender Stein / Goldstaub

Al-Koni, Ibrahim / Fähndrich, Hartmut
Blutender Stein / Goldstaub
Ibrahim al-Konis Romane und Erzählungen führen in die Libysche Wüste, in jene Gegend, wo sich die arabisch-islamische und die schwarzafrikanische Welt berühren. al-Koni erzählt nicht von einem idyllischen Leben der Nomaden, er setzt sich vielmehr mit einer im Verschwinden begriffenen Lebenswelt und Lebensweise auseinander.

CHF 24.90

The Puppet

Al-Koni, Ibrahim
The Puppet
The Puppet, a mythic tale of greed and political corruption, traces the rise, flourishing, and demise of a Saharan oasis community. Aghulli, a noble if obtuse man who has been chosen leader of the oasis, hankers after the traditional nomadic pastoralist life of the Tuareg. He sees commerce (understood as including trade in gold, marriage, agriculture, and even recreation) as the prime culprit in the loss of the nomadic ethos. Thus he is devast...

CHF 29.90

The Bleeding of the Stone

Al-Koni, Ibrahim
The Bleeding of the Stone
The moufflon, a wild sheep prized for its meat, continues to survive in the remote mountain desert of southern Libya. Only Asouf, a lone bedouin who cherishes the desert and identifies with its creatures, knows exactly where it is to be found. Now he and the moufflon together come under threat from hunters who have already slaughtered the once numerous desert gazelles. The novel combines pertinent ecological issues with a moving portrayal of t...

CHF 22.50