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Zur Kasse

4 Ergebnisse.

Modern Art on Display: The Legacies of Six Collectors

Aichele, K. Porter
Modern Art on Display: The Legacies of Six Collectors
Modern Art on Display: The Legacies of Six Collectors is structured as a sequence of case studies that pair collectors of modern art with artists they particularly favored: Duncan Phillips and Augustus Vincent Tack, Albert Barnes and Chaim Soutine, Albert Eugene Gallatin and Juan Gris, Lillie Bliss and Paul Cézanne, Etta Cone and Henri Matisse, G. David Thompson and Paul Klee. The case studies are linked by a thematic focus on the integral rel...

CHF 155.00

Paul Klee, Poet/Painter

Aichele, K Porter
Paul Klee, Poet/Painter
It is no coincidence that most of the artists at the vanguard of early 20th-century modernist art were poets as well as painters. Paul Klee (1879-1940) was among them. Known today almost exclusively as a visual artist, he was also a poet who experimented across a range of poetic forms. In 1901, while still vacillating between a career as a painter and one as a poet, Klee predicted he would end up expressing himself through the word, "the highe...

CHF 142.00

Das Antichristdrama des Mittelalters der Reformation und ...

Aichele, K.
Das Antichristdrama des Mittelalters der Reformation und Gegenreformation
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschaftigt sich ausschlieBlich mit dem Anti­ christdrama, Weltgerichtsspiele und sonstige eschatologische Spiele, wie etwa das Zehnjungfrauenspie1, sind nicht beriicksichtigt. Die Griinde dafiir sind erstens praktisch : die Gesamtheit der eschatologischen Spiele hatte nur in einem erheblich groBeren Rahmen behandelt werden konnen. AuBerdem stellen sich bei den Weltgerichtsspielen Fragen der Textkritik und der Uberliefer...

CHF 108.00