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Zur Kasse

2 Ergebnisse.


Albet, Carlos Rubio
Arraigada en el folklore afrocubano tan bien captado por Fernando Ortiz, Lydia Cabrera y Alejo Carpentier, Orisha dibuja una elipse que magistralmente enlaza el ámbito primigenio de la isla con el contemporáneo. Desde el punto de vista anecdótico, toda esta nueva novela de Rubio traza el desenlace del vaticinio de un babalao lucumí que anuncia con detalles el nacimiento y futuro de Ignacio Benítez, alias Agua Dulce. Mulato de ojos azules, Igna...

CHF 28.90


Albet, Carlos Rubio
A neobaroque novel that immerses the reader in a bedazzling and surrealistic vortex where a search for an idealized goal often turns into a mirage. The four protagonists, Li-Tzu, Candy Slice, Dhalia Meanor and Adela Carroza anxiously await the arrival of Mr. Ioso, the Greek who will fulfill their dreams. It is during this anxious wait that they recount the story of their turbulent lives which are often distorted by desire, ambition and revenge...

CHF 29.90