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5 Ergebnisse.


Alves, Rubem A.
La religione è scomparsa? Assolutamente no. È rimasta e spesso dimostra una vitalità che si riteneva estinta, nonostante sia stata espulsa dai centri del sapere scientifico e dalle stanze nelle quali si prendono le decisioni che concretamente determinano le nostre vite. L'esperienza religiosa sopravvive, ma fuori dal mondo della scienza, delle fabbriche, delle officine, delle armi, del denaro, delle banche, della propaganda, della vendita, del...

CHF 16.90

Poet, the Warrior, the Prophet

Alves, Rubem A.
Poet, the Warrior, the Prophet
Rainer Maria Rilke, Gabriel Garcia Marques, Emily Dickinson, Albert Camus, Sigmund Freud and the "Tao Te Ching" are just some of the influences on this remarkable and beautiful book, which brings poetry - the language of what it is not possible to say - to bear on theology, in such a way that it changed the author's life. Suddenly, like Lewis Carroll's Alice, Alves found himself going through the looking glass and discovering how words cannot ...

CHF 49.50

Protestantism and Repression

Alves, Rubem A. / Wright, Jaime
Protestantism and Repression
Over the last twenty years, incredible changes have taken place in the Presbyterian Church of Brazil. In 1959, on the occasion of its centennial celebrations, this church was acclaimed as the outstanding success story of Protestantism in Latin America, it was hailed for its vitality and for the role it seemed destined to play in the life of that nation. Today, after fifteen years of domination by a small group of reactionary leaders, it has be...

CHF 43.50