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77 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

True Crime Stories of Serial Killers

Amrahs, Hseham
True Crime Stories of Serial Killers
Along with good, evil has always existed on the earth since the beginning of time. Evil is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of wrongdoings, such as lying, stealing, various types of crime, murder, rape, corruption, and so on. Why does a person become a criminal? People interpret this question differently, but it is almost impossible to give a solid reason. Many people say that the environment of the house or society is responsible f...

CHF 28.50

Monde Voyageurs et Explorateurs Célèbres

Amrahs, Hseham
Monde Voyageurs et Explorateurs Célèbres
Un explorateur est un voyageur qui recherche des aventures de voyage qui combinent apprentissage et découverte avec une touche d'émerveillement. Le voyageur aventureux apprécie le contact humain. Ce livre contient des histoires de voyageurs qui ne sont pas que des touristes, ce sont plutôt des explorateurs errants à la recherche d'expériences. Ces voyageurs sont des explorateurs qui recherchent l'authenticité et découvrent l'innovation dans ch...

CHF 24.90

The Good Omens and the Bad Omens

Amrahs, Hseham
The Good Omens and the Bad Omens
The word "shakun" (omen) signifies a bird. Previously, only birds were used to detect omens and bad omens. Later, other animals were also included in this category. According to scholars, "the auspicious sign of the completion of a work is called an omen." Also, the cycle of good and bad events is always going on. Based on these incidents, a man gets good omens and bad omens. Many animals and elements of nature make us cautious by expressing t...

CHF 24.90

Las Asesinas En Serie Femenina Más Terrible

Amrahs, Hseham
Las Asesinas En Serie Femenina Más Terrible
En cada ronda, el crimen se puede ver corriendo paralelo a la sociedad en todos los sentidos. Como dice el refrán, a veces el culpable está presente en la propia casa. Esto también es cierto. Junto con el bien, el mal siempre ha existido en la tierra desde el principio de los tiempos. El mal es un término amplio que abarca una amplia gama de fechorías, como mentir, robar, varios tipos de delitos, asesinatos, violaciones, corrupción, etc. ¿Por ...

CHF 27.90

Símbolos De Los Sueños Y Sus Interpretaciones

Amrahs, Hseham
Símbolos De Los Sueños Y Sus Interpretaciones
Cada criatura de sangre caliente sueña, ya sea un humano o un animal. Empezamos a soñar tan pronto como nos quedamos dormidos. Estos sueños pueden durar desde unos pocos minutos hasta horas. Los sueños pueden ser de nuestra vida pasada, presente o futura. En el sueño de un momento, podemos ver los acontecimientos de toda nuestra vida. En los sueños actuamos, hablamos, lloramos y reímos. Aparte de esto, en sueños, a menudo vemos varios objetos,...

CHF 27.90

Los Peores Gobernantes Del Mundo

Amrahs, Hseham
Los Peores Gobernantes Del Mundo
¿Qué cualidades debe tener un buen gobernante? Para ser honesto, ser transparente en el uso de los recursos aumenta el sentido de servicio. Prepárate para trabajar. Cumpliendo promesas de campaña enfocadas en su trabajo como visionario, innovador y abierto al cambio. Los problemas del estado y las necesidades del pueblo de ser leal al estado y al pueblo Estos pueden ser los requisitos básicos de un buen gobernante, sin embargo, imponer todas s...

CHF 23.90

World Famous Travelers and Explorers

Amrahs, Hseham
World Famous Travelers and Explorers
An explorer is a traveler who seeks travel adventures that combine learning and discovery with a touch of wonder. The adventurous traveler values human contact. This book contains stories from travelers who are not just tourists, rather, they are wandering explorers in search of experiences. These travelers are explorers who seek authenticity and discover innovation in each destination. Exploratory travelers look for "hidden gems" in the desti...

CHF 23.50

Life-Changing Feng Shui Tips

Amrahs, Hseham
Life-Changing Feng Shui Tips
The Feng shui method of making life happy is completely based on natural remedies. According to Feng shui, by the right combination of these five elements - metal, water, wood, earth, and fire - we can make our life simple, pleasant, positive and socially useful. The simplest ways to change life are given in Feng shui. For example, if marriage is not taking place, then pouring oranges in water, keeping a picture of a pair of swans in the room ...

CHF 17.90

Sauna and Steam Bath

Amrahs, Hseham
Sauna and Steam Bath
Heat baths, as they are also known, have positive effects on both the body and the mind. The steam bath has its origins in the "Turkish bath", which in eastern countries is used as a ritual for the care of the body and mind, linked to the Muslim religion. The bath has controlled temperatures with clouds of hot steam that oscillate between 35 and 60 degrees C. It is carried out in closed areas equipped with special materials that ensure its dur...

CHF 16.90

Dream Symbols and Their Interpretations

Amrahs, Hseham
Dream Symbols and Their Interpretations
Every warm-blooded creature dreams, whether it is a human or an animal. We start dreaming as soon as we fall asleep. These dreams can last anywhere from a few minutes to hours. Dreams can be from our past life, present life, or future. In a moment's dream, we can see the events of our whole life. In dreams, we act, talk, cry, and laugh. Apart from this, in dreams, we often see various objects, animals, actions, etc. In this book, there is an a...

CHF 28.90

Emocionante Cuentos De Ciencia

Amrahs, Hseham
Emocionante Cuentos De Ciencia
Ciencia, planetas, constelaciones, sol, luna, extraterrestres, galaxias, etc. han sido temas interesantes y emocionantes para la humanidad desde el principio de la creación. Conocerlos, leer sus historias es interesante para todos. En el presente libro se han creado historias de ficción de temática científica. Se han contado un total de 11 historias en el libro, todas las cuales son interesantes y emocionantes más de una. La primera historia e...

CHF 17.50

World's Worst Rulers

Amrahs, Hseham
World's Worst Rulers
What qualities should a good ruler have? To be honest, being transparent in the use of resources enhances the sense of service. Be ready to work. Fulfilling campaign promises focused on his work as a visionary, innovative, and open to change. The problems of the state and the needs of the people to be loyal to the state and the people These may be the basic requirements of a good ruler, however, imposing his every good and bad idea on the peop...

CHF 24.50

Ir Ego

Amrahs, Hseham
Ir Ego
El ego es un gran enemigo no sólo del hombre, sino de toda la humanidad. Todo el mundo se opondrá al enemigo como el ego, pero cuando se trata de matar al enemigo del ego escondido dentro, todo el mundo empezará a mirar a su alrededor. Porque de una forma u otra, el enemigo del ego está escondido dentro de todos nosotros y cada vez que ve la oportunidad, levanta la cabeza. No es imposible suprimirlo por completo, pero ciertamente es difícil. P...

CHF 17.50

Dadasaheb Phalke

Amrahs, Hseham
Dadasaheb Phalke
The life of Dadasaheb Phalke, the father of Indian cinema, has been full of struggles. He always strived to better the cinema and pursued it. He dedicated his entire life to cinema. Because of his contribution and dedication, the Government of India later announced the "Dadasaheb Phalke Award" for its significant contribution to cinema. Every year since 1969, the award has been given for a significant contribution to the field of cinema. Dadas...

CHF 22.90

Fascinating Sell Tactics

Amrahs, Hseham
Fascinating Sell Tactics
Sale is an art. It includes qualities such as the personality of the person, speech, tact, gesture, human qualities and complete knowledge of his product. A good salesman humanizes his product in such a way that the consumer is unable to refuse to take it. A good salesman must have all the above qualities. At the same time, he should be sociable, patient, cooperative, who has more ability to listen than to speak, etc. Qualities make a salesman...

CHF 16.90

Best Choice Homemade Foods for Dogs

Amrahs, Hseham
Best Choice Homemade Foods for Dogs
We treat dogs as a member of our family, take care of their happiness and sorrows. It isn't in vain that dogs are known as man's closest companions. This friendship has lasted for thousands of years and these animals have shown that they are loyal, faithful, companions and very fun. Our dog would give his life for us, he is faithful and our closest companion. Nonetheless, realizing how to deal with a dog is basic to restore all the love that ...

CHF 20.50

Serial Killers

Amrahs, Hseham
Serial Killers
Along with good, evil has always existed on the earth since the beginning of time. Evil is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of wrongdoings, such as lying, stealing, various types of crime, murder, rape, corruption, and so on. Why does a person become a criminal? People interpret this question differently, but it is almost impossible to give a solid reason. Many people say that the environment of the house or society is responsible fo...

CHF 23.90

True Horrible Crime Stories

Amrahs, Hseham
True Horrible Crime Stories
From the very beginning of creation, along with good, evil also arrived in the world. Evil is a broad-meaning word that can include all kinds of wrongdoings like lying, theft, various types of crime, murder, rape, corruption, etc. Why does a person become a criminal? People interpret this question differently, but it is almost impossible to pinpoint a single solid reason for it. Many people say that the home environment is responsible for this...

CHF 21.90

Share Market Success Tips

Amrahs, Hseham
Share Market Success Tips
The stock market has become the centre of attraction for everyone today. People know that by investing wisely in the stock market, a good increase in their investment can be achieved. It is also true that four of the two and ten of the four can be easily done in the stock market, all that is needed is to understand the movement of the stock market. Like, we have to wait till a tree is planted and then the fruit comes on that tree and we can ta...

CHF 16.90

Easy Vastu to Live Better

Amrahs, Hseham
Easy Vastu to Live Better
Vastu Shastra of the state of the Earth is based on the position of the Sun and the properties and characteristics of matter. Everyone knows that the rays of the sun in the morning are like blessings and blessings for living things, But in the evening, they become harmful due to their radio-righteous elements. Also, to understand Vastu Shastra well, it is very important to know directions. Vastu Shastra is not limited to a building or a house....

CHF 19.90