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Zur Kasse

17 Ergebnisse.


Anderle, Joshua / Anderle, Michael / Kus, Darren A.
Das Spiel ist vorbei. Jetzt gibt es KRIEG. Die Vermittler-Organisation ist aus dem Verborgenen hervorgetreten und die Nexus-Akademie befindet sich im Krieg. Menschen werden sterben, denn Krieg ist nicht angenehm. Dieses Mal gibt es kein Zurücksetzen nach dem Sterben. Der Animus hat die Studierenden hoffentlich besser vorbereitet, denn jetzt geht es Schlag auf Schlag: Schüler gegen Schüler, Akademie gegen Akademie. Die Zukunft der Menschhei...

CHF 24.90


Anderle, Joshua / Anderle, Michael / Schulze, Jens / Kus, Darren A.
Es war nur ein einziger Kampf, aber er veränderte das Leben von Kaiden Jericho für immer.Er war in einer Verbrecherbande, doch er versuchte, seine Zukunft zu verändern, als ein Vorstandsmitglied der Spitzenakademie NEXUS eine spontane Entscheidung traf und ihm eine Chance bot. Dann bot ihm das Schicksal - oder ein unausgeglichenes Genie - eine weitere an.Die Nexus-Akademie dient den Eliteauszubildenden von der Erde und nun auch den außerirdisc...

CHF 28.90


Anderle, Joshua / Anderle, Michael / Kus, Darren A.
GIN SONNY KOMMT.Es ist etwas Persönliches. Es ist das Endspiel.Niemand durchschaut Gins Pläne, und genau das hat ihn zu einem der erfolgreichsten Killer gemacht, den die Erde je hervorgebracht hat.Jetzt wird Kaiden herausfinden, ob seine Freunde, Lehrer und das Hilfspersonal in der Lage sind, den Killer zu stoppen und zu verhindern, dass dieser ihn hirntot zurücklässt.Manchmal kommt man nicht lebend aus dem Animus heraus.Werden Kaiden und Chef...

CHF 23.90


Anderle, Joshua / Anderle, Michael / Kus, Darren A.
Kaiden will ein paar Informationen und vielleicht auch ein bisschen Rache...Er hat Informationen darüber, wo sich eine Hochburg der Vermittler-Organisation befindet, um wichtige Beweise zu beschaffen, die dem Rat helfen sollen, die Existenz der geisterhaften Organisation zu glauben.Aber kann er die Unterstützung bekommen, die er braucht, um es zu versuchen?Schon bald wird klar, dass es sich nicht um einen kleinen Außenposten handelt. Vielmehr ...

CHF 23.90


Anderle, Joshua / Anderle, Michael / Kus, Darren A.
Es kann sich nicht alles um den Schulunterricht drehen...Die Studenten des dritten Jahres sind dabei, sich mit denen anzulegen, die sie am besten kennen.Sich selbst.In einer Variation des klassischen Spiels Fahnenraub müssen Kaiden und seine Freunde Teams bilden und gegeneinander antreten.Es ist Zeit für Kaiden zu lernen, was es heißt zu führen.Dann, als sie in der Stadt unterwegs sind, wird den Studenten eine Gelegenheit auf einem Silbertable...

CHF 24.90


Anderle, Michael / Anderle, Joshua
This Madness is going to end one way or another.If Kaiden has his way, it will end violently, with his hands around the neck of the one who killed his friend.AO has pushed to the extreme, now the Academy students are making a difference.Will they be in time?It's the final do-or-die engagements to bring this war to a conclusion.Will Kaiden's friends be able to win all the battles so they can push through the final defenses?Go up and click Read ...

CHF 32.90


Anderle, Michael / Anderle, Joshua
Kaiden wants a little information, and perhaps a little payback...He has information on where an AO stronghold is located to retrieve vital proof needed to help get the council to believe the ghost-like organization exists.But, can he get the support he needs to make a run on it?Before long, it becomes obvious this isn't a small outpost. More like a major outpost with a lot of support.Kaiden can't wing this operation. He has to start working o...

CHF 27.90


Anderle, Michael / Anderle, Joshua
Everything can't be about School...The third-year students are about to take on those who know them best.Each other.Using a variation of the classic game of Capture the Flag, Kaiden and his friends must join teams and battle each other.It is time for Kaiden to learn what it means to lead.Then, when they are out on the town an opportunity is handed to the students on a silver platter.Kaiden has a job offer to help protect a business in San Dieg...

CHF 29.50


Anderle, Michael / Anderle, Joshua
GIN SONNY IS COMING.It's personal. It's the end game.No one sees Gin's plans, which is what has made him one of the most successful killers Earth has conceived.Now Kaiden will find out if his friends, teachers, and the support staff are capable of stopping the killer from leaving him braindead.Sometimes you don't come out of the Animus alive.Will Kaiden and Chief be able to figure a place to hide when the Animus itself is the killing weapon? W...

CHF 27.90


Anderle, Michael / Anderle, Joshua
Kaiden Jericho's life just went sideways.He has been working odd jobs since the first school year ended.(People have to eat, right?)The problem? He isn't as prepared as he thinks he is.Out in the jungles of the Amazon, Kaiden meets a new set of nightmares, and death there is permanent.Even with all his previous training in the Animus, will Kaiden survive?---You don't become the best of the best by staying alive. In the Animus, you are closer t...

CHF 29.50


Anderle, Michael / Anderle, Joshua
Kaiden Jericho is taking another test.This time it's with his friends, but something is amiss.Not everything is at it seems and no one has found Gin Sonny...yet.Gin must test himself against any and all who beat him. He needs a new device to track down and help destroy one of the victims who got away.Will anyone realize that Gin hasn't left Earth? Will Kaiden understand what is different about this test he is undergoing?This time, the 'test' h...

CHF 29.50

Death Match

Anderle, Michael / Anderle, Joshua
Death Match
What happens if the final for your freshman year is to take the hardest, deadliest test the Nexus Academy has devised for your skill classification?And then open it up for player-vs-player action where even your partners can gain skill points for stabbing you in the back?It is time for Kaiden to grow up a little and play with a larger team to accomplish a three-peat. The only problem?The test has been engineered to kill the players.What's a li...

CHF 31.50


Anderle, Joshua / Anderle, Michael
Kaiden might be a genius when it comes to destruction, but the other side has the greatest warship on the planet.It's about even.Kaiden, plus the rest of the academy students and faculty, are working to take down the AO's greatest threat.The City-Killer.Will they be able to destroy the ship that forced them from their homes?If they do, what will be the cost?Buy Now to discover the plan...and the costs.-You don't become the best of the best by ...

CHF 31.50


Anderle, Michael / Anderle, Joshua
This time, Kaiden's friend needs a little support...Chiyo's father's company is being targeted, and she considers her options.Should she help him?The only problem? There is a dark enemy on the other side who wants her dad's company and wouldn't mind taking a bite out of Kaiden, either.Chief is more integrated than he was before and far more fragile due to his neural link with Kaiden.Kaiden and Chiyo been provided a job opportunity, but they wi...

CHF 29.50


Anderle, Michael / Anderle, Joshua
The game is over. Now comes WAR.The AO have come out of hiding, and war is upon the Ark Academy. People are going to die, because war isn't pretty.This time, there is no reset after dying.The Animus had better have prepared the students because the gloves are off, and it is student against student, academy against academy.With the future of humanity on the line.Unfortunately, to pass his final year, Kaiden needs to not only pass the test but s...

CHF 29.50