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58 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

A Writer's Notes

Angelica Mabubay
A Writer's Notes
A Writer's Notes is a collection of poems which subjects to various experience, emotions and situations in life. Everyone has its writer inner self expressing such emotions into one artful craft. In this book you may encounter such circumstances that you may relate to , and I hope upon reading this collection of poems it can be of help to you making you feel you are not alone in this world.

CHF 14.50


Angelica, Marella Nahr
Un buki pa yuda bo matrimonio drecha. ¿Nos ta biba den un mundu kibra, ku tur su retonan. Maske kuantu hende hasi su maksimo esfuerso, semper tin algu ku e no a mira ni premira. Su desishonnan ta basa riba kosnan pasahero i kontinuamente e ta pasa den testnan (pruebanan) di bida i tambe tentashonnan.

CHF 27.90

Mother Angelica's Lessons on Genesis

Angelica, Mother
Mother Angelica's Lessons on Genesis
Many books approach Scripture with a scholarly method, critically examining each line and interpreting symbols or metaphors in a way that can be hard to digest. Refreshingly, Mother Angelica unpacks biblical lessons from a "grassroots" perspective for the average person. Her meat-and-potatoes explanations reveal the meaning of the Scriptures in ways you can understand and relate to in your life. She invites you to ask yourself: What's in it fo...

CHF 27.50

Madre Angélica Sobre La Oración Y Vivir Para El Reino

Angelica, Mother Mary
Madre Angélica Sobre La Oración Y Vivir Para El Reino
Madre Angélica, la popular fundadora de EWTN, (la Red de Televisión del Verbo Eterno), dedicó su vida a que los espectadores mantengan su mirada hacia el cielo. Este volumen reúne, por primera vez, sus importantes consejos sobre cómo profundizar en la vida de oración y alcanzar el propósito esencial: la eternidad en el Cielo con Jesús. Aprenderá qué es la oración, por qué es necesaria y cómo practicarla. También aprenderá cómo evitar los obstá...

CHF 21.90

The Mediterranean Diet Cookbook

Angelica Esposito
The Mediterranean Diet Cookbook
Does the word "Mediterranean" alone trigger a memory of a succulent Italian dish? Are you going to bring to the table those scents that only the Mediterranean can provide? Your Customers Never Stop to Use this Awesome Cookbook! With its many benefits, the Mediterranean diet is an ally for the health and well-being of consumers, starting from the table. Cereals, vegetables, extra virgin olive oil, fish, and fruit are just some of the foods reco...

CHF 42.50

Transferência de conhecimentos por meios virtuais

Angélica Martins da Rocha, Elenise
Transferência de conhecimentos por meios virtuais
O presente analisa os mecanismos de transferência de conhecimento por meios virtuais entre a rede de franquias e uma Franqueadora do segmento moveleiro, identificando ganhos, dificuldades e elementos indutores da disseminação de conhecimento entre as partes. A investigação tomou por base os seguintes constructos: Gestão do Conhecimento, Conhecimento Tácito, Relações Colaborativas, Aspectos Empresariais e Resultados Tangíveis. O método utilizad...

CHF 92.00

The Healthy Alkaline Diet Guide: For Beginners

Angelica W Hatley
The Healthy Alkaline Diet Guide: For Beginners
This handy book has everything you'll need to get started on a whole-food, plant-based alkaline diet, including a detailed list of what to eat, candid discussions regarding supplements, and 50 simple, tasty dishes that will leave you feeling fantastic.

CHF 180.00

In His Sandals

Angelica, Mother
In His Sandals
Beloved by many, the practical wisdom of Mother Mary Angelica radiates from this book as she guides you through Scripture and the writings of St. John, St. James, and St. Paul.

CHF 19.50

Guia Rapida de Los Sacramentos

Angelica, Mother
Guia Rapida de Los Sacramentos
Escritas mientras abrazaba el carisma de su orden, la adoración del Santísimo Sacramento, las palabras aquí son patentemente obra de la Madre, pero también claramente obra del Espíritu Santo.

CHF 21.90

Living the Scriptures

Angelica, Mother
Living the Scriptures
Replete with Mother Angelica's charismatic blend of insight, clarity, and humor, here is the definitive collection of her best on-air presentations and extemporaneous meditations.

CHF 25.90

Que Es El Cielo?

Angelica, Mother
Que Es El Cielo?
El Reino de los Cielos es un lugar de una belleza indescriptible, donde todo el dolor, sufrimiento y lgrimas dejarn de existir y Dios, que es Uno y Trino, est sentado en su Trono rodeado por bellos ngeles magnificos que proclaman y bendicen Su Santo Nombre por toda la eternidad.

CHF 21.90

A Holy Hour with Mother Angelica

Angelica, Mother
A Holy Hour with Mother Angelica
An ever-faithful disciple of the Church and Her Tradition, Mother Angelica saved her most precious words for her viewers. The fruit of her years of prayerful reflections as a Poor Clare Nun of Perpetual Adoration, this book is a beautiful accompaniment to prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament or at home.

CHF 25.90

Orando Con Madre Angelica

Angelica, Mother
Orando Con Madre Angelica
Las meditaciones de Madre Anglica combinan las intuiciones de un maestro espiritual con el cario de una madre amorosa. Sus breves, pero poderosas meditaciones elevarn tu alma al Cielo y te guiarn hacia una reflexin profunda sobre el amor de Dios y la vida de Nuestra Seora. Desde el primer momento en que estas meditaciones fueron publicadas, en los setentas, innumerables catlicos se enamoraron de estos devocionales, que incluyen los Misterios d...

CHF 21.90