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Zur Kasse

262 Ergebnisse - Zeige 101 von 120.

State of Crisis

Bauman, Zygmunt / Bordoni, Carlo
State of Crisis
Today we hear much talk of crisis and comparisons are often made with the Great Depression of the 1930s, but there is a crucial difference that sets our current malaise apart from the 1930s: today we no longer trust in the capacity of the state to resolve the crisis and to chart a new way forward. In our increasingly globalized world, states have been stripped of much of their power to shape the course of events. Many of our problems are globa...

CHF 29.50

Leben in der flüchtigen Moderne

Bauman, Zygmunt / Jakubzik, Frank
Leben in der flüchtigen Moderne
Zygmunt Bauman schlägt theoretische Funken: Wer heute noch die Chuzpe hat, »Ich« zu sagen, sollte schneller sein als die anderen. Doch Achtung: Die Befriedigung hat ein Verfallsdatum - die nächste Frühjahrskollektion kommt bestimmt. In sechs Studien, die auf Vorlesungen am Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen in Wien zurückgehen, greift der brillante Essayist seine großen Themen wieder auf: Ethik, die Erinnerung an den Holocaust, Freih...

CHF 25.50

This is not a Diary

Bauman, Zygmunt
This is not a Diary
This is not a diary: while these observations were recorded in autumn 2010 and spring 2011 in the form of dated entries, they are not a personal reflection but an attempt to capture signs of our times in their movement - possibly at birth, at a stage when they are still barely perceptible, and in any case before they have matured into common, all too familiar forms, escaping our attention due to their banality. Some will perhaps settle in our ...

CHF 88.00

Flüchtige Moderne

Bauman, Zygmunt / Kreissl, Reinhard / Bauman, Zygmunt
Flüchtige Moderne
Zygmunt Bauman entwirft das Bild einer Moderne, die sich durch exterritorial und mobil gewordene Machtstrukturen auszeichnet. Das Individuum ist zwar in die Freiheit entlassen, muß das soziale Gewebe jedoch in Heimarbeit selbst herstellen. Es gibt kein Schaltzentrum der Macht mehr, die Strukturen sind flüchtig, die Freiheit beliebig. In seiner mitreißenden Analyse wagt Zygmunt Bauman einen Ausblick auf eine Zeit nach der Zweiten Moderne, die R...

CHF 22.50

Die Angst vor den anderen

Bauman, Zygmunt / Bischoff, Michael
Die Angst vor den anderen
Wenn in kurzer Zeit Hunderttausende Menschen ins Land kommen, stellt das für jede Nation eine gewaltige Herausforderung dar. Und dennoch wirkt es befremdlich, dass Migration praktisch alle anderen Themen von den Titelseiten verdrängt. Den Klimawandel. Die Ungleichheit. Zerfallende Staaten. Also die eigentlichen Ursachen der Migration. Zygmunt Bauman spricht angesichts der emotionalen Debatte von einer moralischen Panik. Und er stellt die Frage...

CHF 17.50


Bauman, Zygmunt
We have long since lost our faith in the idea that human beings could achieve human happiness in some future ideal state - a state that Thomas More, writing five centuries ago, tied to a topos, a fixed place, a land, an island, a sovereign state under a wise and benevolent ruler. But while we have lost our faith in utopias of all hues, the human aspiration that made this vision so compelling has not died. Instead it is re-emerging today as a v...

CHF 86.00

On the World and Ourselves

Bauman, Zygmunt / Obirek, Stanislaw
On the World and Ourselves
Unde malum from where does evil come? That is the question that has plagued humankind ever since Eve, seduced by the serpent, tempted Adam to taste the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Throughout history the awareness of good and evil has always been linked to the awareness of choice and to the freedom and responsibility to choose this is what makes us human. But the responsibility to choose is a burden that weighs he...

CHF 95.00

Strangers at Our Door

Bauman, Zygmunt
Strangers at Our Door
Refugees from the violence of wars and the brutality of famished lives have knocked on other people's doors since the beginning of time. For the people behind the doors, these uninvited guests were always strangers, and strangers tend to generate fear and anxiety precisely because they are unknown. Today we find ourselves confronted with an extreme form of this historical dynamic, as our TV screens and newspapers are filled with accounts of a ...

CHF 68.00


Bauman, Zygmunt
We have long since lost our faith in the idea that human beings could achieve human happiness in some future ideal state - a state that Thomas More, writing five centuries ago, tied to a topos, a fixed place, a land, an island, a sovereign state under a wise and benevolent ruler. But while we have lost our faith in utopias of all hues, the human aspiration that made this vision so compelling has not died. Instead it is re-emerging today as a v...

CHF 27.50

On Education

Bauman, Zygmunt / Mazzeo, Riccardo
On Education
What is the role of education in a world where we no longer have a clear vision of the future and where the idea of a single, universal model of humanity seems like the residue of a bygone age? What role should educators play in a world where young people find themselves faced with deep uncertainty about their future, where the prospects of securing a stable, long-term career seem increasingly remote and where intensified population movements ...

CHF 70.00

Culture in a Liquid Modern World

Bauman, Zygmunt / Bauman, Lydia
Culture in a Liquid Modern World
In its original formulation, 'culture' was intended to be an agent for change, a mission undertaken with the aim of educating 'the people' by bringing the best of human thought and creativity to them. But in our contemporary liquid-modern world, culture has lost its missionary role and has become a means of seduction: it seeks no longer to enlighten the people but to seduce them. The function of culture today is not to satisfy existing needs b...

CHF 72.00

Tod, Unsterblichkeit und andere Lebensstrategien

Bauman, Zygmunt / Goldmann, Christiana
Tod, Unsterblichkeit und andere Lebensstrategien
Die Dekonstruktion der Sterblichkeit machte die Gegenwart des Todes mehr als je zuvor allerorten spürbar: Sie erhob das Überleben zum Sinn des Lebens und die magische Beschwörung des Todes zu Lebensmodellen. Demgegenüber schien die Dekonstruktion der Unsterblichkeit den Sinn zu vernichten und die Notwendigkeit eines Modells zu leugnen. Paradoxerweise gipfelte das Projekt der Moderne in der Vernichtung ihres Werkes. Der Tod ist wieder zurück - ...

CHF 27.90

Dialektik der Ordnung

Bauman, Zygmunt / Ahrens, Uwe
Dialektik der Ordnung
Der Holocaust wurde inmitten der modernen Gesellschaft konzipiert und durchgeführt, in einer hochentwickelten Zivilisation und im Umfeld außergewöhnlicher kultureller Leistungen, er muss daher als Problem dieser Gesellschaft, Zivilisation und Kultur betrachtet werden.

CHF 28.90

Capitalismo parassitario

Bauman, Zygmunt / Cupellaro, M. / Galimberti, F.
Capitalismo parassitario
Nella modernità liquida raramente una cosa mantiene la sua forma abbastanza a lungo da ispirare fiducia e da solidificarsi in affidabilità. Camminare è meglio che rimanere seduti, correre è meglio di camminare e fare surf è ancor meglio di correre". La tempesta perfetta provocata dall'attuale tsunami finanziario si è abbattuta sulla società liquida di consumatori che aspettava soltanto una nuova onda su cui "surfare". Ad andare in pezzi è l'ut...

CHF 14.90

La società sotto assedio

Bauman, Zygmunt / Minucci, S.
La società sotto assedio
La società è sotto assedio: le nuove élite organizzate hanno, per riaffermare il dominio del mercato, rotto tutti i legami che la tenevano unita. Sono finiti i partiti politici e sono in crisi le associazioni, sono più deboli i nostri vincoli con la comunità religiosa e perfino i legami matrimoniali e familiari sono più labili. Sedotto dalla pubblicità e da potenti modelli televisivi, l'individuo è solo di fronte al mondo globale. In teoria pu...

CHF 23.90

Vite di scarto

Bauman, Zygmunt / Astrologo, M.
Vite di scarto
La modernizzazione è la più prolifica e meno controllata linea di produzione di rifiuti e di esseri umani di scarto. La sua diffusione globale ha sprigionato e messo in moto quantità enormi e sempre crescenti di persone private dei loro modi e mezzi di sopravvivenza. I reietti, i rifugiati, gli sfollati, i richiedenti asilo sono i rifiuti della globalizzazione. Ma non sono i soli rifiuti: vi sono anche le scorie che hanno accompagnato fin dall...

CHF 18.50

Modus vivendi. Inferno e utopia del mondo liquido

Bauman, Zygmunt / D'Amico, S.
Modus vivendi. Inferno e utopia del mondo liquido
Se vogliamo capire in che mondo viviamo e non sbagliare le mosse, interpretandolo con le categorie che abbiamo utilizzato in passato e che oggi non servono più, è opportuno leggere Modus vivendi di Zygmunt Bauman. Il libro è bellissimo. La condizione umana, dipinta come un inferno, invoca un'utopia che la possa riscattare". Umberto Galimberti. "Con un libro folgorante, Zygmunt Bauman si conferma lucidissimo nelle sue analisi sul tipo di mondo ...

CHF 18.50

Paura liquida

Bauman, Zygmunt / Cupellaro, M.
Paura liquida
Credevamo che nella modernità saremmo riusciti a lasciarci alle spalle le paure che avevano pervaso la vita in passato, credevamo che saremmo stati in grado di prendere il controllo della nostra esistenza. "Noi, uomini e donne che abitiamo la parte "sviluppata" del mondo (la più ricca, la più modernizzata), siamo "oggettivamente le persone più al sicuro nella storia dell'umanità". Lo siamo contro le forze della natura, contro la debolezza cong...

CHF 21.90

Verworfenes Leben

Bauman, Zygmunt / Roller, Werner
Verworfenes Leben
Zygmunt Bauman blickt hinter die Kulissen unserer globalisierten Gegenwart. Seine These trifft den Kern der neuzeitlichen Rationalität: Ein ¿ wenn nicht sogar das zentrale ¿ Ereignis von Modernisierungsprozessen besteht in der Exklusion von Menschen aus den sozialen, nationalstaatlichen und kulturellen Zusammenhängen. Ortlose Migranten, Flüchtlinge und für »überflüssig« gehaltene Menschen ¿ in ihrem Schicksal manifestiert sich die Tatsache, da...

CHF 27.90

Moderne und Ambivalenz

Bauman, Zygmunt / Suhr, Martin
Moderne und Ambivalenz
Baumans Buch ist ein überzeugendes Plädoyer für eine tolerante Ambivalenz und damit ein wichtiger Beitrag zur aktuellen Diskussion um Fremdenfeindlichkeit, Rassismus und Nationalismus. Der Anspruch der Moderne, den Menschen Klarheit, Transparenz und Ordnung zu bringen, war von vornherein zum Scheitern verurteilt. Denn mit ihm wurde die grundsätzliche Ambivalenz der Welt und die Zufälligkeit unserer Existenz, unserer Gesellschaft und Kultur ge...

CHF 25.50