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212 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.


Badiou, Alain
The election of Donald Trump as president of the United States sent shockwaves across the globe. How was such an outcome even possible? In two lectures given at American universities in the immediate aftermath of the election, the leading French philosopher Alain Badiou helps us to make sense of this extraordinary occurrence. He argues that Trump's victory was the symptom of a global crisis made up of four characteristics: the triumph of a bru...

CHF 56.90

In Praise of Politics

Badiou, Alain / Lancelin, Aude
In Praise of Politics
Against the backdrop of an alarming rise in authoritarianism and the crisis of liberal democracy, few would consider extoling the virtues of politics today. Yet in this lively dialogue with journalist Aude Lancelin, leading French thinker Alain Badiou argues that it is precisely through politics that humanity can still achieve its most ambitious aims. As power becomes ever more concentrated in the hands of the state and global corporations, t...

CHF 19.50

In Praise of Politics

Badiou, Alain / Lancelin, Aude
In Praise of Politics
Against the backdrop of an alarming rise in authoritarianism and the crisis of liberal democracy, few would consider extoling the virtues of politics today. Yet in this lively dialogue with journalist Aude Lancelin, leading French thinker Alain Badiou argues that it is precisely through politics that humanity can still achieve its most ambitious aims. As power becomes ever more concentrated in the hands of the state and global corporations, t...

CHF 56.90


Badiou, Alain
The election of Donald Trump as president of the United States sent shockwaves across the globe. How was such an outcome even possible? In two lectures given at American universities in the immediate aftermath of the election, the leading French philosopher Alain Badiou helps us to make sense of this extraordinary occurrence. He argues that Trump's victory was the symptom of a global crisis made up of four characteristics: the triumph of a bru...

CHF 19.50


Badiou, Alain / Winter, Cecile / Corcoran, Steve
Polemics is a series of brilliant metapolitical reflections, demolishing established opinion and dominant propaganda, and reorienting our understanding of events from the Kosovo and Iraq wars to the Paris Commune and the Cultural Revolution. At once witty and profound, Badiou presents a series of radical philosophical engagements with politics, and questions what constitutes political truth.

CHF 40.90


Badiou, Alain / Jatho, Heinz
Der Apostel Paulus ist aktueller denn je. Einige der wichtigsten Philosophen der Gegenwart, darunter Giorgio Agamben und Slavoj Zizek, haben ihm Monographien gewidmet, Alain Badiou war der Erste, der in ihm ein Gegenmodell zum politischen und geistigen Neoliberalismus unserer Zeit entdeckt hat. Als Prototyp eines Denkens des Ereignisses stellt Paulus für Badiou einen entscheidenden Zeugen seiner Philosophie dar. Das Ereignis, von dem Paulus e...

CHF 34.50

Rebellion ist gerechtfertigt

Badiou, Alain / Steurer-Boulard, Richard
Rebellion ist gerechtfertigt
Alain Badiou befreit den Mai 68 von verzerrenden Interpretationen, legt seinen philosophischen und politischen Kern frei und zieht die Lehren, die er für unsere Gegenwart bereithält.In konziser Weise rechnet Badiou mit den stereotypen Diagnosen des Mai 1968 ab, die anlässlich seines fünfzigsten Jahrestages in Jubel und Nostalgie auf der einen, Schmähungen und Angriffen auf der anderen Seite versanden. Was die Menschen in diesem zum Symbol gewo...

CHF 12.90


Badiou, Alain / Reinhard, Kenneth / Spitzer, Susan
Alain Badiou is arguably the most significant philosopher in Europe today. Badiou's seminars, given annually on major conceptual and historical topics, constitute an enormously important part of his work. They served as laboratories for his thought and public illuminations of his complex ideas yet remain little known. This book, the transcript of Badiou's year-long seminar on the psychoanalytic theory of Jacques Lacan, is the first volume of h...

CHF 47.90

Der zeitgenössische Nihilismus

Badiou, Alain / Born, Martin
Der zeitgenössische Nihilismus
Ist eine Philosophie der Gegenwart möglich, eine Philosophie, die ihrer eigenen Zeit adäquat ist? Das ist die Leitfrage, der Badious dreiteiliges Seminar Bilder der Gegenwart (2001-2004) folgt.Um selbst ein Bild der Gegenwart zu entwerfen - ihre "philosophische Komödie" zu schreiben -, analysiert Alain Badiou jene Bilder, die unsere Gegenwart ideologisch beherrschen: allen voran das Emblem der "Demokratie", das die Subjekte der universellen Au...

CHF 31.90

Ribellarsi è giusto! L'attualità del Maggio 68

Badiou, Alain / Destasio, A.
Ribellarsi è giusto! L'attualità del Maggio 68
Il compito del filosofo, cinquant'anni dopo lo scoppio del Maggio 68, è duplice. Egli può misurare l'effettiva potenza detonante della vicenda, ma può anche individuare, al di là della plurivocità delle istanze di lotta che l'hanno caratterizzata (studentesca, operaia e libertaria), una precisa diagonale del pensiero. Vale a dire l'inedita teoria dell'incontro politico che il Maggio 68 ha tentato di enunciare e consegnare alla storia. Questo n...

CHF 27.90

L'infinito. Aristotele, Spinoza, Hegel

Badiou, Alain / Destasio, A.
L'infinito. Aristotele, Spinoza, Hegel
Il corso del 1984/1985 consacrato al tema dell'infinito in Aristotele, Spinoza e Hegel, appartiene alla serie seminariale che edifica e prepara i concetti fondanti del primo grande trattato ontologico di Alain Badiou (L'essere e l'evento, 1988). L'asperità dell'analisi badiouana della costruzione filosofico-matematica del concetto d'infinito, solo in apparenza astratta, libera in realtà una folgorante prospettiva teoretica sulla questione tutt...

CHF 41.90


Badiou, Alain / Engelmann, Peter / Born, Martin
Wie erklärt man den Wahlsieg Donald Trumps? Welcher Form von Subjektivität bedarf es, um unter den gegebenen Umständen Widerstand zu ermöglichen? Wie können politische Programme und Aktionen aussehen angesichts der Krise der westlichen Demokratien, für die Trump als Symbol steht?Ein Tag, nachdem Donald Trump zum Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika gewählt wurde, hielt Alain Badiou einen Vortrag an der UCLA in Los Angeles, einige Ta...

CHF 14.50

Can Politics Be Thought?

Badiou, Alain
Can Politics Be Thought?
Alain Badiou is René Descartes Chair and Professor of Philosophy at The European Graduate School and the author of numerous books, including Being and Event, Theory of the Subject, and Ethics: An Essay on the Understanding of Evil. Bruno Bosteels is Professor in¿the Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures and the Institute for Comparative Literature and Society at Columbia University.

CHF 40.90

Can Politics Be Thought?

Badiou, Alain / Bosteels, Bruno
Can Politics Be Thought?
Alain Badiou is René Descartes Chair and Professor of Philosophy at The European Graduate School and the author of numerous books, including Being and Event, Theory of the Subject, and Ethics: An Essay on the Understanding of Evil. Bruno Bosteels is Professor in¿the Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures and the Institute for Comparative Literature and Society at Columbia University.

CHF 139.00

I Know There Are So Many of You

Badiou, Alain
I Know There Are So Many of You
The history of humanity has only just begun. The Neolithic Revolution may have endowed us with unparalleled means of communication, subsistence, and knowledge acquisition. However, it is clear in today's world that inequality, power hierarchies, and violence persist on a greater scale than ever before. In these two lectures, delivered to the large number of young people who gathered in the Lycée Henri-IV and the École nationale des Beaux-Arts...

CHF 59.50

Trump o del fascismo democratico

Badiou, Alain / Candidi, L.
Trump o del fascismo democratico
Come spiegare il trionfo elettorale di Donald Trump? Quali forme di soggettività sono necessarie per costruire una resistenza? Quali azioni politiche possono contrastare la crisi delle democrazie occidentali di cui Trump è divenuto simbolo? Badiou esamina a caldo, pur con lucidità critica, i motivi di questo successo, ma si spinge oltre e presenta alternative percorribili, inedite forme di resistenza politica. La crisi della democrazia occiden...

CHF 18.50

La teoria del soggetto

Badiou, Alain / Francescato, F.
La teoria del soggetto
Dai primi approcci fenomenologici del giovane Sartre al tema dell'"Ego" fino alle riflessioni dello strutturalismo maturo la "questione del soggetto" è stata una delle pagine più significative della filosofia francese del Novecento. È stata, in ultima analisi, una lunga e serrata discussione attorno all'eredità del "cogito cartesiano", che per secoli aveva dominato il pensiero francese. Dopo la rivoluzione introdotta da Marx e da Freud, il pri...

CHF 72.00

Was verstehe ich unter Marxismus?

Badiou, Alain / Engelmann, Peter / Steurer-Boulard, Richard
Was verstehe ich unter Marxismus?
In einem konzisen Vortrag legt Alain Badiou sein Verständnis des Marxismus dar und verleiht dabei seiner eigenen Philosophie neues Profil.Ausgehend von seiner persönlichen Beziehung zum Marxismus skizziert Alain Badiou seine Quellen und Entwicklungen. Dabei nimmt er eine Reihe von Verschiebungen marxistischer Begriffe vor, indem er den Akzent seiner Analyse auf den Klassenkampf und das Erkennen von Klasseninteressen legt. Auf diese Weise entst...

CHF 12.90