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13 Ergebnisse.

Serengeti: 9 Days With Omari

Bass, G. L.
Serengeti: 9 Days With Omari
SERENGETI: 9 Days With OmariBy: G. L. BassG. L. Bass (The Ghostbear), author and poet, travels across African plains into the heart of the Serengeti. Bass has done several expeditions in Africa. SERENGETI: 9 DAYS WITH OMARI is a real adventure story. Travel day by day, step by step, as bass and his guide Omari Myngala chase the Wildebeest migration for hundreds and hundreds of miles across the Serengeti plains. Experience with them being charg...

CHF 62.00

Tree Lattices

Bass, Hyman / Lubotzky, Alexander / Bass, H. / Carbone, L. / Lunotzky, A. / Rosenberg, G. / Tits, J.
Tree Lattices
Group actions on trees furnish a unified geometric way of recasting the chapter of combinatorial group theory dealing with free groups, amalgams, and HNN extensions. Some of the principal examples arise from rank one simple Lie groups over a non-archimedean local field acting on their Bruhat—Tits trees. In particular this leads to a powerful method for studying lattices in such Lie groups. This monograph extends this approach to the more gener...

CHF 110.00

Secret Consequences

Bass, K. G.
Secret Consequences
Man has always been fascinated by the possibility of time travel and although it is scientifically improbable, hundreds of books and movies have been created expressing the dangerous effects it can have on everything if altered. What happens however, if an accidental process occurs and a drug or potion is created, through the technique of wisdom, voo-doo, witch-craft, or whatever process and allows a miraculous discovery of brain cell reproduc...

CHF 31.90

La tela del ragno. TestaCucita

Bass, Guy / Williamson, P. / Aterini, G.
La tela del ragno. TestaCucita
Se Castello Spavento ha ancora uno scienziato pazzo a trafficare in mostri e creazioni è merito di TestaCucita, Frankenstein in miniatura, ma anche di Arabella, la sola a non temere le orrende creature del Professore. E così, quando Arabella scompare, e tutto fa pensare a un rapimento, TestaCucita e la sua ciurma di mostri dal cuore tenero non hanno dubbi: bisogna partire al salvataggio, anche se il mondo, con tutti quei terribili esseri umani...

CHF 16.90

Un mostro per amico. TestaCucita

Bass, Guy / Williamson, P. / Aterini, G.
Un mostro per amico. TestaCucita
Da anni Erasmus, lo scienziato pazzo più pazzo del mondo, dà vita a creature mostruosamente malvagie e malvagiamente mostruose. Se il professore può dormire incubi tranquilli è solo grazie a TestaCucita, Frankenstein in miniatura che al calare delle tenebre trasforma le invenzioni di Erasmus in creature mostruosamente pacifiche (ma pacificamente mostruose). Come il protagonista del classico dell'orrore, però, TestaCucita soffre di malinconia: ...

CHF 16.90

Outlaws of Moonshadow Marsh 01. Sign of Qin

Bass, L. G.
Outlaws of Moonshadow Marsh 01. Sign of Qin
A volcanic eruption r eleases a vanguard of demons, sealed away for centuries beneath the earth. Soon after, the Emperor's first son is born, marked with the sign of the Qin - the brand of the outlaw! Could the child be the new Starlord, destined to restore justice to the land? The emperor plots to kill his only heir before the boy can usurp his throne. But the assassin is foiled by a mysterious monk whose magical tattoos foretell the future, ...

CHF 13.90

Analysen der Ressourcen und Fähigkeiten als Wegweiser des...

Bass, G.
Analysen der Ressourcen und Fähigkeiten als Wegweiser des Strategiemanagements
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich BWL - Unternehmensführung, Management, Organisation, Hochschule Mainz, Veranstaltung: Strategisches Management BWL, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Das strategische Management hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die Existenz eines U langfristig zu sichern. Das wird durch Schaffung, Nutzung und Erhaltung strategischer Erfolgspotenziale erreicht. Hierzu ist die Analyse der Ressourcen und Fähigkeiten eines ...

CHF 24.90

Der Strukturwandel im Einzelhandel für Bekleidung in Deut...

Bass, G.
Der Strukturwandel im Einzelhandel für Bekleidung in Deutschland
Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich BWL - Allgemeines, Hochschule Mainz, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Den Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit bildet die Frage nach dem Einfluss des anhaltenden Strukturwandels auf den deutschen Bekleidungseinzelhandel und seine Akteure. Welches scheinen die Auslöser zu sein und welche Entwicklungen machen diesen denn nun aus? Ziel dieser Arbeit ist eine Untersuchung des deutschen Einzelhandels für B...

CHF 55.90

Down on All Fours

Bass (the Ghostbear), G. L.
Down on All Fours
Down on All Fours is a presentation of a new and unique genre called the photo-poem: original poetry further enhanced with beautiful photography. Poet G. L. Bass (the Ghostbear) ventures into the wilds of Africa, through the forest and woodlands of Wisconsin, and across the wilds of British Columbia. Explore the place where the heart and soul connect to nature and the spirits, through pictures and poetry discover the way into the hearts and so...

CHF 57.50

Down on All Fours

Bass (the Ghostbear), G. L.
Down on All Fours
Down on All Fours is a presentation of a new and unique genre called the photo-poem: original poetry further enhanced with beautiful photography. Poet G. L. Bass (the Ghostbear) ventures into the wilds of Africa, through the forest and woodlands of Wisconsin, and across the wilds of British Columbia. Explore the place where the heart and soul connect to nature and the spirits, through pictures and poetry discover the way into the hearts and so...

CHF 64.00

L'occhio del pirata. TestaCucita

Bass, Guy / Williamson, P. / Aterini, G.
L'occhio del pirata. TestaCucita
TestaCucita, Frankenstein in miniatura, vive da sempre a Castello Spavento. Il suo mondo è tutto lì, a guarire le creature del professor Erasmus da lupomannarismo e furiosità varie, e impedire che i mostri escano a combinar disastri. Così, quando Erasmus corre a ritirare il massimo premio di Scienziatopazzologia, e in una lettera spiega che non tornerà più, TestaCucita si sente perso. Cosa farà, senza il professore a cui badare? La risposta fo...

CHF 18.50


Bass, Brian G. / Kryder CCC-Sp, Cynthia L.
If you've considered freelance medical writing as a career, but don't know where to start, then The Accidental Medical Writer is for you. When we got started as freelance medical writers, there was very little information available to guide us and to help us avoid making mistakes. There were plenty of books on writing, and even a couple of books about freelance writing. But they were dry, not very user friendly, and definitely not very inspiri...

CHF 41.50