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55 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Life Beyond Us

Baxter, Stephen / Watts, Peter / Nováková, Julie
Life Beyond Us
How would first contact--on earth, in space, on another planet--transform our understandings of technology, philosophy, and what it means to be human? What kind of cognitive dissonance would society experience, if we discovered a previously unrecognized sentience on Earth? What would life be like if it originated in a frigid ocean beneath an impenetrable shell of ice? Or on a world whose haze obscures any view of the universe beyond? Or on an...

CHF 37.50

Operation Restore Hope

Baxter, Peter
Operation Restore Hope
This book tells the story of the international intervention that took place in Somalia, the successes, failures and lessons learned.

CHF 34.90

The Best Views from the Boundary

Baxter, Peter / Baxter, Peter
The Best Views from the Boundary
The greatest lunchtime interviews from the much-loved cricketing institution that is BBC Radio's Test Match Special Includes interviews with Stephen Fry, Lily Allen, David Cameron, John Cleese, John Major and Gary Lineker, as well as many other well-known cricket fans.

CHF 26.90

Das Artefakt - Sterneningenieure

Baxter, Stephen / Robert, Peter
Das Artefakt - Sterneningenieure
Über vierhundert Jahre in der Zukunft bricht Raumschiffpilot Reid Malenfant, frisch aus dem Kälteschlaf geholt, zum Marsmond Phobos auf, nachdem die Erde einen Notruf von seiner Frau Ema erhalten hat. Was Reid, Deidre und die restliche Besatzung des Raumschiffes Last Small Step dort vorgefunden haben, ist atemberaubend: ein abgestürztes russisches Raumschiff und eine englische Forschungscrew. Schnell wird klar, dass sie alle von Parallelwelten...

CHF 17.50

Artefakt – Sternenpforte

Baxter, Stephen / Robert, Peter
Artefakt – Sternenpforte
Im Jahr 2070 machen Astronomen eine unglaubliche Entdeckung: ein seltsames Objekt, das sich von weit außerhalb unseres Sonnensystems nähert. Ist es ein Asteroid aus den Tiefen des Weltalls? Oder könnte es sogar ein Raumschiff sein? Doch mitten in der schlimmsten Phase der Klimakatastrophe haben die Weltraumagenturen kein Budget für eine Forschungsmission. Einzig Reid Malefant, ehemaliger Shuttle-Pilot und jetzt Asteroidenbergmann wider Willen,...

CHF 17.50

On the Boards with Blowers

Baxter, Peter
On the Boards with Blowers
Old friends and Test Match Special colleagues, Henry Blofeld and Peter Baxter had many outrageous tales of life in and around the radio cricket commentary boxes of the world. So in 2012, the two embarked on a tour that saw them take their hilarious stories onto the stage in a two-man show.

CHF 16.50

After the Lost Franklin Expedition

Baxter, Peter
After the Lost Franklin Expedition
The Franklin Expedition, where all 129 men died, is arguably the worst disaster to Britain's history of polar exploration. The fate of the missing men has remained an enigma that tantalised generations of historians, archaeologists and adventurers.

CHF 27.50

Bush War Rhodesia

Baxter, Peter
Bush War Rhodesia
A concise, balanced and explanatory overview of the war, the military mechanisms and the social and political foundations that defined the crisis.

CHF 34.90


Baxter, Peter
This book traces the early history of Nigeria from inception to civil war, and the complex events that defined the conflict in Biafra, revealing how and why this awful event played out.

CHF 29.90

Saaf's Border War: The South African Air Force in Combat ...

Baxter, Peter
Saaf's Border War: The South African Air Force in Combat 1966-89
South African Mirages and Cuban MiG-21s dogfighting over Cuito Cuanavale, the largest tank battle on African soil since El Alamein, Puma troopships shot out of the skies by Strela missiles and RPG-7 rockets, Alouette III gunships hovering menacingly above Koevoet tracker-combat teams as they close in for the kill, Hercules and Transall transports disgorging their loads of Parabats over Cassinga, suicidal helicopter hot-extractions of Recce ope...

CHF 40.90

Mau Mau

Baxter, Peter
Mau Mau
The Second World War forever altered the complexion of the British Empire. From Cyprus to Malaya, from Borneo to Suez, the dominoes began to fall within a decade of peace in Europe. Africa in the late 1940s and 1950s was energized by the grant of independence to India, and the emergence of a credible indigenous intellectual and political caste that was poised to inherit control from the waning European imperial powers. The British on the whole...

CHF 34.90

Selous Scouts

Baxter, Peter
Selous Scouts
Formed in 1973 by the legendary Lieutenant-Colonel Ron Reid-Daly at the behest of Rhodesian military supremo General Peter Walls, the Selous Scouts were to write their name into the annals of military history as one of the finest counterinsurgency units of all time, through their innovative pseudo-guerrilla tactics, brilliant reconnaissance operations into Zambia and Botswana and daring flying-column raids into Mozambique. Feared and hated by ...

CHF 34.90

France in Centrafrique

Baxter, Peter
France in Centrafrique
France in Centrafrique explores the early colonial and post-colonial history of French Equatorial Africa with a particular emphasis on the role of the Central African Republic in the Second World War and the Free French Movement. One of the key figures to emerge from this period, and a man who would shape the modern destiny of the Central African Republic, was Jean-B¿l Bokassa. Bokassa served alongside the Free French under General Charles de ...

CHF 34.90