Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

18 Ergebnisse.

Black cat

Bedford, Martyn / Granato, G.
Black cat
Chloe Fortune è un'ambientalista convinta, che è riuscita a evitare la costruzione di un grande svincolo autostradale. Si sta "disintossicando dagli uomini" dopo la dolorosa separazione da un suo compagno di proteste. Prende un appartamento e trova un lavoro in un caffè di una cittadina di campagna. Ma non trova la pace che cerca: un misterioso animale infatti minaccia la comunità, mutilando le pecore e terrorizzando la gente nella brughiera. ...

CHF 15.90

Tutta la verità su Gloria Ellis

Bedford, Martyn / Carbone, A.
Tutta la verità su Gloria Ellis
Gloria Ellis ha quindici anni e odia la sua vita. Odia la stupida cittadina di provincia in cui è cresciuta, la stupida scuola che frequenta e gli stupidi amici che vede tutti i giorni. È per questo che quando nella sua classe arriva un ragazzo nuovo, un ragazzo deciso a infrangere ogni regola, Gloria se ne innamora immediatamente. In apparenza Uman è tutto ciò che lei ha sempre sognato: è brillante, sicuro di sé, imprevedibile. Ed è pronto a ...

CHF 29.50

Flip [With Earbuds]

Bedford, Martyn / Kalajzic, Alex
Flip [With Earbuds]
One December night, 14-year-old Alex goes to bed. He wakes up to find himself in the wrong bedroom, in an unfamiliar house, in a different part of the country, and it's the middle of June. Six months have disappeared overnight. The family at the breakfast table are total strangers. And when he looks in the mirror, another boy's face stares back at him. A boy named Flip. Unless Alex finds out what's happened and how to get back to his own life,...

CHF 96.00


Bedford, Martyn / Kalajzic, Alex
One December night, 14-year-old Alex goes to bed. He wakes up to find himself in the wrong bedroom, in an unfamiliar house. Six months have disappeared overnight. The family at the breakfast table are total strangers. And when he looks in the mirror, another boy's face stares back at him. A boy named Flip.

CHF 99.00


Bedford, Martyn
A teenager wakes up inside another boy's body and faces a life-or-death quest to return to his true self or be trapped forever in the wrong existence. OA moving tale that juggles realistic high school fiction with fantasy.O--"Publishers Weekly.

CHF 14.90

Letters Home

Bedford, Martyn
Letters Home
Informed by Bedford's early career as a thriller writer, these short stories read as much like mysteries, waiting to reveal themselves. Covering everything from the lingering legacies of industrial disputes, through to futuristic visions of police detection, they offer a fascinating portrait of the changing face of modern, Northern Britain.

CHF 18.50

20 vragen voor Gloria

Bedford, Martyn / Bos, Tjalling
20 vragen voor Gloria
Op een saaie doordeweekse dag stapt een nieuwe jongen Gloria's klas binnen. En niet zomaar één. Uman is knap en mysterieus, en ook grappig en superslim. Hij komt meteen naast Gloria zitten en heeft alleen maar oog voor haar. Binnen de kortste keren wordt ze verliefd. Dus als hij voorstelt om te breken met hun saaie leven en er samen vandoor te gaan, hoeft ze niet lang na te denken. Ze nemen een tentje mee, gooien hun telefoons weg en gaan same...

CHF 27.90


Bedford, Martyn
A teenager wakes up inside another boy's body and faces a life-or-death quest to return to his true self or be trapped forever in the wrong existence. OA moving tale that juggles realistic high school fiction with fantasy.O--"Publishers Weekly.

CHF 24.90

The Houdini Girl

Bedford, Martyn
The Houdini Girl
Unusually deft and witty dialogue--. With great aplomb, [Bedford] has brought off an erotic thriller."--"The New York Times Book Review In The Houdini Girl, award-winning mystery writer Martyn Bedford explores the pulsing spiritual chaos that lies at the heart of erotic obsession. Fletcher "Red" Brandon is a master magician who uses his talents to seduce Rosa, a flinty Irish woman. But when Rosa is killed suddenly, Red discovers secrets about ...

CHF 17.50