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Zur Kasse

19 Ergebnisse.

Recorded Fragments

Bensaïd, Daniel
Recorded Fragments
Recorded Fragments - Twelve reflections on the 20th century with Daniel BensaïdThese interviews with Daniel Bensaïd were a project broadcast on the radio station 'Fréquence Paris Plurielle' (106.3 FM). During recording sessions in 2007 and 2008, Daniel Bensaïd proposed further interviews on twelve events associated with key dates of the workers' movement. In these, he gives his insight into events such as the October Revolution, the Spanish Ci...

CHF 28.50

Köstebek ve Lokomotif

Bensaid, Daniel
Köstebek ve Lokomotif
Postyapisalci modanin hüküm sürdügü doksanli yillarda Fransiz düsünce dünyasihdan yükselen radikal bir ses olarak Daniel Bensaidin militan felsefesi Türkiyeli okurla randevusunu kacirmisti. Bugüne dek ancak militan nesriyat icinde dikkatli ve titiz bir takibe soyunanlar yazarin tektük kimi metinlerine ulasma imkanina sahipti. Alternatif küresellesme hareketinin tarihin sahnesine cikisiyla ve bu harekete bir perspektif sunmaya yönelik kitaplari...

CHF 16.90

Elogio della politica profana

Bensaïd, Daniel / Ciappa, A.
Elogio della politica profana
Nell'epoca delle spoliticizzazioni, in cui la politica viene annientata dal dispotismo del mercato e la democrazia sprofonda nel plebiscito sondaggistico, Bensaïd sente l'urgenza di ridefinire linguaggi, orizzonti e cultura in grado di rifondare la politica nella sua accezione più nobile, la "politica profana". Stiamo attraversando una lunga transizione in cui le condizioni spaziali e temporali della politica sono profondamente mutate, l'antic...

CHF 41.90

New Parties of the Left

Bensaid, Daniel / Sousa, Alda / Thornett, Alan
New Parties of the Left
With its latest publication "New Parties of the Left: Experiences from Europe", the IIRE, in collaboration with Resistance Books, provides a much needed analysis of the European regroupment of the radical left. With its pan-European focus combined with detailed accounts from France, Denmark, Britain, Germany, Italy and Portugal this book offers a unique and unprecedented insight into contemporary political history of the radical left in Europe...

CHF 22.90

Walter Benjamin. Links des Möglichen

Bensaid, Daniel
Walter Benjamin. Links des Möglichen
Dieses kurz nach dem Fall der Mauer erschienene Buch des Philosophen und Aktivisten Daniel Bensaïd (1946-2010) markierte einen Wendepunkt im theoretischen und politischen Werdegang des Autors. Walter Benjamin lieferte notwendige Ansatzpunkte zur Reformulierung eines revolutionären und strategischen Denkens in einer Periode der Niederlage, als der Neoliberalismus zu triumphieren schien. Im Dialog mit Walter Benjamin fordert Bensaïd, sich dem jü...

CHF 33.90

An Impatient Life

Bensaid, Daniel / Fernbach, David
An Impatient Life
In the classic tradition of the philosopher - activist, Daniel Bensaid tells the story of a life deeply entwined with the history of both the French and the international Left. From his family bistro in a staunchly red neighborhood of Toulouse to the founding of the Jeunesses communistes revolutionnaires in the 1960s, from the joyous explosion of May 1968 to the painful experience of defeat in Latin America, from the re-reading of Marx to the ...

CHF 22.90

Strategies of Resistance & 'Who Are the Trotskyists?'

Bensaid, Daniel
Strategies of Resistance & 'Who Are the Trotskyists?'
Daniel Bensaïd's challenging survey comes at an appropriate moment. It is a gift to activists reaching for some historical perspective that may provide hints as to where we might go from here. Embracing and sharing the revolutionary socialist political tradition associated with Leon Trotsky, Bensaïd is not simply a thoughtful radical academic or perceptive left-wing intellectual - though he is certainly both - but also one of the foremost lead...

CHF 20.50