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8 Ergebnisse.

It Isn't Free and It Isn't Masonry

Bixler, Otto
It Isn't Free and It Isn't Masonry
Freemasonry in your direct family bloodline or by personal involvement results in personal problems not usually attributed to this source. This book will help you discover, diagnose and remove them.Join the many who can now live their lives as God intended. Mental freedom, spiritual sensitivity and freedom, physical restoration from many maladies, recovery from financial difficulties - all are attainable to those seeking help from God to set t...

CHF 29.90

Answering Christ's Call - A Discipleship Training Course

Bixler, Otto
Answering Christ's Call - A Discipleship Training Course
Answering Christ's Call is a discipleship-training course designed to transition ordinary Christian believers, who have made a firm commitment to Christ, into participants in the ministry of Jesus. Biblical teaching and experience with the Holy Spirit in processing thousands of believers across the nations undergirds the training in which you are about to be engaged. We invite you to come and learn about the ways of God. It will be challenging...

CHF 25.90

V¿duve, orfani ¿i prizonieri

Bixler, Otto
V¿duve, orfani ¿i prizonieri
În sfârsit! Acum, în forma scrisa! Descopera si experimenteaza ceea ce mii de oameni au primit de la Dumnezeu prin conferinte, scoli si slujiri de rugaciune. O carte practica, scrisa cu scopul de a aduce eliberare spirituala celor ce au o experienta sau o mostenire legata de comunism. Principiile spirituale explicate si ilustrate prin istorisiri reale te vor ajuta. Descopera ceea ce este important în ochii lui Dumnezeu. Descopera cum poti înla...

CHF 28.90

It Isn't Free and It Isn't Masonry

Bixler, Otto
It Isn't Free and It Isn't Masonry
Freemasonry in your direct family bloodline or by personal involvement results in personal problems not usually attributed to this source. This book will help you discover, diagnose and remove them. Join the many who can now live their lives as God intended. Mental freedom, spiritual sensitivity and freedom, physical restoration from many maladies, recovery from financial difficulties - all are attainable to those seeking help from God to set ...

CHF 23.50

Özvegyek, árvák, foglyok

Bixler, Otto
Özvegyek, árvák, foglyok
Végre! Írott alakban! Fedezd fel és tedd magadévá, amit ezrek kaptak Istentol konferenciákon, iskolákban és gyülekezeti imaszolgálatok során. Ez egy "Hogyan csináljam?" könyv, amelyet azzal a céllal írt a szerzo, hogy szellemi szabadságra juthassanak azok, akik családi örökségének része az orosz kommunizmus vagy személyesen átélték azt. Nem számít, azonban melyik országból jössz, az itt tárgyalt, a való életbol vett példákkal illusztrált szell...

CHF 29.50

Widows Orphans and Prisoners

Bixler, Otto
Widows Orphans and Prisoners
At Last! Now in written form! Discover and receive for yourself what thousands have received from God in conferences, schools and church ministry. A 'How to book' written to bring spiritual freedom to those with a family inheritance of, or personal experience under, Russian communism. No matter what country you're from: * Find out what God thinks is important. * Discover how to remove key spiritual blockages from your life. * Experience new ho...

CHF 27.90