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19 Ergebnisse.

Soviet Theory of Knowledge

Blakeley, J. E.
Soviet Theory of Knowledge
This book offers a complete survey of contemporary Soviet theory of knowledge. It is by no means meant to replace De Vries' excellent treatise on the same subject. Since De Vries depended mainly on the 'classics of Marxism' and the few contemporary Soviet works which were available in German translation, his account is at best an in­ troduction to the contemporary period. In a sense this book is com­ plementary to his: he presents the doctrine...

CHF 134.00

Soviet Scholasticism

Blakeley, J. E.
Soviet Scholasticism
The present work is a study of the method of contemporary Soviet philosophy. By "Soviet philosophy" we mean philosophy as published in the Soviet Union. For practical purposes we have limited our attention to Soviet sources in Russian in spite of the fact that Soviet philosophical works are also published in other languages (see B 2029(21)(38». The term "method" is taken in the sense usual in Western books on methodology .1 In view of the cont...

CHF 69.00

Bibliographie der Sowjetischen Philosophie / Bibliography...

Blakeley, J. E. / Bochenski, J. M.
Bibliographie der Sowjetischen Philosophie / Bibliography of Soviet Philosophy
Die ersten drei Hefte dieser Reihe enthalten die Titel der Aufsatze, die in den sowjetischen philosophischen Fachzeitschriften (VFund FN) zwischen 1947 und 1960 erschienen sind, sowie die Titel von Blichern die in diesen Zeitschriften angeflihrt oder in der Bibliothek des Freiburger Osteuropa Instituts vorhanden waren. Ursprlinglich flir den Gebrauch der Mitglieder des Instituts vorgesehen, wurden sie in der Hoffnung veroffentlicht andern Fors...

CHF 71.00

Studies in Soviet Thought

Blakeley, J. E. / Bochenski, J. M.
Studies in Soviet Thought
Early in 1958 a number of research projects on Soviet philosophy were started at the Institute of East-European Studies at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) under the direction of the undersigned. At present, they are all completed or nearly so and their results are described in 18 different volumes. In spite of the fact that all of them have been already published or soon will be (mostly in German), it has been thought worthwhile to pr...

CHF 69.00

Themes in Soviet Marxist Philosophy

Blakeley, J. E.
Themes in Soviet Marxist Philosophy
The Soviet philosophical scene has experienced remarkable growth since the innovations of the 50's and the renovations of the 60's. This volume of Sovietica is intended by the editors as a finger on the pulse of the Marxist-Leninist corpus philosophicum as we enter the 1970's. Published in the years between 1960 and 1970, the Filosofskaja en­ ciklopedija (FE) has replaced the Kratkij filosofskij slovar' (Short Philo­ sophic Dictionary: 1939, 1...

CHF 69.00

Russia and America: A Philosophical Comparison

Blakeley, J. E. / Gavin, W. J.
Russia and America: A Philosophical Comparison
In this year of bicentennial celebration, there will no doubt take place several cultural analyses of the American tradition. This is only as it should be, for without an extensive, broad-based inquiry into where we have come from, we shall surely not foresee where we might go. Nonetheless, most cultural analyses of the American context suffer from a common fault - the lack of a different context to use for purposes of comparison. True, Americ...

CHF 134.00

Soviet Theory of Knowledge

Blakeley, J. E.
Soviet Theory of Knowledge
This book offers a complete survey of contemporary Soviet theory of knowledge. It is by no means meant to replace De Vries' excellent treatise on the same subject. Since De Vries depended mainly on the 'classics of Marxism' and the few contemporary Soviet works which were available in German translation, his account is at best an in­ troduction to the contemporary period. In a sense this book is com­ plementary to his: he presents the doctrine...

CHF 134.00

Bibliographie der Sowjetischen Philosophie Bibliography o...

Blakeley, J. E. / Bochenski, J. M.
Bibliographie der Sowjetischen Philosophie Bibliography of Soviet Philosophy
Dieser siebente Band der Bibliographie erfasst die sowje­ tische philosophische Literatur der Jahre 1964-1966 und enthält: 1. Die Titel philosophischer Artikel aus den folgenden zeit­ schriften: Voprosy filosofii, Filosofskie nauki, Kommunist, Uspechi Fizi~eskich NaUk, Vestnik AN SSSR, vestnik MGU, Vestnik LGU, Voprosy psicholOgii. Ebenso sind einige Artikel aus weniger be­ kannten Zeitschriften erfasst. 2. Die Titel philosophischer Bücher, di...

CHF 71.00

Bibliographie der Sowjetischen Philosophie

Blakeley, J. E. / Bochenski, J. M.
Bibliographie der Sowjetischen Philosophie
Dieser sechste Band der Bibliographie erfasst die sowjetische philosophische Literatur der Jahre 1961-1963 und entha1t: 1. Die Titel philosophischer Artikel aus den folgenden Zeit­ schriften: Voprosy filosofii, Filosofskie nauki, Kommunist, uspechi fiziceskich nauk, Vestnik AN SSSR, Vestnik MGU, Vestnik LGU, Voprosy psichologii. Ebenso sind einige Artikel aus weniger bekann­ ten zeitschriften erfasst. 20 Die Titel philosophischer Bucher, die i...

CHF 71.00

Bibliographie der Sowjetischen Philosophie

Blakeley, J. E. / Bochenski, J. M.
Bibliographie der Sowjetischen Philosophie
Seit dern Eingreifen A. A. Zdanovs am 24 Juni 1947 hat die sowje­ tische Philosophie einen bemerkenswerten Aufschwung erlebt. Nach einer mit Recht als "still" bezeichneten Periode, die mit der Ver­ urteilung A. M. Deborins am 31 Januar 1931 begann und erst durch den genannten Eingriff ein Ende fand, kam es zu einem gleichzeitig quantitativen und qualitativen Wachstum: einmal erscheinen seit dieser Zeit viel mehr philosophische Schriften, und z...

CHF 58.50

Bibliographie der Sowjetischen Philosophie

Blakeley, J. E. / Bochenski, J. M.
Bibliographie der Sowjetischen Philosophie
Das vorliegende zweite Hei~ der "Bibliographie der sowjeti­ schen Philosophie" entnalt: (1) Ein Verzeichnis der in den Jahren 1947-1956 erschienenen selbsta, ndigen' philosophischen Schriften, die in den "Voprosy filo­ sofH" 1947-1956 zitiert werden. Von diesen Schriften sind jedoch ausser in Fallen besonderer Wichtigkeit nur solche genannt, die einen Umfang von'mehr als 99 Seiten haben. Das Verzeichnis ist nach den bib1iographischen Angaben i...

CHF 71.00

Soviet Russian Dialectical Materialism [Diamat]

Blakeley, J. E. / Sollohub, Nicolas
Soviet Russian Dialectical Materialism [Diamat]
This book offers a critical outline of the sources of the history, of the spirit and of the doctrines of present-day Soviet Russian Dialectical­ Materialism ('Diamat'), i.e. of the philosophical foundations of Marxism­ Leninism. It is scarcely necessary to stress the usefulness of a short outline of this kind, as Russian sources are not easily accessible in the West and as it is of considerable interest to know the doctrines which make up the ...

CHF 69.00

Themes in Soviet Marxist Philosophy

Blakeley, J E
Themes in Soviet Marxist Philosophy
The Soviet philosophical scene has experienced remarkable growth since the innovations of the 50's and the renovations of the 60's. This volume of Sovietica is intended by the editors as a finger on the pulse of the Marxist-Leninist corpus philosophicum as we enter the 1970's. Published in the years between 1960 and 1970, the Filosofskaja en­ ciklopedija (FE) has replaced the Kratkij filosofskij slovar' (Short Philo­ sophic Dictionary: 1939, 1...

CHF 130.00

Soviet Scholasticism

Blakeley, J E
Soviet Scholasticism
The present work is a study of the method of contemporary Soviet philosophy. By "Soviet philosophy" we mean philosophy as published in the Soviet Union. For practical purposes we have limited our attention to Soviet sources in Russian in spite of the fact that Soviet philosophical works are also published in other languages (see B 2029(21)(38». The term "method" is taken in the sense usual in Western books on methodology .1 In view of the cont...

CHF 130.00

Soviet Russian Dialectical Materialism [Diamat]

Blakeley, J E / Sollohub, Nicolas
Soviet Russian Dialectical Materialism [Diamat]
This book offers a critical outline of the sources of the history, of the spirit and of the doctrines of present-day Soviet Russian Dialectical­ Materialism ('Diamat'), i.e. of the philosophical foundations of Marxism­ Leninism. It is scarcely necessary to stress the usefulness of a short outline of this kind, as Russian sources are not easily accessible in the West and as it is of considerable interest to know the doctrines which make up the ...

CHF 131.00

Russia and America: A Philosophical Comparison

Blakeley, J. E. / Gavin, W. J.
Russia and America: A Philosophical Comparison
In this year of bicentennial celebration, there will no doubt take place several cultural analyses of the American tradition. This is only as it should be, for without an extensive, broad-based inquiry into where we have come from, we shall surely not foresee where we might go. Nonetheless, most cultural analyses of the American context suffer from a common fault - the lack of a different context to use for purposes of comparison. True, Americ...

CHF 134.00