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8 Ergebnisse.

Der Volltreffer - The Sure Thing

Bloom, Steve / Roberts, Jonathan / Leighton, Robert / Scott, Tom / Birnbaum, Roger / Elswit, Robert / Cusack, John / Zuniga, Daphne / Edwards, Anthony / Gaines, Boyd / Robbins, Tim / Persky, Lisa Jane / Lindfors, Viveca / Sheridan, Nicollette / Christie, Marcia
Der Volltreffer - The Sure Thing
Bevor Gibson (John Cusack) wieder zurück ans College geht, will er es in den Semesterferien noch einmal so richtig krachen lassen. Sein bester Freund Lance (Anthony Edwards) in Kalifornien hat auch gleich die zündende Idee parat: Er kennt jede Menge Traumfrauen. Vor allen Dingen eine ganz bestimmte, die ein wahrer "Volltreffer" sein soll. Ganz heiß auf ein paar wilde Wochen unter kalifornischer Sonne nimmt Gibson die nächste Mitfahrgelegenheit...

CHF 20.90

Churchianity vs. Christianity

Bloom, Anthony
Churchianity vs. Christianity
The expression "churchianity" was coined by C. S. Lewis. It is a word that describes the parable of Christ-or rather, the event-in which the Lord Jesus Christ pronounced his condemnation on the barren fig tree. Had it been barren, leafless, dead, Christ would not have condemned it. He might even have spoken a word of life and brought it into newness. But this tree stood there gloriously adorned with leaves, telling everyone around that that th...

CHF 22.50

Meditations on a Theme: A Spiritual Journey

Bloom, Anthony
Meditations on a Theme: A Spiritual Journey
Metropolitan Anthony (Anthony Bloom) caught the imagination of countless people by his broadcasts. Their content was uncomfortable and challenging but they drew huge audiences. He then started publishing books and one of his first was was Meditations on a Theme, which we are proud to reissue.Anthony Bloom takes us on a path traced by centuries of Christian pilgrims, taking as landmarks for our meditations certain passages of the Gospel. At the...

CHF 46.90

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh: Essential Writings

Bloom, Anthony / Crow, Gillian
Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh: Essential Writings
For over fifty years, Anthony Bloom (1914-2003 was head of the russian Orthodox Church ihn Great Britain (Patriarchate of Moscow). Arriving in Britain in 1949 he played a major part of ecumenical work and exerted a wide influence through his broadcasts, writings (he is the author of several spiritual classics), and reputation as a spiritual leader. His writings reflect both the essence of Orthodoxy and his own experience of the struggle to liv...

CHF 26.50