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Bosch, Alexander P. M. van den
See.. I look that .. no.. Now you look like you are quizical .. that face.. I said that on purpose. I situated.. I created a situation to sort THAT effect .. how does that now feel. That was my true aim.. to imbue a certain feeling

CHF 22.90


Bosch, Alexander P. M. van den
Well Sally.. you have been here at this place for over three months.. and your depression does not subside.. enough. So. Well.. we want to go to another phase. What worked earlier

CHF 23.90


Bosch, Alexander P. M. van den
Say.. to me I must confess.. stay this be.. or I'll be dress.. to that. (oh.. a song lyric).. (the video) a man walks into a dress caravan.. in it he sees a woman dressed like Norma Jane.. he is now seen from the front.. ah.. it's Humprey Bogard.. with a cigar.. the lyrics go on.. a sudden shift to Madonna singing them.. she sits on a blow-up platic seat in a private outside swimmingpool.. that seat angles a bit.. in the back a out focus pool ...

CHF 23.90

Late Night Show

Bosch, Alexander P. M. van den
Late Night Show
Hey.. HEY.. GORDON.. (zegt Martijn Krabbe tijdens The Late Night Show).. wat wil je nou eigenlijk zeggen.. (Sonja reageert) Nou.. als je goed naar Gordon luistert is het dus zonneklaar. (Ali B.) Nou ik weet wat zonneklaar is.. ik ga zo naar huis met een duidelijker idee over jullie allemaal. (Martijn) Wat is dat dan Ali. (Ali) Dat.. nou laat ik et ff ZO zegge .. op zijn OERVAST Nederlands.. wat jij zei.. en hij en Sonja.. en die panel leden.. ...

CHF 23.50


Bosch, Alexander P. M. van den
I know, I know, I get that.. that is.. so ..SO .. WAIT. Look at it THIS way, now all is different. Now it is either truly boring or.. no no no no LOOK

CHF 23.50

Quan Yin

Bosch, Alexander P. M. van den
Quan Yin
Quan Yin was a Chinese legend in her age.. as a farm girl that made it to empores.. on her own. Still, much is not known, other than these accounts on how she made it to the palaces

CHF 22.90

Functions 2

Bosch, Alexander P. M. van den
Functions 2
So.. you have read Functions, part 1, now have you. So you trained your enlightened and imaginating self up to level 9.. now.. this book goes beyond that.. up to level 16. If you master that, well.. you can interact with imaginations of solids and machines

CHF 23.90

Strategic Re

Bosch, Alexander P. M. van den
Strategic Re
See... SEE.. what I did just there. Wait.. look again.. oh..OH.. you joined forces with another group. Now you, your set has more pawns. But... wait. I ask advice from a outside help party.. that will cost me spoils.. so be it

CHF 23.90

The Hawking Scale

Bosch, Alexander P. M. van den
The Hawking Scale
If I was a person with a Hawking consc. of say 850 I would still not be a manager as good as a ceo with a Hawking of 310. Each step is a way in behavior that enables a high competence on that step

CHF 19.90

The Hrm Character Instrument

Bosch, Alexander P. M. van den
The Hrm Character Instrument
Take Character type say... F.. those see a task.. and well.. they take charge.. DO DO DO.. achieve the required task.. and in the running also did also tasks 1 2 and 3.. and in the end.. well.. the next task. Another MAIN type just sees it all.. and.. (with that history).. makes a run.. to some higher advanced help.. some manage to get that help.. other fail that.. but.. get an emotional aid going. So.. 6 main types.. 12 subtypes per main.. in...

CHF 20.90


Bosch, Alexander P. M. van den
So.. look up.. what is that.. that is the Orium.. a.. oh.. wait.. let's look with the three of us.. ok. Now.. we.. hey.. where is Jeffrey.. gone. OMG.. Maria.. oh.. off to the cops.. this might have very different endings. Maria.. OH

CHF 23.50

The Catalog

Bosch, Alexander P. M. van den
The Catalog
This collection of upcoming books by A.P.M. van den Bosch..(18 in sharp total.. ), that is.. these: Walkers and dancers, Positief, Karma black, Anthir, De tien stellingen, Breker, Sunnay, Verliefdheid, NLP, Doreen Virtue, The Moutain of Petrus, De Familieopstelling, 14 ways of thinking, The High Crown Green, Lønstead, Qyan Yin, Mohammed's many travels, Double.. these books.. are here introduced.. by jacket (some) and a very precise c...

CHF 22.50

The Matrix

Bosch, Alexander P. M. van den
The Matrix
Neo...NEO..look..I do myself a big favor.. to RID this world from you and get Morpheus and that oracle of his something to think about.. YES..and that is this. Where do you think I go to at night? AND.. (listen)..why do away what still holds merit.. yes. You might die in the Matrix... but might resurface on .. say another server.. or the same.. see if I care

CHF 23.90


Bosch, Alexander P. M. van den
Look.. we all die you know.. so.. we find out what awaits us.. UP. So.. no worries ok? Yet.. if you talk to say a good medium.. or that one that.. knows. Well.. you hear some things.. the same. Like.. how you arrive with.. a little help. And OH the fact THAT you arrive.. there.. they call it a waystation. Yes.. you have to go back sometime.. yes. And do you know why?

CHF 23.50