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6 Ergebnisse.

Soul Searcher

Bradford, Marilyn
Soul Searcher
Along this journey called life, we experience strength and weakness, ups and downs, gains and losses, friends and enemies, yet wisdom is to realize that it all has its purpose, place and time. So, you see it is after facing our deepest despair that we are able to realize our greatest joy. It is our challenges that award us with knowledge. And the muddled mixed moments of doubt and confusion gives truth and clarity its radiant glow. However, ...

CHF 29.50

La recuperación correcta para ti (Spanish)

Bradford, Marilyn M.
La recuperación correcta para ti (Spanish)
Mientras estés operando desde lo que te han dicho que es la adicción, y todos los mitos y mentiras que van de la mano con ello, nunca podrás elegir más allá de ello. Si estás dispuesto a considerar un acercamiento radicalmente diferente con la adicción, este libro es para ti. La recuperación correcta para ti no te ofrece un sistema en el cuál tienes que encajar. No te dice qué hacer o te da respuestas acerca de tu vida. Lo que ofrece son herra...

CHF 33.50

La Bonne Réparation Pour Toi - Right Recovery French

Bradford, Marilyn M.
La Bonne Réparation Pour Toi - Right Recovery French
Tant que tu fonctionnes à partir de ce qu'on a t'a dit qu'était l'addiction et tous les mythes et mensonges qui vont de pair, tu ne seras jamais en mesure de choisir au-delà de l'addiction.Si tu es prêt à considérer une approche radicalement différente de l'addiction, ce livre est pour toi. La bonne réparation pour toi ne te propose pas un système dans lequel tu dois te fondre. Il ne te dit pas ce que tu dois faire et il ne te donne pas de rép...

CHF 33.90

Right Recovery For You - German

Bradford, Marilyn M.
Right Recovery For You - German
Solange du von dem aus funktionierst, was man dir erzählt hat, das Abhängigkeit ist - und allen Mythen und Lügen, die damit zusammenhängen - wirst du nie in der Lage sein, darüber hinaus zu wählen.Wenn du bereit bist, eine radikal andere Herangehensweise an Abhängigkeit in Betracht zu ziehen, ist dieses Buch für dich. Right Recovery for You bietet kein System an, in das du dich einpasst. Es sagt dir nicht, was du tun musst, oder gibt dir Antwo...

CHF 34.50

La Giusta Riabilitazione Per Te - Right Recovery for You ...

Bradford, Marilyn M. / Chirnoaga, Bianca Luana
La Giusta Riabilitazione Per Te - Right Recovery for You (Italian)
Finché funzionerai da quello che ti è stato detto siano le dipendenze (e da tutti i miti e le bugie che l'accompagnano) non sarai mai in grado di scegliere aldilà di esse.Se sei disposto a considerare un approccio completamente differente alla dipendenza, questo libro fa per te. La Giusta Riabilitazione Per Te non ti offre un sistema al quale adeguarti. Quello che offre sono strumenti, tecniche, informazioni e processi che puoi usare per ripul...

CHF 34.50

Right Recovery for You

Bradford, Marilyn M.
Right Recovery for You
As long as you're operating out of what you've been told addiction is -and all the myths and lies that go along with that- you will never be able to choose beyond it. If you are willing to consider a radically different approach to addiction, this book is for you. Right Recovery for You does not offer a system that you fit yourself into. It does not tell you what to do or give you answers about your life. What it offers are tools, technique...

CHF 33.90