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13 Ergebnisse.

Chickamauga, Andersonville, Fort Sumter and Guard Duty at...

Broadwater, Robert P.
Chickamauga, Andersonville, Fort Sumter and Guard Duty at Home
The best way to bring an event from the past into vivid life is to see it through the eyes of someone who lived it. In this book the reader sees the Civil War through the eyes of four Union soldiers who, although they were all from south central Pennsylvania, experienced the war in radically different ways. The journals of the four?Lt. William Glison of the 6th Ohio Infantry, Sergeant Will Duncan of the 2nd Pennsylvania Militia Battalion, John...

CHF 52.50

The Battle of Fair Oaks

Broadwater, Robert P.
The Battle of Fair Oaks
In the spring of 1862, Union Major General George B. McClellan's Army of the Potomac launched a bloody offensive up the Virginia Peninsula in an effort to capture the Confederate capital of Richmond. This study chronicles the pivotal but often overlooked culmination of the Peninsula Campaign--the Battle of Fair Oaks, also known as Seven Pines. At Fair Oaks, Confederate troops succeeded in driving back Union forces from the edge of Richmond bef...

CHF 53.50

Civil War Medal of Honor Recipients

Broadwater, Robert P.
Civil War Medal of Honor Recipients
In November 1861, Lieutenant Colonel Edward Townsend, adjutant general of the Army, sought to establish an award to motivate and inspire Northern soldiers in the aftermath of the early, morale-devastating defeats of the Civil War. The outcome of Townsend's brainstorm was the Medal of Honor. This reference book offers information about all recipients of the Civil War Medal of Honor, with details of their acts of heroism. The work then organize...

CHF 53.50

American Generals of the Revolutionary War

Broadwater, Robert P.
American Generals of the Revolutionary War
At the outbreak of the American Revolution in 1775, the colonies faced the daunting task of creating the first American army, and its requisite leadership, capable of combating a global superpower whose standing army and general ship were among the finest in the world. Built largely from state and local militias, the colonial army performed surprisingly well and produced a number of fine generals. Some were experienced before the war, like Geo...

CHF 50.50

Lefty Grove and the 1931 Philadelphia Athletics

Broadwater, Robert P.
Lefty Grove and the 1931 Philadelphia Athletics
Chronicles the history of the Philadelphia Athletics, the first real dynasty in Major League Baseball. The focus of the book is the 1931 season, where Philadelphia had the best season in franchise history, leading to a third consecutive trip to the World Series. With a roster full of future Hall of Fame players the Athletics were one of the best baseball teams of all time, and the 1931 season served as the apex of their success.

CHF 52.50

Ralph Kiner

Broadwater, Robert P.
Ralph Kiner
Ralph Kiner (1922-2014) was one of the most feared power hitters of his era. Babe Ruth predicted Kiner would be the slugger most likely to break Ruth's single season home run record. While the left fielder from New Mexico missed that mark, he did break one of the Babe's records, leading his league in home runs for seven consecutive seasons--a record unbroken since. Kiner set his records while playing for some of the worst teams ever to take t...

CHF 51.90

The Battle of Olustee, 1864

Broadwater, Robert P.
The Battle of Olustee, 1864
When the Civil War began, Florida was of little strategic importance to North or South. By the end of 1863, this position had changed dramatically. For the struggling Confederacy, Florida had become a crucial source of supplies. Thus the Union endeavored to regain control of Florida, an effort that culminated in the Battle of Olustee. Compiled from primary sources such as diaries and journals, this work tells the story of the failed Union atte...

CHF 51.50

General George H. Thomas

Broadwater, Robert P.
General George H. Thomas
One of the Civil Wars most successful generals is heralded by military historians but never achieved the lasting fame of Grant, Lee, Jackson or Sherman. George Thomass Southern birth, the ambition of fellow officers, and his action in the less-publicized Western Theater combined to keep him from attaining recognition. This comprehensive biography focuses on the military career that covered such battlegrounds as Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge an...

CHF 59.90

Did Lincoln and the Republican Party Create the Civil War?

Broadwater, Robert P.
Did Lincoln and the Republican Party Create the Civil War?
The author presents the argument that the Civil War was fought not to preserve the Union or free the slaves but rather to establish the political power of the Republican Party within the federal government. He argues that Lincoln and the Republican Party manipulated events to bring about the war and used the war as a pretext for the establishment of the modern central government.

CHF 52.50

The Battle of Perryville, 1862

Broadwater, Robert P.
The Battle of Perryville, 1862
In 1862, the South launched a campaign to bring the indecisive border state of Kentucky into the Confederacy. Full of blunders and missed opportunities, the campaign convinced the Kentuckians that the Confederacy was incapable of holding the state against determined Union forces. Among the disasters was the bloody battle of Perryville.Drawing on research in letters, diaries and regimental histories, this book tells the story of the South's ill...

CHF 57.50

Gettysburg as the Generals Remembered It

Broadwater, Robert P.
Gettysburg as the Generals Remembered It
This is an examination of reminiscences of the primary leaders in the battle of Gettysburg and a comparison to the historical record. Many generals presented statements written decades after the Civil War, when the Gettysburg Campaign was the topic of historical research and personal controversy. This comparative history illuminates how history is shaped as well as how the famous battle unfolded.

CHF 52.50

Battle of Despair: Bentonville and the North Carolina Cam...

Broadwater, Robert P.
Battle of Despair: Bentonville and the North Carolina Campaign
The Battle of Bentonville has become one of the forgotten battles of the Civil War. It became overshadowed by other major events such as the surrender of Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia and the assassination of President Lincoln. "Battle of Despair: Bentonville and the North Carolina Campaign chronicles the skirmishes and battles between the Union and Confederate forces under General William T. Sherman and General Joseph E. Johnson, ...

CHF 54.90

Of Men and Muskets: Stories of the Civil War

Broadwater, Robert P.
Of Men and Muskets: Stories of the Civil War
Of Men and Muskets gives insight to the personalities of many of the most prominent Civil War leaders through the use of anecdotes and stories which show what made them laugh and what touched their hearts. It is important to show the human side of these great leaders in order that we may examine their characters.After reading only a few of the stories contained in this book, the reader will find that there was a touching simplicity in the humo...

CHF 10.50