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Zur Kasse

3 Ergebnisse.


Brophy, Andy
Deze resultaatgerichte, praktische gids geeft je de kennis waarmee je je organisatie stroomlijnt en de concurrentie voorblijft. De Financial Times gids - Lean: »» legt Lean van a tot z uit »» omschrijft de belangrijkste tools en methoden »» laat zien hoe je Lean binnen de bedrijfsstrategie inpast en werknemers stimuleert »» helpt je competitief te zijn en je doelen sneller te realiseren »» bevat adviezen, tips en praktijkvoorbeelden waarmee je...

CHF 27.90

Innovative Lean

Brophy, Andy / Bicheno, John
Innovative Lean
The management of ideas is, in many companies, a huge untapped or poorly underutilized resource. Yet, ideas are the prime source of improvement and innovation. Moreover, good idea management brings with it a change in the culture of an organization, leading to new levels of co-operation and mutual respect. Without effective idea management, a Lean programme will founder. This book is based on several years of hands-on and case study research. ...

CHF 30.90

Financial Times Guide to Lean, The

Brophy, Andy
Financial Times Guide to Lean, The
Learn how to make your company more efficient, increase customer value with less work and make better use of your organisation's resources by implementing a Lean management strategy.The Financial Times Guide to Lean is a guide to the tools that are used to implement Lean, showing you how to apply Lean practices fully into your organisation or company. This book offers a comprehensive and objective look at lean strategy and how it can be tailor...

CHF 30.30