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14 Ergebnisse.

Trans. Gender und Race in einer Zeit unsicherer Identitäten

Brubaker, Rogers / Kustenaar, Patricia Claire / Schneider, Peter
Trans. Gender und Race in einer Zeit unsicherer Identitäten
Im Sommer 2015, kurz nachdem sich Caitlyn Jenner zu ihrer Identit t als Transgender bekannt hatte, wurde Rachel Dolezal, Präsidentin einer Ortsgruppe der National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) durch ihre Eltern als weiss , geoutet". In der Folge entbrannte in den Medien eine hitzige Debatte über die Fluidität von gender und race. Wenn Jenner sich rechtmässig als Frau identifizieren konnte, konnte sich Dolezal nicht ...

CHF 15.00

Hyperconnectivity and Its Discontents

Brubaker, Rogers
Hyperconnectivity and Its Discontents
Digital hyperconnectivity is a defining fact of our time. The Silicon Valley dream of universal connection - in which everyone and everything is connected to everyone and everything else, everywhere and all the time - is rapidly becoming a reality. Hyperconnectivity has colonized the self, reorganizing our attention and reshaping our ways of thinking, seeing, and feeling. It has channeled social interaction into platform-friendly, surveillance...

CHF 31.50

Hyperconnectivity and Its Discontents

Brubaker, Rogers
Hyperconnectivity and Its Discontents
Digital hyperconnectivity is a defining fact of our time. The Silicon Valley dream of universal connection - in which everyone and everything is connected to everyone and everything else, everywhere and all the time - is rapidly becoming a reality. Hyperconnectivity has colonized the self, reorganizing our attention and reshaping our ways of thinking, seeing, and feeling. It has channeled social interaction into platform-friendly, surveillance...

CHF 88.00

Marvel Must-Have: Der Tod von Captain America

Brubaker, Ed / Epting, Steve / Perkins, Mike / Schweizer, Reinhard / Strittmatter, Michael
Marvel Must-Have: Der Tod von Captain America
AUS DER TRAUM! Für seinen Widerstand im Superheldenkrieg muss sich Captain America vor Gericht verantworten. Doch dann geschieht das Undenkbare: Amerikas größter Sohn fällt einem Anschlag zum Opfer. Während sich die Nachricht wie ein Lauffeuer um den Globus verbreitet, wählt der Winter Soldier endlich eine Seite - seine eigene. Aber wer wird den Traum verteidigen, wenn der Meisterplan eines alten Feindes Früchte trägt? Zuerst der Captain, dann...

CHF 26.50

Fake News, Fakten, Fiktionen - Wie können wir globale Öff...

Brubaker, Rogers / Peters, Anne / Görgen, Andreas / Küçük, Esra / Olbertz, Jan-Hendrik
Fake News, Fakten, Fiktionen - Wie können wir globale Öffentlichkeiten ordnen?
Politik ist der Wettstreit um das bessere Argument. In den letzten Jahren wird jedoch immer wichtiger, wer die Hoheit über den digitalen Diskurs hält und mit den lautesten Meinungen die größte Reichweite erlangt. Neue Medienformate drohen den demokratischen Diskurs zu untergraben. Doch ab wann kippt Populäres in Populismus? Und wie kann sich der Staat gegen transnationale Digitalunternehmen behaupten? Der Soziologe Rogers Brubaker und die Völk...

CHF 17.90

Nationalism Reframed

Brubaker, Rogers
Nationalism Reframed
Nationalism Reframed is a theoretically and historically informed study of nationalism in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.

CHF 145.00

Ethnizität ohne Gruppen

Brubaker, Rogers / Gockel, Gabriele / Schuhmacher, Sonja
Ethnizität ohne Gruppen
Worüber sprechen wir und was untersuchen wir, wenn von 'Ethnien' oder 'Nationen' die Rede ist? Nach der kulturalistischen Wende in den Sozialwissenschaften hat man Ethnie und Nation zwar als 'vorgestellte Gemeinschaften' dekonstruiert, allerdings keineswegs gebändigt. Die soziale Wirksamkeit von Ethnie, Nation und anderer Gruppenidentitäten ist ungebrochen. Journalisten, Politiker und Wissenschaftler schildern ethnische, rassische und national...

CHF 47.90

Grounds for Difference

Brubaker, Rogers
Grounds for Difference
Offering fresh perspectives on perennial questions of ethnicity, race, nationalism, and religion, Rogers Brubaker analyzes three forces that shape the politics of diversity and multiculturalism today: inequality as a public concern, biology as an asserted basis of racial and ethnic difference, and religion as a key terrain of public contestation.

CHF 48.50


Brubaker, Rogers
Taking the controversial pairing of "transgender" and "transracial" as his starting point, Rogers Brubaker shows how gender and race, long understood as stable, inborn, and unambiguous, have in the past few decades opened up--in different ways and to different degrees--to the forces of change and choice. Transgender identities have moved from the margins to the mainstream with dizzying speed, and ethnoracial boundaries have blurred. Paradoxica...

CHF 35.50

Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany

Brubaker, Rogers
Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany
The difference between French and German definitions of citizenship is instructive--and, for millions of immigrants from North Africa, Turkey, and Eastern Europe, decisive. Rogers Brubaker shows how this difference--between the territorial basis of the French citizenry and the German emphasis on blood descent--was shaped and sustained by sharply differing understandings of nationhood, rooted in distinctive French and German paths to nation-sta...

CHF 59.50

Grounds for Difference

Brubaker, Rogers
Grounds for Difference
Offering fresh perspectives on perennial questions of ethnicity, race, nationalism, and religion, Rogers Brubaker makes manifest the forces that shape the politics of diversity and multiculturalism today. In a lucid and wide-ranging analysis, he contends that three recent developments have altered the stakes and the contours of the politics of difference: the return of inequality as a central public concern, the return of biology as an asserte...

CHF 46.50

Ethnicity Without Groups

Brubaker, Rogers
Ethnicity Without Groups
Despite a quarter-century of constructivist theorizing in the social sciences and humanities, ethnic groups continue to be conceived as entities and cast as actors. Journalists, policymakers, and researchers routinely frame accounts of ethnic, racial, and national conflict as the struggles of internally homogeneous, externally bounded ethnic groups, races, and nations. In doing so, they unwittingly adopt the language of participants in such st...

CHF 51.90

Nationalism Reframed

Brubaker, Rogers
Nationalism Reframed
Nationalism Reframed is a theoretically and historically informed study of nationalism in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.

CHF 43.90