Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

2 Ergebnisse.

Megla sistemov

Brusadin, Bani / Fakin Jan¿a, Janez
Megla sistemov
Avtoceste, antene, zabojniki, skladi¿¿a, cevi, podmorski kabli, senzorji: beseda infrastruktura se obi¿ajno nanäa na snov, ki omogo¿a gibanje druge snovi, temeljne organizirane strukture in posrednike, ki podpirajo ¿love¿ke izmenjave, ter vrednost, ki jo ljudje povezujejo z njimi. Toda preprosto opazovanje nakazuje, da se nekaj, kar ima ¿edalje ve¿jo vrednost, dogaja ne le nad t. i. infra strukturami, pä pa tudi v in zunaj njih ter med njimi, ...

CHF 26.90

The Fog of Systems

Brusadin, Bani / Fakin Jan¿a, Janez
The Fog of Systems
Highways, antennas, containers, storehouses, pipes, submarine cables, sensors: the word infrastructure usually refers to "matter that enables the movement of other matter", the underlying organized structures and mediators that support human exchanges and the value people associate with them. However, simple observation suggests that something increasingly valuable is happening not simply "above", but both within and outside, as well as in-bet...

CHF 26.90