Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

20 Ergebnisse.

Dialog mit 33 Variationen von Ludwig van Beethoven über e...

Butor, Michel / Stenzl, Jürg
Dialog mit 33 Variationen von Ludwig van Beethoven über einen Walzer von Diabelli
Am 17. September 1970 spielte die Pianistin Marcelle Mercier in Lüttich Ludwig van Beethovens Diabelli-Variationen. Das Besondere dieses Konzertes: Gesprochene Interventionen des berühmten französischen Schriftstellers Michel Butor. Sie wurden der Ausgangspunkt von Butors Buch über Beethovens überragendes Spätwerk, zu einem ganz ungewöhnlichen »Dialog« des Dichters mit dem Musiker über desssen umfangreichstes Klavierwerk. Jetzt, ein halbes Jah...

CHF 34.90

Descrizione di San Marco

Butor, Michel / Tognoli, L.
Descrizione di San Marco
L'acqua della folla è indispensabile alla facciata di San Marco quanto l'acqua dei canali a quelle dei palazzi. Mentre tanti altri monumenti antichi sono così snaturati dal turista che, quando vi si avventa, sembrano esser profanati, e perfino da noi stessi, certo, se non li accostiamo con lo spirito di uno studio rigoroso..., la basilica, al contrario, con la città che la circonda, non ha nulla da temere da questa fauna, e dalla nostra frivol...

CHF 32.50

Paris-Rom oder Die Modifikation

Butor, Michel / Scheffel, Helmut
Paris-Rom oder Die Modifikation
Der Handelsvertreter einer Schreibmaschinenfirma reist von Paris nach Rom. Zu Beginn der Fahrt glaubt er noch, dass er Frau und Kinder verlassen wird, in der italienischen Hauptstadt angekommen, will er seine Geliebte mit dem Entschluss überraschen. Doch sein Gewissen lässt ihm keine Ruhe, die ganze Nacht hindurch überdenkt er sein waghalsiges Vorhaben. Hin- und hergerissen zwischen der letzten Gelegenheit eines Befreiungsschlags und der Befür...

CHF 25.50

Changing Track

Butor, Michel / Stewart, Jean
Changing Track
On a train from Paris to Rome on his way to surprise his lover, the businessman Léon Delmont begins to mull over his past and question the decisions he has made about his future. These musings - together with his impressions of the unfolding scenery, conjectures about his fellow passengers and some recurring leitmotifs - form the basis of a riveting narrative that provides a psychological case study of an everyman and subtly illustrates the on...

CHF 16.50

La modification

Butor, Michel (France)
La modification

Dès la première phrase, vous entrez dans le livre, ce livre que vous écrivez en le lisant et que vous finirez par ramasser sur la banquette du train qui vous a conduit de Paris à Rome, non sans de multiples arrêts et détours. Le troisième roman de Michel Butor, paru en 1957, la même année que La Jalousie d'Alain Robbe-Grillet, Le Vent de Claude Simon et Tropismes de Nathalie Sarra...

CHF 12.20

Textes récents - 37 pages/Neueste Texte - 37 Seiten

Butor, Michel / Weiand, Christof / Weiand, Christof / Weiand, Christof
Textes récents - 37 pages/Neueste Texte - 37 Seiten
Die Lektüre dieser Verse verspricht mehr als es der voyeuristische Blick in das Atelier eines prominenten Dichters zwischen den Millennien je zu leisten vermöchte. Zu entdecken und hautnah zu erleben gibt es den wunderbaren Michel Butor, geboren 1926, seine lyrischen Dialoge mit der Welt, dem Kosmos und sich selbst, urplötzlich gefangen in einem Universum, wo Schmerz ist, Zweifel - und die Trauer der Verlorenen. Oder doch nicht verloren? Die L...

CHF 14.50


Butor, Michel / Howard, Richard
On Tuesday, October 12, 1954, Pierre Vernier, a teacher in a Paris lyc?e, begins setting down an account that is to be a complete record of the life lived by himself, his students, and his fellow teachers. He begins by meticulously recording what he already knows of his students, their relationships to one another, and the books they're studying. Then he's forced to enlist his nephew--who's in his class--to report on the private lives of the o...

CHF 20.50

Graines. Ediz. francese

Butor, Michel
Graines. Ediz. francese
Graines è un viaggio quasi intimo nella sconcertante bellezza della natura. Paul Starosta, affermato fotografo francese che indaga e svela il lato artistico della natura e che proprio per questo rifugge la definizione di "fotografo di natura", ci porta attraverso le 230 fotografie riprodotte in questo volume a scoprire la complessità e la bellezza che si celano anche nel più piccolo dei semi. Le forme e i colori che ci compaiono davanti sono t...

CHF 89.00

The Spirit of Mediterranean Places

Butor, Michel / Davis, Lydia
The Spirit of Mediterranean Places
This book gathers French writer Michel Butor's essays on his travel in the Mediterranean. Included are pieces on Cordova, Istanbul, Salonica, Delphi, Crete, and northern Italy, as well as an extended essay on Egypt--where, when he was 24, Butor spent a year teaching French in a secondary school. Michel Butor is one of the leading exponents of the avant-garde writing that emerged in France in the 1950s. 147 pp.

CHF 24.90


Butor, Michel / Howard, Richard / D'Agata, John
Mobile is not only a memorable experience, accomplishing that rich task of all true art providing the reader with new eyes but it is also work which fellow writers and artists can profit from because it supplies the best of all ingredients: stimulation." New York Herald Tribune

CHF 19.90

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Ape

Butor, Michel / Di Bernardi, Dominic
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Ape
Like James Joyce's and Dylan Thomas's similar titles, Butor's novel is autobiographical in nature and explores the way a writer develops. Shortly after World War II a young man travels to a castle in Franconia housing the second largest private library in Germany. There he discovers a multitude of stimuli for his imagination: a castle once the site of celebrations and executions, the old library, mineral collections, rooms decorated in mytholo...

CHF 17.50