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119 Ergebnisse - Zeige 101 von 119.

Volando si impara. Scoprire la scienza mentre si viaggia ...

Clegg, Brian / Tibone, F. / Doplicher, L.
Volando si impara. Scoprire la scienza mentre si viaggia in aereo
L'intero spettro delle scienze - fisica, matematica, scienze della Terra, biologia, medicina - esplorato con tocco leggero durante l'attesa in aeroporto e poi in volo, prendendo spunto da domande che qualsiasi viaggiatore curioso si può porre. Come funzionano i "metal detector" dei controlli di sicurezza? Come fa un aereo gigantesco ad alzarsi in volo? E perché lassù nel cielo lascia una scia bianca? Perché ci sono tanti tipi diversi di nuvole...

CHF 26.50

Quantentheorie in 30 Sekunden

Clegg, Brian
Quantentheorie in 30 Sekunden
Quantentheorie in 30 Sekunden fu¿hrt mit der Präsentation der 50bedeutsamsten Erkenntnisse und Ideen zur Quantentheorie in einenatemberaubend komplexen Bereich der Physik. In einer Zeit, in derdie Quantenphysik in der Elektronik allgegenwärtig ist und neueForschungserkenntnisse fu¿r Schlagzeilen sorgen, werden Sie inParallelwelten eintauchen und damit alles erfahren, um dieUnbestimmheitsrelation verstehen und die Geheimnisse derQuantenverschrä...

CHF 14.50

What Color Is the Sun?: Mind-Bending Science Facts in the...

Clegg, Brian
What Color Is the Sun?: Mind-Bending Science Facts in the Solar System's Brightest Quiz
WHY DO YOUR FINGERS GO WRINKLY IN THE BATH?HOW LONG CAN GOLDFISH REMEMBER THINGS?WHO THOUGHT UP NEWTON'S FIRST LAW?Science is all about finding answers to mind-boggling questions - so following the hugely successful How Many Moons Does the Earth Have?, here are another 100 brain-teasers to test yourself, discover some amazing answers, and learn a lot of stuff along the way. Where does brown belong in the spectrum? What is a Zener card? And wha...

CHF 18.90

Getting Science

Clegg, Brian
Getting Science
Aims to bring the sense of wonder into science. This book provides the information useful to understand various science topics. It helps teachers to get children excited by science, to understand science rather than just answer science questions. It covers various topics in the main curriculum.

CHF 57.90

Studying Using the Web

Clegg, Brian
Studying Using the Web
Anyone can type a few keywords into a search engine. But thata (TM)s only the beginning. With Studying Using the Web you can find the right material, check its authenticity, transform it into your own original work and keep up-to-date on essential topics. The book is about how to find the right information, and making the most of it. It shows you how to: know what to look for make the best use of search facilities gather pictures, sounds and m...

CHF 196.00

The Man Who Stopped Time: The Illuminating Story of Eadwe...

Clegg, Brian
The Man Who Stopped Time: The Illuminating Story of Eadweard Muybridge ? Pioneer Photographer, Father of the Motion Picture, Murderer
The photographs of Eadweard Muybridge are immediately familiar to most. Less familiar is the dramatic personal story of this seminal and wonderfully eccentric Victorian pioneer, now brought to life for the first time in this engaging and thoroughly entertaining biography.

CHF 38.90

Studying Using the Web

Clegg, Brian
Studying Using the Web
Anyone can type a few keywords into a search engine. But thata (TM)s only the beginning. With Studying Using the Web you can find the right material, check its authenticity, transform it into your own original work and keep up-to-date on essential topics. The book is about how to find the right information, and making the most of it. It shows you how to: know what to look for make the best use of search facilities gather pictures, sounds and m...

CHF 52.90

Are Numbers Real?: The Uncanny Relationship of Mathematic...

Clegg, Brian
Are Numbers Real?: The Uncanny Relationship of Mathematics and the Physical World
Have you ever wondered what humans did before numbers existed? How they organized their lives, traded goods, or kept track of their treasures? What would your life be like without them?Numbers began as simple representations of everyday things, but mathematics rapidly took on a life of its own, occupying a parallel virtual world. In Are Numbers Real?, Brian Clegg explores the way that math has become more and more detached from reality, and ye...

CHF 37.90

Waarom is de lucht blauw?

Clegg, Brian / Waard, Sarah de
Waarom is de lucht blauw?
Hoe oud is de waterstof in je lichaam? Waarom is het heelal zwart? Waar vond de oerknal plaats? Wat is spaghettificatie? De typische weetjesquiz bevat veel te veel sport, jaren tachtig-popmuziek - en niet genoeg wetenschap. 'Waarom is de lucht blauw?' biedt de ultieme oplossing. Test je kennis tot het uiterste met deze originele collectie van wetenschappelijk onderbouwde breinkrakers. Sla de bladzijde om voor het antwoord - waarin het onde...

CHF 26.50

L'universo dentro di noi. Il corpo umano: una guida turis...

Clegg, Brian / Schettini, V.
L'universo dentro di noi. Il corpo umano: una guida turistica alla scoperta del cosmo
Possiamo considerare le nostre mani, il nostro cervello, i nostri occhi come punto di osservazione dell'Universo e delle leggi che lo regolano. Ecco quindi che il corpo umano diventa osservatorio e laboratorio per l'esplorazione di meraviglie scientifiche che vanno dal DNA dei nostri geni fino ai processi di fusione nucleare che avvengono nel Sole. Gli argomenti contenuti nel libro sono molto vari, spaziano dalla biologia alla chimica, dalla f...

CHF 31.50

Instant Egghead Guide

Clegg, Brian / Scientific American
Instant Egghead Guide
Scientific American"'s daily Sixty-Second Science podcast was such an unexpected success, with millions of downloads, that a spin-off site was created around the concept of bite-sized science. This new series of books will tackle the biggest topics in science by breaking them up into quick and easy two- to four-page spreads. Topics in each book will take the light and accessible tone of the 60-Second Science podcasts and blog. INSTANT EGGHEAD ...

CHF 26.50

I dieci geni che hanno cambiato la fisica e il mondo inte...

Clegg, Brian / Evans, Rhodri / Gini, M.
I dieci geni che hanno cambiato la fisica e il mondo intero. Da Galileo Galilei ad Albert Einstein, da Isaac Newton a Marie Curie
Ognuna di queste dieci figure ha dato un contributo enorme alla fisica. Alcuni sono nomi familiari, altri sono meno noti, ma attraverso le loro scoperte abbiamo potuto comprendere meglio il mondo e le sue regole. Vite insolite e interessanti come quella di Marie Curie, dedicata interamente all'isolamento e alla concentrazione del radio e del polonio, o quelle di Bohr ed Einstein, impegnati in un dibattito intenso, soprattutto quando Einstein t...

CHF 20.90

God Effect

Clegg, Brian
God Effect
The phenomenon that Einstein thought too spooky and strange to be trueWhat is entanglement? It's a connection between quantum particles, the building blocks of the universe. Once two particles are entangled, a change to one of them is reflected---instantly---in the other, be they in the same lab or light-years apart. So counterintuitive is this phenomenon and its implications that Einstein himself called it "spooky" and thought that it would l...

CHF 27.50

Before the Big Bang

Clegg, Brian
Before the Big Bang
According to a recent survey, the most popular question about science from the general public was: what came before the Big Bang? We all know on some level what the Big Bang is, but we don't know how it became the accepted theory, or how we might know what came before. In "Before the Big Bang, " Brian Clegg (the critically acclaimed author of "Upgrade Me "and "The God Effect") explores the history of this remarkable concept. From the earliest ...

CHF 26.50

Cautive el corazón de los clientes y deje que la competen...

Clegg, Brian / Paz Ureña, Eva de
Cautive el corazón de los clientes y deje que la competencia persiga sus bolsillos
1. Avanzar un año luz2. Si se ha estropeado, arreglelo 3. Estoy enamorado de mi coche4. Me conocen5. El poder de las estrellas6. Son personas como nosotros7. ¡Sorpresa, Sorpresa!8. Maravilla de la Técnica9. Son míos, todos míos10. Bonito y Tierno11. Estamos en contacto12. El Duodécimo componenteArgumento:Todos somos conscientes de lo importante que son los clientes y también conocemos aquellos factores que nos van a ayudar a crear una buena re...

CHF 46.50