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22 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Cambaceres, Eugenio
En dos hileras, los animales hacían calle a una mesa llena de lana que varios hombres se ocupaban en atar. Los vellones, asentados sobre el plato de una enorme balanza que una correa de cuero crudo suspendía del maderamen del techo, eran arrojados después al fondo del galpón y allí estivados en altas pilas semejantes a la falda de una montaña en deshielo. Las ovejas, brutalmente maneadas de las patas, echadas de costado unas junto a otras, las...

CHF 22.50


Cambaceres, Eugenio
El «Orénoque», de la compañía «MESSAGERIES MARITIMES», acababa de fondear frente a Pauillac con cargamento general de mercaderías humanas procedentes del Río de la Plata y escalas del Brasil. Lotes de pueblo vasco, hacienda cerril atracada por montones, en tropa, al muelle de pasajeros de Buenos Aires, diez o quince años antes, con un atado de trapos de coco azul sobre los hombros y zapatos de herraduras en los pies. Lecheros, horneros y oveje...

CHF 22.50


Cambaceres, Eugenio
De cabeza grande, de facciones chatas, ganchuda la nariz, saliente el labio inferior, en la expresión aviesa de sus ojos chicos y sumidos, una capacidad de buitre se acusaba. Llevaba un traje raído de pana gris, un sombrero redondo de alas anchas, un aro de oro en la oreja, la doblesuela claveteada de sus zapatos marcaba el ritmo de su andar pesado y trabajoso sobre las piedras desiguales de la calle. De vez en cuando, lentamente, paseaba la m...

CHF 22.50

Sin rumbo

Cambaceres, Eugenio / Magliani, M. / Marfè, L.
Sin rumbo
Ci accorgiamo del tempo solo quando ci annoiamo e non quando ci divertiamo. La nostra esistenza è tanto più felice quanto meno la sentiamo", scriveva Schopenhauer, riflettendo sull'inquietudine di quando si sentono passare le ore, i giorni, gli anni senza una meta, senza una direzione. È quello che prova anche il protagonista di questo romanzo, ambientato in Argentina, nel tardo Ottocento. Andrés è un uomo ricco e fortunato, che vive in una be...

CHF 28.90

Sin Rumbo

Cambacérès, Eugenio
Sin Rumbo
Excerpt from Sin Rumbo: EstudioEchar mano el gaucho a la cintura y, armado de cuchillo, en un salto atro pellar á su adversario, todo fué uno.About the PublisherForgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.comThis book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format ...

CHF 48.50

Sin Rumbo

Cambacérès, Eugenio
Sin Rumbo
Excerpt from Sin Rumbo: EstudioEchar mano el gaucho a la cintura y, armado de cuchillo, en un salto atro pellar á su adversario, todo fué uno.About the PublisherForgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.comThis book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format ...

CHF 24.50

Música Sentimental

Cambacérès, Eugenio
Música Sentimental
Excerpt from Música Sentimental: Silbidos de un VagoEn detalle, un hombre nacido en Buenos Aires, ha heredado de sus padres veinte mil duros de renta y de la suerte, un alma adoce nada y un físico atrayente.About the PublisherForgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.comThis book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology t...

CHF 24.50

Música Sentimental

Cambacérès, Eugenio
Música Sentimental
Excerpt from Música Sentimental: Silbidos de un VagoEn detalle, un hombre nacido en Buenos Aires, ha heredado de sus padres veinte mil duros de renta y de la suerte, un alma adoce nada y un físico atrayente.About the PublisherForgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.comThis book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology t...

CHF 48.50

Sin Rumbo

Cambaceres, Eugenio
Sin Rumbo
In Sin rumbo Cambaceres portraits scenes of the Argentine upper class at the turn of the XIX Century. Detailed and realistic the author defines with literary uniqueness the atmosphere with the initial clash during the sheep shearing scene. Then come the noon horseback ride to the peasant woman's shack, the forced seduction down to complete surrender in body and soul, and the whim of a night spent together with the sensations that assault and r...

CHF 26.50

Musica Sentimental

Cambaceres, Eugenio
Musica Sentimental
Musica Sentimental" carries as subtitle "Silbidos de un vago", the same as Cambaceres' first novel "Potpourri", that aroused ill feelings in a great part of the Argentine literary circle, most probably sullen and envious due to its sales success. Carrying the stigma of pornographer the readers' support to Cambaceres was expected to be short lived. Nothing farthest appart from what finally happened.The appearance of this second novel renewed th...

CHF 26.50

Sin rumbo

Cambaceres, Eugenio (Argentina)
Sin rumbo
Eugenio Cambaceres (Buenos Aires, 1843-1889) disfrutó por nacimiento de una situación económica holgada que no le obligó a tener que ganarse la vida. Interesado por la literatura, las artes plásticas, el teatro y la música, formó parte de la vida cultural, política y mundana de su época. "Sin rumbo" es la tercera de las cuatro novelas que escribió, y en la que alcanza la plena madurez como novelista. La novela es la historia del destino trágic...

CHF 17.00

Sin Rumbo

Cambaceres, Eugenio / Spicer-Escalante, Juan Pablo
Sin Rumbo
In Sin Rumbo (1885), the Argentine novelist Eugenio Cambaceres (1843-1889) offers a graphic portrait of the decadence of the Argentine upper class at the end of the Nineteenth Century, as seen through the useless, debauched and violent life of the work's protagonist, the wealthy young estanciero, Andrés. Detailed and vivid, following the precepts of the naturalist school founded by the French author, Emile Zola, Cambaceres defines with literar...

CHF 38.90

Pot Pourri: Whistlings of an Idler

Cambaceres, Eugenio / Ludmer, Josefina / Dillman, Lisa
Pot Pourri: Whistlings of an Idler
Eugenio Cambaceres was the first to introduce the naturalist manner of ¿ile Zola to Argentinean Literature in the late nineteenth century. The work of Cambaceres is crucial for an understanding of the period of consolidation of Argentina, the formation of national identity, and especially for the role of the intellectual in that transition. This generation theoretically and methodically built up a literature with features of its own, stressing...

CHF 23.90

Música sentimental

Cambaceres, Eugenio / Cymerman, Claude
Música sentimental
As "Musica Sentimental" was published the porteño society remarked its originality and its author's talent. The chosen subject -the stay of a "rastacueros" in Paris and his decease due to syphilis- aligns the plot with the contemporary socialites' essential initiatic trip to France, and its literary style with the naturalist trend of the times. Manuel Lainez -a highly influential voice at that time- said: "when a book facilitates its reading f...

CHF 41.50