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289 Ergebnisse - Zeige 261 von 280.

Tersi ve Yüzü

Camus, Albert
Tersi ve Yüzü
Brice Parain, sik sik, yazdiklarimin en iyisini bu kücük kitabin icerdigini ileri sürer... Hayir, aldaniyor, cünkü deha bir yana birakilirsa, insan yirmi iki yasinda yazi yazmasini pek bilemez. Ama Parainin söylemek istedigini anliyorum. Bu acemice sayfalarda, sonradan yazdiklarimdakilerden daha cok gercek ask bulundugunu söylemek istiyor, haksiz da degil... Bu sayfalarin yazildigi zamandan beri yaslandim, cok seyler görüp gecirdim. Sinirlarim...

CHF 15.50

Algerian Chronicles

Camus, Albert / Goldhammer, Arthur
Algerian Chronicles
More than 50 years after independence, "Algerian Chronicles, " with its prescient analysis of the dead end of terrorism, appears here in English for the first time. Published in France in 1958 the year the war caused the collapse of the Fourth French Republic it is one of Albert Camus most political works: an exploration of his commitment to Algeria.

CHF 31.90

Mutlu Ölüm

Camus, Albert
Mutlu Ölüm
Mutlu Ölüm, 1930larin sonuna dogru yazilan, ama ancak 1971 yilinda yayimlanan bir roman. Albert Camus 1913-1960 icin daha sevimli görünen Yabanci, daha önce yazdigi Mutlu Ölümün yayimlanmasini erteletmis olabilir. Cünkü roman sanati, 40li, 50li yillarda daha cok romanin yapisal özelliklerine agirlik veriyordu. Bir sanat yapitinin yaratildigi dönemde kusur sayilabilecek kimi özellikleri, daha sonra erdeme dönüsebiliyor. Albert Camusnün ölümünde...

CHF 16.90


Camus, Albert
Varoluscu edebiyatin en önemli temsilcilerinden biri olan Albert Camus, politik söylemlerle sesini yükseltmedi ama fisildamasiyla bile depremler yaratti, cagdaslarini derinden etkiledi. Keskin bir gözlem gücünün destekledigi ari bir bilincle yazilmis olan Veba, yalnizca XX. yüzyilin degil, bütün bir insanlik tarihinin ortak bir sorununa deginir felaketin yazgiya dönüsmesi. Caginin önde gelen düsünürlerinden Nobel ödüllü yazar Albert Camusnün h...

CHF 18.50

Cartas a un amigo aleman

Camus, Albert (F)
Cartas a un amigo aleman

Con el cincuenta aniversario del final de la segunda guerra mundial y en un tiempo en que los hechos nos obligan a volver a una reflexión sobre la memoria y el perdón, la violencia y el diálogo, los nacionalismos y la tolerancia, los fundamentalismos religiosos o raciales y la mutua comprensión -a fin de cuentas, como decía Malraux, sobre el Mal absoluto y la fraternidad-, estas cuatro cartas que Albert Ca...

CHF 9.95

Les Justes

Camus, Albert
Les Justes

Moskau, 1905. Eine revolutionäre Gruppe plant ein Attentat gegen den Onkel des Zaren. Für die "Gerechten" Kaliayev und Dora bedeutet das die Bereitschaft zur Selbstaufopferung. Der Widerstand gegen die zaristische Autokratie beginnt.

CHF 13.80

Neither Victims Nor Executioners: An Ethic Superior to Mu...

Camus, Albert / Klotz-Chamberlin, Peter / MacDonald, Dwight
Neither Victims Nor Executioners: An Ethic Superior to Murder
Endorsements: "The reissue of Camus' seminal essay, 'Neither Victims nor Executioners, ' could hardly be more timely. In Iraq and Afghanistan, the hideous march to oblivion goes on apace. America is ironically reversing the ethic proposed by Camus' title. American adventuring, playing the part of omnipotent executioner, is creating multitudes of victims. No search is undertaken for a 'third way.' Indeed, were the Camus thesis proposed, it wou...

CHF 22.50

De pest

Camus, Albert / Sterre, J. P. van der
De pest
In de romans van Nobelprijswinnaar Albert Camus wordt het absurde van de twintigste-eeuwse samenleving afgezet tegen een persoonlijke moraal van vriendschap en menselijkheid. Een of meer personages worden steevast door de loop van gebeurtenissen, nooit uit eigen vrije wil, schuldig aan een misdaad. De kuststad Oran is in de greep van de pest. De slachtoffers sterven een snelle en vreselijke dood, en als gevolg van de quarantaine worden de an...

CHF 21.50

La Peste

Camus, Albert (F)
La Peste

Suite à une épidémie de peste, les autorités décident de fermer la ville d'Oran. Les habitants s'organisent pour survivre au siège de cette maladie mortelle et en particulier le docteur Rieux. Il est l'un des premiers à identifier les symptômes de la maladie et devient une figure centrale dans l'organisation sanitaire de la ville. Parmi les autres personnages, certains seront attachants...

CHF 12.90

The Fall

Camus, Albert / Buss, Robin
The Fall
Elegantly styled, Camus' profoundly disturbing novel of a Parisian lawyer's confessions is a searing study of modern amorality.

CHF 15.50

The Fastidious Assassins

Camus, Albert
The Fastidious Assassins
Adaring critique of communism and how it had gone wrong behind the Iron Curtain, Camus' essay examines the revolutions in France and Russia, and argues that since they were both guilty of producing tyranny and corruption, hope for the future lies only in revolt without revolution.

CHF 12.90

La peste

Camus, Albert
La peste
Camus¿ Klassiker schildert die Agonie der nordafrikanischen Stadt Oran, die von der Pest heimgesucht wird. Die Stadt wird hermetisch abgeriegelt und Camus schildert die Reaktionen und Bemühungen der Bürger.

CHF 14.50

L' Etranger / Der Fremde. Interpretationshilfe Deutsch - ...

Camus, Albert / Keiser, Wolfhard
L' Etranger / Der Fremde. Interpretationshilfe Deutsch - Französisch
Interpretationshilfe zu: Albert Camus, L'Étranger/Der Fremde Dieser Band in deutscher Sprache erleichtert die Romanlektüre und vertieft das Textverständnis. Alle Textverweise auf Französisch und Deutsch. Das Buch bietet somit eine optimale Vorbereitung auf den Französisch- und Deutschunterricht und auf Klausuren in beiden Fächern. Das Buch enthält: Hintergrundinformationen zu Autor und Werk eine ausführliche Inhaltsangabe eine sys...

CHF 8.90

The Outsider

Camus, Albert
The Outsider
Albert Camus was born in Algeria in 1913. He studied philosophy in Algiers and then worked in Paris as a journalist. He was one of the intellectual leaders of the Resistance movement and, after the War, established his international reputation as a writer. His books include The Plague, The Just and The Fall, and he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957. Camus was killed in a road accident in 1960.

CHF 16.50

Le Malentendu

Camus, Albert
Le Malentendu

Nach langer Abwesenheit kehrt Jan zu seiner Familie zurück, gibt sich aber nicht zu erkennen. Daraus entwickelt sich ein tragisches Mißverständnis, das für das Mißverständnis der Menschen innerhalb der Gesellschaft steht.

CHF 13.80

Notebooks, 1942-1951

Camus, Albert / O'Brien, Justin
Notebooks, 1942-1951
From 1935 until his death, Albert Camus kept a series of notebooks to sketch out ideas for future works, record snatches of conversations and excerpts from books he was reading, and jot down his reflections on death and the horror of war, his feelings about women and loneliness and art, and his appreciations for the Algerian sun and sea. These three volumes, now available together for the first time in paperback, include all entries made from ...

CHF 26.50

Notebooks, 1935-1942, Volume 1

Camus, Albert
Notebooks, 1935-1942, Volume 1
From 1935 until his death, Albert Camus kept a series of notebooks to sketch out ideas for future works, record snatches of conversations and excerpts from books he was reading, and jot down his reflections on death and the horror of war, his feelings about women and loneliness and art, and his appreciations for the Algerian sun and sea. These three volumes, now available together for the first time in paperback, include all entries made from ...

CHF 21.90