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31 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Bushcraft Essentials. Überleben in der Wildnis. Das Grund...

Canterbury, Dave / Mayer, Felix
Bushcraft Essentials. Überleben in der Wildnis. Das Grundlagenbuch
Lust auf Abenteuer? Dann sollte dieses Buch im Gepäck nicht fehlen. Bushcraft-Experte Dave Canterbury fokussiert sich in diesem handlichen Führer aufs Wesentliche zum Überleben in der Wildnis: Erste Hilfe, Feuermachen, einen Unterschlupf errichten, Wasserversorgung und Orientierung - diese fünf Skills haben oberste Priorität. Unterteilt in je fünf Unterpunkte bilden sie die Basis für Canterburys bewährtes 5×5-Survival-System. Zahlreiche Illust...

CHF 11.90

The Bushcraft Essentials Field Guide

Canterbury, Dave
The Bushcraft Essentials Field Guide
Learn everything you need to know about outdoor survival so you can make it through any situation from top bushcraft expert and New York Times bestselling author Dave Canterbury.For years, Dave Canterbury has been teaching outdoor enthusiasts how to survive in the wild, and truly enjoy the experience. The Bushcraft Essentials Field Guide distills these teachings into the key takeaways campers and hikers need to know when they're out in the woo...

CHF 22.90

Bushcraft Erste Hilfe. Notfallversorgung in der Wildnis -...

Canterbury, Dave / Mayer, Felix
Bushcraft Erste Hilfe. Notfallversorgung in der Wildnis - schnell und einfach
In diesem Praxisführer Erste Hilfe lernt man, sein eigener Ersthelfer zu sein. Die jahrelange Erfahrung der Autoren wird Wanderern und Rucksacktouristen helfen, mit einer Vielzahl von Notsituationen umzugehen, von Schnittwunden und Verbrennungen bis hin zu Knochenbrüchen und Kopfverletzungen. Hier steht, was man dabeihaben muss und wie man schnell und einfach Verbände anlegt. Zwei ausgewiesene Bushcraft-Experten erklären, wie man Pflanzen gezi...

CHF 14.50

Bushcraft. Jagen, Sammeln, Kochen in der Wildnis

Canterbury, Dave / Mayer, Felix
Bushcraft. Jagen, Sammeln, Kochen in der Wildnis
Outdoor-Experte und Bestseller-Autor Dave Canterbury widmet sich in seinem neuen Buch einem zentralen Aspekt des Überlebens in der Wildnis: der Nahrung. Kenntnisreich und detailliert erläutert er alles Wesentliche zu Kochausrüstung, Feuermachen, dem Sammeln essbarer Pflanzen, der Jagd, dem Fallenbauen und -stellen, der Zubereitung sowie dem Haltbarmachen von Lebensmitteln. Ausgewählte Rezepte helfen Ihnen zudem, fit und bei Kräften zu bleiben,...

CHF 11.90

Bushcraft Illustrated

Canterbury, Dave
Bushcraft Illustrated
Contains material adapted from: Bushcraft 101 A2014, The bushcraft field guide to trapping, gathering, & cooking in the wild A2016, and, Bushcraft first aid A2017.

CHF 33.90

The Bushcraft Boxed Set

Canterbury, Dave / Hunt, Jason A.
The Bushcraft Boxed Set
The Bushcraft Boxed Set brings together four titles from wilderness expert and New York Times bestselling author Dave Canterbury.The collection includes: Bushcraft 101: The primer to wilderness survival based on the author's 5Cs of Survivability (cutting tools, covering, combustion devices, containers, and cordages) Advanced Bushcraft: Takes it to the next level with self-reliance skills that teach you how to survive with little to no equipmen...

CHF 79.00

Advanced Bushcraft. Überleben in der Wildnis: Der ultimat...

Canterbury, Dave / Rothenbücher, Tobias
Advanced Bushcraft. Überleben in der Wildnis: Der ultimative Praxisführer für Fortgeschrittene
Vielleicht haben Sie gerade Ihr erstes Outdoor-Erlebnis hinter sich und brennen nun darauf, mehr zu erfahren. Oder Sie entdecken bereits seit Jahren die freie Natur? Ganz gleich. Dieser Guide verbessert Ihre Fähigkeiten, eigenständig dort zurechtzukommen, wo andere längst aufgegeben haben. 'Advanced Bushcraft' knüpft an die Grundkenntnisse aus 'Bushcraft 101' an und erklärt fortgeschrittene Fertigkeiten, um sich draußen noch besser und sichere...

CHF 11.90

Advanced Bushcraft

Canterbury, Dave
Advanced Bushcraft
Whether you're eager to learn more after your first real outdoor adventure or have been exploring the backcountry for years, Advanced Bushcraft will help you take your self-reliance and wilderness experience to the next level.

CHF 25.50

Building a Survival Kit: A Waterproof Folding Guide to th...

Canterbury, Dave
Building a Survival Kit: A Waterproof Folding Guide to the Key Components for Wilderness Survival
Disaster or emergency can strike at any time. A simple survival kit is something to have in your pack or vehicle to help you survive any emergency situation. The contents will help you secure warmth, shelter, water and a method to signal for help. and learn how to build a simple survival kit. Developed by master woodsman and survival expert Dave Canterbury, it discusses the 10 essential contents of a simple survival kit and the multiple uses f...

CHF 12.90

Basic Tracking

Canterbury, Dave / Press, Waterford
Basic Tracking
Basic Tracking is the essential guide to take on your next wilderness adventure. Having knowledge of the surrounding terrain and basic animal behavior allows trackers to save valuable time by predicting the animal's movements. Basic Tracking also provides instructions on how to track them through landscape usage. This compact and waterproof folding guide will highlight the seven types of signs that point to which animals passed by, what they d...

CHF 12.50

Signaling for Rescue: A Waterproof Folding Guide to Helpi...

Canterbury, Dave / Waterford Press
Signaling for Rescue: A Waterproof Folding Guide to Helping Searchers Find You
Signaling knowledge is as important for your survival as shelter, fire and water. This guide will teach you how to be visible through contrast and movement to your rescuers, as well as how to leave clues to be followed if you are on the move. Thinking like a Search-and-Rescue team member might save your life. Co-authored by noted survival expert and woodsman Dave Canterbury, this is one of a 10-part series on survival skills.

CHF 13.90

Basic & Primitive Navigation: A Waterproof Folding Guide ...

Canterbury, Dave / Waterford Press / Leung, Raymond
Basic & Primitive Navigation: A Waterproof Folding Guide to Wilderness Skills & Techniques
Education is a critical part of safety - and not getting lost, or knowing how to get found if you do, is one of the most important lessons. Simple techniques to navigate out of dangerous situations are the focus of this handy waterproof reference guide, along with basic compass use and travelling by simple bearings. Contents also cover navigation skills around obstacles, pacing beads, aiming off, and dead reckoning. Co-authored by noted surviv...

CHF 12.90

Medicinal Plants of the Eastern Woodlands

Canterbury, Dave / Press, Waterford
Medicinal Plants of the Eastern Woodlands
Many plants contained in this useful reference guide can be used to counteract common every-day ailments such as an upset stomach or headache. In addition, we highlight plants that can be used to create survival items like rope and fire, and useful items like containers for gathering food and an age-old native fishing technique. Co-authored by noted survival expert and woodsman Dave Canterbury, this is one of a 10-part series on survival skills.

CHF 12.50

Bushcraft 101

Canterbury, Dave
Bushcraft 101
The ultimate resource for experiencing life in the great outdoors, introducing skills such as firecraft, making tools, fishing and woodcraft.

CHF 20.50