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Zur Kasse

12 Ergebnisse.

La Promessa Sposa

Casale, Antonio
La Promessa Sposa
I. A furia di sentirsi dire che somigliava spesso all'opera di Botticelli, cambio' il colore dei capelli e si fece bionda. A quel punto, la somiglianza divenne pressocche' perfetta.II. L'indigena chino' il capo sul petto di lui e chiuse gli occhi. Ambedue grondavano di sudore. Lui le asciugo' la fronte con le foglie dell'albero. Lei aprí gli occhi e gli sussurró "Aguje"(Grazie.)III. "Ti prego, chi sei?" protestó lei per l'ennesima volta. Le co...

CHF 14.50

Crossroad to the Heart

Casale, Antonio
Crossroad to the Heart
Luigi was an avid writer on the Italian Facebook. A reader, Emily, acknowledged with satisfaction one of his messages and he began an online conversation with her that lasted three months.Emily was thirty- eight years old and Luigi seventy-nine. The age difference did not bother her. Her objective was another.Prior to the pandemic of 2019, Emily tried her luck in a restaurant business with a young man. When the virus appeared, the two lost the...

CHF 38.50

Crossroad to the Heart

Casale, Antonio
Crossroad to the Heart
Luigi was an avid writer on the Italian Facebook. A reader, Emily, acknowledged with satisfaction one of his messages and he began an online conversation with her that lasted three months.Emily was thirty- eight years old and Luigi seventy-nine. The age difference did not bother her. Her objective was another.Prior to the pandemic of 2019, Emily tried her luck in a restaurant business with a young man. When the virus appeared, the two lost the...

CHF 23.50

China Syndrome

Casale, Antonio
China Syndrome
Love, in all its arcane meanders and through the lonely and narrow channels of capillaries, arteries, veins, nerves and muscles that lead to the heart, remains the most fascinating emotion of humankind. To raise the human experience to a spiritual realm is a sublime expression of human and spiritual happiness.

CHF 32.90

China Syndrome

Casale, Antonio
China Syndrome
Love, in all its arcane meanders and through the lonely and narrow channels of capillaries, arteries, veins, nerves and muscles that lead to the heart, remains the most fascinating emotion of humankind. To raise the human experience to a spiritual realm is a sublime expression of human and spiritual happiness.

CHF 46.90

Yo Presidenta

Casale, Antonio
Yo Presidenta
Al principio, no quiso replicar. Se mir la mano izquierda por largo rato y, luego, murmur, Un chico me la hizo con un cuchillo. Quera llevarme a su casa. Yo, para salvar mi honor, resist a su deseo y, en cambio, l me dio una pualada. Se concedi una breve pausa y suspir profundamente. Al fin, agreg, Lo importante es que est viva. Lo creo. Qu bien! Y, lo ves todava a ese chico? Te dije que eres tonto.

CHF 24.90

I Killed the Monster

Casale, Antonio
I Killed the Monster
We think we are indestructible. We pretend of being in full control of our destiny and become arrogant and unapproachable on a human level. Man is only a component in the vast scenario of universal existence. The human race breeds in a constant conflict of manipulations, distortions, Machiavellian schemes and Sisyphean delusions. When he learns to bend his knee in a state of humility, he begins to grow.

CHF 27.90

Winds of Love

Casale, Antonio
Winds of Love
For a simple formality, a transition from sweet romanticism to nuptial responsibility, for others, it becomes an endless, tempestuous enigma where microscopic components play a crucial role on the unpredictable scenario of human stage. Love was and is a mystery. Those who pretend holding the key that unravels its meanders, are perhaps, dreamers in the inscrutable, cosmic vortex of human feelings.

CHF 37.90

Sleep Medicine

Casale, Antonio / Brugnoli, Roberto / Girardi, Paolo
Sleep Medicine
The study of phenomena that occur during sleep has always aroused a great interest in various fields of human knowledge, both in religion and in philosophy, as well as in science. Hippocrates and Aristotle conducted different studies and observations on sleep and dreams, focusing on the changes that affect the state of consciousness between the waking and sleeping states. Freud even started from the observations and interpretation of dreams in...

CHF 395.00

A Fistful of Happiness

Casale, Antonio
A Fistful of Happiness
One evening, he was walking home from his farm. The fiery eye of the sky sprayed the last golden dust to the horizon before bidding good-bye to the day. Silence reigned all around, interrupted sporadically only by the sound of a cricket or a frog's cry. Suddenly, a bicycle bell rang behind him. Without turning back, he opted to move to the left. The rider hit a pothole, lost control of the vehicle and ran over Campus. Both fell to the ground a...

CHF 24.90

The Last Chapter

Casale, Antonio
The Last Chapter
The Last Chapter" centers on a friendship between a believer and a non-believer and an investigation into abuse at a mysterious nursing home. In this excerpt, it is the believer who finds himself down on his luck: The man, who used to exorcise, to dance, to sing, to heal, stood there in the freezing night coiled in on himself, devoid of strength and, perhaps, hope-defenseless, impotent. Gone were his charisma, his smile, the sparkle in his eye...

CHF 36.50