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142 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Rendezvous with Rama

Clarke, Arthur C.
Rendezvous with Rama
First published in 1973, Rendezvous with Rama is a first contact story told from the perspective of a group of human explorers in the 22nd century who intercept a fifty-kilometer-long cylindrical alien starship that has entered Earth's solar system. Winner of the Campbell, Hugo, Jupiter, and Nebula awards upon its release, Rendezvous with Rama is widely regarded as one of the cornerstones in Clarke's bibliography.

CHF 20.50

2001 A Space Odyssey

Clarke, Arthur C / Kubrick, Stanley
2001 A Space Odyssey
A breakthrough into the twenty-first century, this novel and movie puts the man of today into the credible environment of tomorrow, when he has conquered the perils of interplanetary travel and is ready for what comes next.You are hurtling across the abyss of space on an expedition to unexplored planets. Your only companion is a fellow astronaut: The three hibernauts who lie in a deep-freeze sleep will not be awakened until their skills are ne...

CHF 30.90

Las Arenas de Marte

Clarke, Arthur C. / Lopez, Norma B.
Las Arenas de Marte
This work narrates the journey of a famous science fiction novelist, Martin Gibson, to one of the most prosperous extraterrestrial colonies, where the most famous scientists are managing to change the appearance of Mars to make it habitable. However, what was supposed to be a pleasure trip soon turns into a complicated web of political and scientific interests that traps Martin and confronts him with an unpleasant evidence: relations between E...

CHF 23.90

3001: odissea finale

Clarke, Arthur C. / Mancini, S.
3001: odissea finale
Sono trascorsi mille anni dal viaggio dell'astronave Discovery verso Saturno e dalla drammatica conclusione della sua missione. Marte, la Luna e il satellite Ganimede sono ormai da tempo luoghi colonizzati e completamente abitati. Il progresso scientifico e tecnologico ha raggiunto un tale livello di sviluppo da rendere obsoleti persino alcuni tipi di lanci spaziali. Da un gigantesco anello attorno all'equatore terrestre partono quattro torri,...

CHF 31.50

Una Odisea Espacial / A Space Odyssey

Clarke, Arthur C.
Una Odisea Espacial / A Space Odyssey
Los cuatro libros que componen una de las sagas más célebres de la ciencia-ficción reunidos en un volumen único.Los cuatro libros que componen la saga «Odisea espacial» -2001. Una odisea espacial, 2010. Odisea dos, 2061. Odisea tres y 3001. Odisea final- suponen uno de los grandes hitos de la literatura de ciencia-ficción y el relato, fantástico pero no fantasioso, de una de las mayores epopeyas de todos los tiempos.La aparición de un misterio...

CHF 24.90

Claro de Tierra (Rtca)

Clarke, Arthur C. / Zilli, Edith
Claro de Tierra (Rtca)
Imperial Earth takes place on the Moon, two hundred years after the planets have been colonized by man and when the new inhabitants of the Moon consider themselves independent of the nations of Earth and of the Earth itself. Arthur C. Clarke decided to write this novel in 1941, staring in astonishment at the smoking rubble of the bombed-out London East End. Then he imagined "another war", whose frame was the Moon.

CHF 23.90

2001 odissea nello spazio

Clarke, Arthur C. / Oddera, B.
2001 odissea nello spazio
Quando un enigmatico monolite viene trovato sotto la superfìcie lunare, gli scienziati non immaginano che quell'antico e straordinario manufatto abbia più di tre milioni di anni né che, una volta riportato alla luce, cominciasse a inviare un potente segnale indirizzato verso l'orbita di Saturno. Che cos'è veramente quel monolite? A chi è rivolto quel segnale? Per scoprirlo, la nave spaziale Discovery parte alla volta di Giapeto, satellite di S...

CHF 20.50

Relatos de Diez Mundos

Clarke, Arthur C. / Figueroa, Manuel
Relatos de Diez Mundos
Tales of Ten Worlds brings together fifteen splendid short stories, of a variety of shades in the genre of science fiction. Clarke admirably examines the limits of the possible in the age of artificial satellites, the imminent future of space travel and the unpredictable future in which men are forced to leave Earth. In short, a lucid and penetrating look at the course that scientific advances have taken in recent decades and especially those ...

CHF 20.50

Het einde van het begin

Clarke, Arthur C. / Löbler, Ruud
Het einde van het begin
Het einde van het begin' wordt sinds de publicatie in 1953 niet alleen als een sciencefictionklassieker gezien, maar ook als een literaire roman van het hoogste niveau, geen wonder dat de jaarlijkse prijs voor de beste literaire sciencefictionroman de Arthur C. Clarke Award heet. In de tweede helft van de 20e eeuw zijn de Verenigde Staten en de Sovjet-Unie in een verwoede militaire strijd verwikkeld om de eerste lancering van een raket. Die st...

CHF 27.90

2061: odissea tre

Clarke, Arthur C. / Gamberini, F.
2061: odissea tre
Un messaggio misterioso inviato sulla Terra dai recessi del sistema solare intima agli uomini di tenersi lontano da Europa, l'inesplorato satellite di quello che un tempo era il pianeta Giove. Chi si cela dietro quel messaggio? E chi sono i responsabili del dirottamento dell'astronave Calaxy proprio sulla superficie proibita del satellite? La missione di soccorso e recupero è affidata all'equipaggio della Universe, uomini esperti reduci da un ...

CHF 31.50

2001:A Space Odyssey Level 5 Audio Pack (Book and audio c...

Clarke, Arthur C
2001:A Space Odyssey Level 5 Audio Pack (Book and audio cassette)
Penguin Readers are simplified texts designed in association with Longman, the world famous educational publisher, to provide a step-by-step approach to the joys of reading for pleasure. Each book has an introduction and extensive activity material. They are published at seven levels from Easystarts (200 words) to Advanced (3000 words).

CHF 38.80

The Sands of Mars

Clarke, Arthur C.
The Sands of Mars
It is the twenty-first century. On Mars a dedicated group of pioneers - among them some of Earth's finest brains - struggle to change the face of the planet . . .Science fiction writer Martin Gibson finally gets a chance to visit the research colony on the Red Planet. It's a dream come true - until he discovers the difficulties and perils of survival on another world . . . and the very real terror it holds.

CHF 18.50