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17 Ergebnisse.

Chinas großer Tech Crackdown

Collier, Andrew
Chinas großer Tech Crackdown
Dieses Buch ist eine kurze Geschichte des chinesischen Vorgehens gegen die großen Technologieunternehmen des Landes, das im Jahr 2020 begann. Das Buch erörtert den politischen und wirtschaftlichen Kontext und zeigt die Grenzen der Macht des Staates auf. Da sich die Politik des "gemeinsamen Wohlstands" weiter entwickelt, wird dieses Buch ein unschätzbares Nachschlagewerk für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler sein, die sich entweder mit China, dem Inte...

CHF 65.00

China¿s Technology War

Collier, Andrew
China¿s Technology War
This book is a short history of the Chinese crackdown on the country's large technology firms that began in 2020. The book discusses the political and economic context, and outline the limitations on the power of the state. As the policies of 'common prosperity' continue to develop, this book will be an invaluable reference for economists studying either China, the internet and big tech, or both.

CHF 63.00

The Government of Emergency

Collier, Stephen J. / Lakoff, Andrew
The Government of Emergency
In the middle decades of the twentieth century, in the wake of economic depression, war, and in the midst of the Cold War, an array of technical experts and government officials developed a substantial body of expertise to contain and manage the disruptions to American society caused by unprecedented threats. Today the tools invented by these mid-twentieth century administrative reformers are largely taken for granted, assimilated into the eve...

CHF 44.50

China Buys the World: Analyzing China's Overseas Investments

Collier, Andrew
China Buys the World: Analyzing China's Overseas Investments
This book discusses the strategies that will define China's overseas expansion in the coming years. China is spending billions of dollars acquiring overseas companies and assets, from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange to the Hinkley Point nuclear station. Will this corporate buying binge continue? In this book, Collier argues that state control will occur only among certain strategically key acquisitions while many of the corporate acquisitions ...

CHF 81.00

Shadow Banking and the Rise of Capitalism in China

Collier, Andrew
Shadow Banking and the Rise of Capitalism in China
This book is about the growth of shadow banking in China and the rise of China’s free markets. Shadow Banking refers to capital that is distributed outside the formal banking system, including everything from Mom and Pop lending shops to online credit to giant state owned banks called Trusts. They have grown from a fraction of the economy ten years ago to nearly half of all China’s annual Rmb 25 trillion ($4.1 trillion) in lending in the econo...

CHF 147.00

China Buys the World

Collier, Andrew
China Buys the World
This book discusses the strategies that will define China’s overseas expansion in the coming years. China is spending billions of dollars acquiring overseas companies and assets, from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange to the Hinkley Point nuclear station. Will this corporate buying binge continue? In this book, Collier argues that state control will occur only among certain strategically key acquisitions while many of the corporate acquisitions ...

CHF 81.00

Being and Worth

Collier, Andrew
Being and Worth
Being and Worth extends recent depth-realist philosophy to the question of values. It argues that beings both in the natural and human worlds have worth in themselves, whether we recognise it or not. This view is defended through and account of the human mind as essentially concerned with that of which it is independent. Conclusions follow both for environmental ethics - that natural beings should be valued for themselves, not just for their u...

CHF 40.90

Christianity and Marxism

Collier, Andrew
Christianity and Marxism
Christians and Marxists have co-operated in various forms of political work in recent decades, and, after earlier years of antagonism, thinkers on both sides have come to take the other seriously. The aim of this book is to get Christianity and Marxism to meet on terrain on which they might seem most opposed: their philosophical positions, and to do so without watering either down, but taking then full strength.

CHF 192.00

Shadow Banking and the Rise of Capitalism in China

Collier, Andrew
Shadow Banking and the Rise of Capitalism in China
This book is about the growth of shadow banking in China and the rise of China's free markets. Shadow Banking refers to capital that is distributed outside the formal banking system, including everything from Mom and Pop lending shops to online credit to giant state owned banks called Trusts. They have grown from a fraction of the economy ten years ago to nearly half of all China's annual Rmb 25 trillion ($4.1 trillion) in lending in the econo...

CHF 157.00

Being and Worth

Collier, Andrew
Being and Worth
Being and Worth extends recent depth-realist philosophy to the question of values. It argues that beings both in the natural and human worlds have worth in themselves, whether we recognise it or not. This view is defended through and account of the human mind as essentially concerned with that of which it is independent. Conclusions follow both for environmental ethics - that natural beings should be valued for themselves, not just for their u...

CHF 166.00

In Defence of Objectivity

Collier, Andrew
In Defence of Objectivity
This volume develops and defends critical realism whilst engaging critically with existentialist philosophy in a number of ways. The work of existentialist thinkers as diverse as Kierkegarrd, R.D. Laing, Heideggar and Sartre is discussed at length and Andrew Collier argues that there is much to be learnt from their work, especially in Heidegger's critique of the technological view of the world. However the book concludes with a defence of obje...

CHF 166.00

In Defence of Objectivity

Collier, Andrew
In Defence of Objectivity
Addresses the interlocking themes of realism, objectivity, existentialism and politics. This work defends objectivity in science, knowledge, and ethics, and examines both subjective idealism and existentialist critiques of objectivity. It also examines some of the themes from different angles, keeping the politics of the issues at the forefront.

CHF 83.00

Christianity and Marxism

Collier, Andrew
Christianity and Marxism
Analyses cooperation between Christianity and Marxism after years of antagonism. This book discusses the nature of Christianity and Marxism and their place amongst contemporary world views. It looks at areas of apparent conflict and possible reconciliation. It is useful for those involved in philosophy, theology, politics and Marxism.

CHF 83.00


Collier, Andrew
Although one of the most influential thinkers of the last millennium, Karl Marx was relatively unheralded during most of his lifetime. Famous for predicting the inevitable demise of capitalism, it was only after his death that his immortal clarion call reached a wide audience: "Workers of the world unite ¿ you have nothing to lose but your chains."Andrew Collier breathes new life into the achievements of Karl Marx, arguing that his work is sti...

CHF 18.50