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9 Ergebnisse.

Verlichting door Orbs

Cooper, Diana / Crosswell, Kathy
Verlichting door Orbs
Orbs, ook wel lichtbollen genoemd, verschijnen vaak op foto's. Diana Cooper, wereldwijd bekend schrijfster, en Kathy Crosswell, spiritueel leraar, hebben duizenden van dergelijke onderzocht. Uit die vele foto's hebben ze er voor dit boek veertig geselecteerd om uit te leggen wat orbs nu precies zijn, wat hun doel is en hoe ze je kunnen helpen. Dit boek geeft antwoord op technische vragen en biedt praktische hulp. Door beschouwend naar de f...

CHF 29.90

The Keys to the Universe Cards

Cooper, Diana / Crosswell, Kathy
The Keys to the Universe Cards
The perfect accompaniment to The Keys to the Universe book, these beautiful cards help seekers on the path of enlightenment. There are 50 keys — 48 of which enable readers to unlock the secrets of other realms, such as the animal or natural kingdoms, the elements, archangels and other angelic beings, cosmic masters, and wisdom centers, and two Golden Cosmic Keys, Hollow Earth and Sirius, which allow attunement to the wisdom of the cosmos. Two ...

CHF 31.50

Schlüssel zur höheren Welt

Cooper, Diana / Crosswell, Kathy / Miethe, Manfred
Schlüssel zur höheren Welt
Der kosmische Schlüssel zur Transformation von Erde und Mensch»Einst wurden uns 50 Schlüssel zur höheren Welt übergeben, jeder Schlüssel eröffnet den Zugang zu einem Teil des universellen Wissens und lässt uns Verbindung aufnehmen zu unserem Höheren Selbst.« Die weltberühmte Lebenslehrerin zeigt, wie wir diese Schlüssel nutzen können, um die Transformation des Bewusstseins in die richtigen Bahnen zu lenken. Sie schenkt uns faszinierende Einsic...

CHF 20.90

Enlightenment Through Orbs

Cooper, Diana / Crosswell, Kathy
Enlightenment Through Orbs
Intended as an introduction and initiation to a worldwide fascination, this experiential tool draws its conclusions from the careful scrutiny of thousands of digital photographs containing orbs--visible proof of the presence of angels in the form of ghostly spheres. The book answers technical questions and offers practical guidance, such as who the orbs are, what purpose they serve, and how they can help. The dozens of full-color photos includ...

CHF 32.90

Ascension Through Orbs Meditations

Cooper, Diana / Crosswell, Kathy
Ascension Through Orbs Meditations
As a tool for greater, more powerful connections to the spirit guides known as orbs, this double-CD set offers eight 15-minute meditations, which each correspond to color orb photographs found in the accompanying booklet. Guided by the authors, the meditations provide specific energies for enlightenment and transformation while boosting the ascension pathway. Visions of angels, archangels, fairies, the Lords of Karma, and the Ascension Masters...

CHF 26.90

Ascension Through Orbs

Cooper, Diana / Crosswell, Kathy
Ascension Through Orbs
Featuring a wealth of additional material, this book explains the meaning and the importance of orbs-the physical presence of angels found in digital photographs-in a wider and more advanced context. With nearly 50 photographic examples accompanied by meditations to allow the energy of the orbs to be more fully absorbed, this advanced tool for ascension explores spirit guides and the angelic hierarchy in greater depth, including the powers, th...

CHF 22.90

Orbs Cards

Cooper, Diana / Crosswell, Kathy
Orbs Cards
An assortment of orbs for inspiration, strength, and healing. Packaged in a standard square tuckbox, this deck of 44 orb-shaped cards provides inspiration and empowerment from the mysterious spirit guides that are concealed in the orbs often found in digital photographs. Each card features a unique orb image on one side with corresponding meditative qualities described in the accompanying booklet, allowing easy connection to the orbs for perso...

CHF 21.50