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12 Ergebnisse.


Cooper, Melinda
A thorough investigation of the current combination of austerity and extravagance that characterizes government spending and central bank monetary policy At the close of the 1970s, government treasuries and central banks took a vow of perpetual self-restraint. To this day, fiscal authorities fret over soaring public debt burdens, while central bankers wring their hands at the slightest sign of rising wages. As the brief reprieve of coronavirus...

CHF 48.90

Middlebrow Modernism

Cooper, Melinda J.
Middlebrow Modernism
Eleanor Dark (1901-85) is one of Australia's most innovative 20th-century writers. Her extensive oeuvre includes ten novels published from the early 1930s to the late 1950s, and represents a significant engagement with global modernity from a unique position within settler culture. Yet Dark's contribution to 20th-century literature has been undervalued in the fields of both Australian literary studies and world literature. Although two biograp...

CHF 48.90

Mein Weihnachtsprinz - Die königliche Hochzeit

Cooper, Keith / Stadtlander, Elizabeth / Naranjo, Antonio / Stamm, Meiro / Hum, Stan / Lamarche, Rebecca / Milne, Myles / Stevenson, Beth / Yeaman, Nancy / Maher, Jeff / Leeb, Kaitlyn / Hounslow, Nick / Dean, Josh / Marinina, Anastasia / Shankar, Melinda / Shaughnessy, Charles / Komorowska, Liliana / Foley, Jack / Fahlenbock, Megan
Mein Weihnachtsprinz - Die königliche Hochzeit
Es ist wieder Weihnachten und Dr. Tasha ist auf dem Weg nach St. Savarre zu Prinz Alexander. Als Tasha ankommt, überrascht Alex sie, indem er um ihre Hand anhält. Überglücklich beginnen die Beiden mit der Planung ihrer Hochzeit, die an Weihnachten stattfinden soll. Doch Prinzessin Miranda, sehr unglücklich über diese Entwicklung, schmiedet einen Plan, um die Hochzeit zu stoppen. Wird sie Erfolg haben oder werden Tasha und Alex ihr Happy End be...

CHF 27.90

Mein Weihnachtsprinz - Die Liebe meines Lebens

Cooper, Keith / Stadtlander, Elizabeth / Stamm, Meiro / Reineck, Chris / Cseh, Alexandru / Hum, Stan / Milne, Myles / Stevenson, Beth / Yeaman, Nancy / Maher, Jeff / Leeb, Kaitlyn / Hounslow, Nick / Dean, Josh / Shankar, Melinda / Shaughnessy, Charles / MacDonald, Liam / Ebrahim, Ilamaria / Baldwin, Julia / Ware, Lanette
Mein Weihnachtsprinz - Die Liebe meines Lebens
Kinderärztin Tasha Miller kümmert sich liebevoll und gewissenhaft um ihre jungen Patienten im Krankenhaus. Als der beste Freund ihres Bruders, Prinz Alexander, einen Skiunfall hat und als Notfall auf ihrer Station untergebracht wird, gefällt Tasha das überhaupt nicht. Es ist Weihnachten und die Kinder benötigen Ruhe. Ausserdem kennt sie Prinz Alexander nur als selbstverliebten, unverbesserlichen Herzensbrecher. Aber als Tasha ihn mit den Kinde...

CHF 16.50

Family Values

Cooper, Melinda
Family Values
An investigation of the roots of the alliance between free-market neoliberals and social conservatives.

CHF 30.90

Clinical Labor

Cooper, Melinda
Clinical Labor
Melinda Cooper is a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Sydney. She is the author of Life as Surplus: Biotechnology and Capitalism in the Neoliberal Era.Catherine Waldby is a Professorial Future Fellow in the Department of Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Sydney. She is coauthor, with Herbert Gottweis and Brian Salter, of The Global Politics of Human Embryonic Stem Cell S...

CHF 41.90

Clinical Labor

Cooper, Melinda
Clinical Labor
Melinda Cooper is a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Sydney. She is the author of Life as Surplus: Biotechnology and Capitalism in the Neoliberal Era.Catherine Waldby is a Professorial Future Fellow in the Department of Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Sydney. She is coauthor, with Herbert Gottweis and Brian Salter, of The Global Politics of Human Embryonic Stem Cell S...

CHF 140.00

Sie nennen es Leben, wir nennen es Arbeit

Cooper, Melinda / Waldby, Catherine / Reuschling, Felicita / Schultz, Susanne / Henninger, Max
Sie nennen es Leben, wir nennen es Arbeit
Ebenso wie unbezahlte Haus-und Sorgearbeit lange als außer-ökonomisch oder "natürlich" angesehen wurde, gilt dies heute für die Verfügbarkeit von lebendigen Körperstoffen und -prozessen in Reproduktions- und Biotechnologien im Zusammenhang mit der sogenannten Eizell-"Spende" oder "Leihmutterschaft".Der 3. Band der Reihe kitchen politics fokussiert die Sphäre der Reproduktionsmedizin und Biotechnologie als Bestandteil von Wertschöpfungsprozesse...

CHF 13.90

Rethinking Money, Debt, and Finance After the Crisis

Cooper, Melinda / Konings, Martijn
Rethinking Money, Debt, and Finance After the Crisis
The financial crisis of 2007–8 has been widely understood as a result of the financial system’s exceeding its proper place in society, the system became unbalanced, unsustainable, and deprived of a solid foundation. Even as capitalist finance seeks to reinvent itself in the wake of massive upheaval, critics continue to portray the financial system as fundamentally irrational—an unstable, destructive inventor of fictitious money. Characterizing...

CHF 23.90

Life as Surplus

Cooper, Melinda E
Life as Surplus
Focusing on the period between the 1970s and the present, Life as Surplus is a pointed and important study of the relationship between politics, economics, science, and cultural values in the United States today. Melinda Cooper demonstrates that the history of biotechnology cannot be understood without taking into account the simultaneous rise of neoliberalism as a political force and an economic policy. From the development of recombinant DNA...

CHF 142.00

Biolavoro globale. Corpi e nuova manodopera

Cooper, Melinda / Waldby, Catherine / Balzano, A.
Biolavoro globale. Corpi e nuova manodopera
Tra il pullulare di discorsi sul capitalismo avanzato spicca l'assenza di analisi sui corpi. Sono in tanti a focalizzarsi sul capitalismo cognitivo, trascurando il versante della produzione materiale sul quale si fonda l'economia della vita. Melinda Cooper e Catherine Waldby con questo libro colmano tale lacuna, mostrando come la bioeconomia si sia sviluppata a partire dalle capacità biologiche insite nei corpi stessi, e in particolare nei cor...

CHF 35.90

Life as Surplus

Cooper, Melinda E.
Life as Surplus
From the development of recombinant DNA technology in the 1970s to the second Bush administration's policies on stem cell research, Cooper connects the utopian polemic of free-market capitalism with the growing internal contradictions of the commercialized life sciences. Melinda Cooper is a research fellow with the Centre for Biomedicine and Society, Kings College London.

CHF 51.50