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Zur Kasse

18 Ergebnisse.

My Robot's Gone Wild

Cousins, Dave / Echeverri, Catalina
My Robot's Gone Wild
When Jake and Jess visit Robin in the Scottish countryside, they're surprised to see how well he has adapted to the wild. But when Grandma's plan to catch a gang of thieves backfires, will the robot's new skills save the day?

CHF 11.90

Is My Teacher A Robot?

Cousins, Dave / Echeverri, Catalina
Is My Teacher A Robot?
When Robin, Jake and Jess's robot babysitter, is involved in an accident he forgets who he is and believes that he is their new class teacher! But Robin is not your average teacher and people are getting suspicious...

CHF 11.90


Cousins, Dave / Brauner, Anne
Wie bin ich bloß hier gelandet? Unvermittelt findet sich die sechzehnjährige Alex in einer derart grotesken und unglaublichen Situation wieder, dass sie gezwungen ist, sich mit ihrer Lage auseinanderzusetzen. Sind das Erinnerungen aus der Zukunft oder Déjà-vu-Erlebnisse, die sie plötzlich hat und die sie nicht loslassen? Wie kann sie den Teufelskreis ihrer fatalistischen Gedanken durchbrechen und die Katastrophe vermeiden? Im entscheidenden Au...

CHF 27.90

My Babysitter Is a Robot

Cousins, Dave / Echeverri, Catalina
My Babysitter Is a Robot
When Grandma creates a robot babysitter for twins Jake and Jess, chaos ensues! Robin embarasses them in front of their friends (and enemies) and loves following the rules. Can the twins put aside their sibling squabbles and work together to get rid of their new robot babysitter?

CHF 11.90

Waiting for Gonzo

Cousins, Dave
Waiting for Gonzo
Oz is a joker who attracts disasters like magnets to a fridge. On his first day at a new school, he accidentally triggers a chain of events which causes a catastrophe of EPIC proportions! But it's when Oz tries to repair the damage that the trouble really starts . . .

CHF 14.50

Fifteen Days Without a Head

Cousins, Dave
Fifteen Days Without a Head
Meet Laurence, fifteen years old and six feet tall. Very soon, he'll dress up as his mum and impersonate a dead man on the radio. Meet Jay, his six year old brother. He looks like an angel but thinks he's a dog. He'll sink his teeth into anyone who gets in the way. Today is Tuesday and the next fifteen days will change the boys' lives for ever.

CHF 15.50

Quindici giorni senza testa

Cousins, Dave
Quindici giorni senza testa
Laurence ha 15 anni e una famiglia particolare: il papà è morto, la mamma ha problemi con l'alcol e il fratellino Jay ogni tanto crede di essere un cane. Di nascosto, Laurence partecipa a un quiz radiofonico, spera di vincere per regalare alla mamma un viaggio in terre lontane. Il tutto si complica quando, una notte, la mamma sparisce di casa. Per quindici giorni Laurence dovrà prendersi cura del fratellino, indagare sulla scomparsa della mamm...

CHF 34.90

Exorcising Ghosts: Strawbs & Other Lives

Cousins, Dave
Exorcising Ghosts: Strawbs & Other Lives
Written by Strawbs singer and songwriter, Dave Cousins, tells an extraordinary story from the revivalist folk scene of the 1960s, through chart-topping albums and singles, to stadium rock shows of the 1970s. Features colour and b/w photos. *Also appeared in August Buyer's Notes*

CHF 41.90

Fünfzehn kopflose Tage

Cousins, Dave / Brauner, Anne
Fünfzehn kopflose Tage
Wie weit kann man gehen, um die eigene Familie zusammenzuhalten? Laurence, 15 Jahre alt, geht jedenfalls ziemlich weit und manövriert sich dabei in eine Reihe grotesk-komischer Situationen - nicht zuletzt, weil sein kleiner Bruder fest davon überzeugt ist, ein bissiger Hund zu sein ... Laurence Roach wünscht sich eigentlich nur ein normales Leben, doch das ist schwer, wenn die Mutter eine depressive Alkoholikerin ist. Als sie eines Abends nich...

CHF 26.50

One Short

Cousins, Dave
One Short
A young boy's best friend Jamie has just moved away, and he feels no-one could replace him, not even the new boy Daniel. But then he finds his school football team is missing one person. Will he finally be forced to accept someone new into his life? This sweet story of friends new and old was written by Dave Cousins.

CHF 10.50

15 Days Without a Head

Cousins, Dave
15 Days Without a Head
Despite having a depressed alcoholic mother and a little brother who's convinced he's a dog, 15-year-old Laurence Roach tries to live a normal life. But after his mom vanishes, Laurence, terrified he'll be separated from his brother, does whatever he can to keep her disappearance a secret.

CHF 14.50

Warten auf Gonzo

Cousins, Dave / Brauner, Anne
Warten auf Gonzo
Oz ist immer für einen Lacher zu haben. Es ist wirklich nicht seine Schuld, dass manche Leute so humorlos sind. Doch bei einem seiner Scherze geht der Schuss nach hinten los, und er setzt eine Kette von Ereignissen in Gang, die in ein einziges Durcheinander münden. Man muss es tatsächlich erlebt haben, wie Oz versucht, den Schaden zu begrenzen - auf seine eigene, einzigartige Weise. Oder anders ausgedrückt: Jeder kann einen Fehler machen, aber...

CHF 27.90