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Creager, Carol
Tengo mucha agilidad porque tengo una cola tan larga, más larga que el cuerpo. Muchas veces la cola es difícil manejar. I am very agile because I have such a long tail, much longer than my body. My tail is often difficult to manage.

CHF 31.50

Does Costa Rica Have an Army?

Creager, Carol
Does Costa Rica Have an Army?
Most humans think Costa Rica has no army or other armed forces because Costa Rica has no human armed forces. The country has an active security force. I, General Loth, am in charge of the forces. Sloths, birds, animals, frogs, etc. observe the forest. Caimans and crocodiles watch the river entrances. Birds patrol the coasts as well as scanning the skies and the rivers. Since our forces are so numerous, there are always sufficient numbers on al...

CHF 26.50

Why Do We Want a Different Name?

Creager, Carol
Why Do We Want a Different Name?
What difference does a name make? We are least grebes. Would you like to be least men or least women or least Costa Ricans or least Americans? It is so derogatory and demeaning. We want to be black grebes or tiny grebes. Do you think those names would be just as bad? We think those merely describe our appearance, whereas least means less worthy than .... What matters to us is our character. That is what should matter to everyone. CHARACTER! Wi...

CHF 25.90

Why Should One Take Photos? Bird Series 5 Serie De Aves

Creager, Carol
Why Should One Take Photos? Bird Series 5 Serie De Aves
WHITE-THROATED CRAKE'S 2 SURPISES A bird that lives hidden in tall grasses makes an appearance out in the open, just for Carol's camera. What is the second surprise? 2 sorpresas de una polluela carrasqueadora: Un pájaro que se esconde todo el tiempo aparece para la cámara de Carol. ¿y la otra sorpresa? Una cámara guarda memorias del pasado para el futuro y, a veces, captura algo especial que la persona que saca las fotos no vio porque los ...

CHF 25.50

Why Are Capuchin Monkeys So Fearless

Creager, Carol
Why Are Capuchin Monkeys So Fearless
How can I cross the entrance to the parking lot to the beach in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica? Why do I want to risk it? What reward do I get for crossing it so carefully? Do monkeys and people interact too much? ¿Cómo puedo cruzar la entrada al parqueo a la playa de Manuel Antonio en Costa Rica? ¿Por qué quiero hacerlo? ¿Qué premio gano por cruzarla tan cuidadosamente? ¿Qué más me preocupa? Se acercan demasiado los monos y la gente?. Cappy, t...

CHF 25.50

Why Do I Howl?

Creager, Carol
Why Do I Howl?
Why do I howl? It is important to keep in contact with my troop as we travel through the rainforest. We also have to keep other groups of monkeys away from us. I have a prove that I am the leader of the group by the strength of my howl and by my daring. I travel on open bridges and along slender branches where it is very hard to keep my balance, too scary for others in my troop to travel. - Mantled Howler Monkey Leader It is important that eve...

CHF 28.50

Why Do I Have to Grow Up? ¿POR QUÉ TENGO QUE LLEGAR A SER...

Creager, Carol
I am afraid of getter bigger and being on my own. I don't know if I can catch or find my own food or protect myself from the perils of the world. I want my parents to keep taking care of me. Why am a called a mockingbird? Would you want to be able to sing just one song? Baby Mockingbird It is important that everyone help wildlife to survive and that as many as possible enjoy seeing, while not disturbing, wild creatures. What do I know about wi...

CHF 25.50

The Sunbittern's Secret

Creager, Carol
The Sunbittern's Secret
We have a number of secrets about our lives, but one is extremely colorful. If you visit the Sarapiqui River or La Mina (Near Rancho Naturalista) in Costa Rica, you will have a good chance to see at least one of us and some of our habits. If you are very lucky, you will fly me fly or display, revealing my secret. The Sunbitterns It is important that everyone help wildlife to survive and that as many as possible enjoy seeing, while not disturbi...

CHF 26.50

Why Do I Have to Take a Bath?

Creager, Carol
Why Do I Have to Take a Bath?
Why? Birds cannot fly unless they keep their feathers clean by frequent bathing and careful grooming. Even ground birds such as these have to be able to fly in an emergency, to escape danger, or to find another swamp with more food. It is important that everyone help wildlife to survive and that as many as possible enjoy seeing, while not disturbing, wild creatures. What do I know about wildlife? I have watched and photographed it since I was ...

CHF 26.50

Why Did I Do Tricks for Luis?

Creager, Carol
Why Did I Do Tricks for Luis?
Yo soy un mono araña, y vivo en Costa Rica. Cuando vi a Carol Creager con Luis Barrantes, yo hice mis mañas para ganar su atención. ¿Qué mejor manera? Los seguí. De esta manera obtuve la atención de Carol para convencerle que me haga héroe de uno de sus libros porque soy tan ágil. Así llegué a mi meta de llamar la atención de todos a los monos arañas. I am a spider monkey, and I live in Costa Rica. When I saw Carol Creager with Luis Barrantes,...

CHF 28.90

Are My Eyes Bigger than My Stomach

Creager, Carol
Are My Eyes Bigger than My Stomach
I am an anhinga or snakebird because I swim like a submarine, with my body underwater and my skinny head and neck upright, like a snake standing on its tail. My skinny throat expands so that I can swallow fish, which are somewhat round. Do I ever try to swallow a fish that is too big? Read my book to find out. - Andy Anhinga Soy anhinga porque nado como un submarino, con el cuerpo debajo del agua y la cabeza y el cuello arriba, como una culebr...

CHF 28.90

Who Cares about Our Colors

Creager, Carol
Who Cares about Our Colors
Somos ardillas de tres colores en Costa Rica. ¿Qué importa si somos claros u oscuros? Queremos decirles algo de nuestras vidas en los bosques tropicales. We are variegated squirrels in Costa Rica, who cares if we are fair or dark? We want to tell you about our lives in tropical forests. - Del & Ardy, the variegated squirrels

CHF 31.50

Feed Me! No, Feed Me! No, Me!

Creager, Carol
Feed Me! No, Feed Me! No, Me!
We three baby swallows wait and hope our parents will bring us juicy insects to eat so that we will grow up fast. Then we will have to feed ourselves. We are old enough to fly, but we cannot fly well enough to catch flying insects. Carol watched and photographed us from a boat in the river. Las tres golondrinas esperamos que nuestros padres nos lleven insectos que podemos comer para crecer rápidamente. Entonces tendremos que obtener nuestra co...

CHF 29.50

Ronnie's Reach

Creager, Carol
Ronnie's Reach
I reach for the stars. A worthy goal or dream is essential in life. I climb every flower, leaf, and stick, hoping one will take me high enough. Ronnie Rana, red-eyed tree frog Frogs need clean air and water to survive. Las ranas necesitan aire y agua limpios para vivir. Carol

CHF 29.90

What is a Tamandua

Creager, Carol
What is a Tamandua
I am a tamandua or lesser anteater. I search trees for termites and ants, which I catch with my long, sticky tongue. That benefits YOU! I greet my friends when they visit Observatory Lodge in Costa Rica. - Tammy Tamandua Soy una tamandúa. Busco termitas y hormigas, que cojo con la lengua larga y viscosa, que te ayuda. Saludo a mis amigos cuando visitan Observatory Lodge en Costa Rica. - Tammy Tamandúa

CHF 28.90

Mischief and McGuffey in Ireland with Paul Byrom

Creager, Carol
Mischief and McGuffey in Ireland with Paul Byrom
We persuaded Carol to take us to Ireland to see our favorite singer, Paul Byrom, such a delightful person, on two tours with Travel Concepts. This book includes some of our favorite experiences from both tours, I and IV. Our highlight was watching a prize-winning sheepdog working the sheep at his master's commands. We got to experience riding very unusual horses and protecting a castle. Paul shook hands with us and held us several times. We sa...

CHF 28.90

What Is a Squirrel Monkey

Creager, Carol
What Is a Squirrel Monkey
I am both rare and endangered. I live in a small area of Costa Rica. When Carol, a superb photographer and writer, offered to tell you about me, I was delighted. I am happy to share my life with you. I hope that you help to respect and protect my species and my habitat. Soy raro y en peligro. Vivo en un área pequeña de Costa Rica. Cuando Carol ofreció decirte de mí, me deleité. Me alegro compartir mi vida contigo. Espero que ayudes a respetar...

CHF 31.50