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254 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.

La vendetta del deserto

Crichton, Michael / Comerlati, D.
La vendetta del deserto
La grande piramide di Cheope domina l'orizzonte. Mentre il vento gli soffia accanto e la sabbia si alza leggera, Harold Barnaby, brillante egittologo, la osserva e ripensa a quel papiro e alla verità che custodisce. Non avrebbe mai immaginato di poter fare una scoperta così importante. Non avrebbe mai immaginato che esistessero ancora tesori nascosti di cui nessuno sapeva l'esistenza. Non avrebbe mai immaginato che nel decifrare un testo in ge...


Crichton, Michael / Shanley, John Patrick / Coates, Anne V. / Goldsmith, Jerry / Backes, Michael / Deason, Paul / Kennedy, Kathleen / Marshall, Frank / Mercer, Sam / Yablans, Frank / Daviau, Allen / Linney, Laura / Walsh, Dylan / Hudson, Ernie / Curry, Tim / Heslov, Grant / Baker, Joe Don / Noh, Lola / Trainor, Mary Ellen / Rosas, Misty
Tief im dunkelsten Herzen Afrikas, dem unerforschten Kongo, verbirgt sich das mysteriöse Geheimnis einer untergegangenen Stadt. Ihr Name: Zinj. Ein Ort mit unermesslichen Reichtümern. Das amerikanische High Tech-Unternehmen TraviCom schickt eine achtköpfige Crew in den Kongo. Die Satellitenübertragung zeigt, das das Team Zinj gefunden hat. Doch dann erreichen die Gesellschaft in Amerika nur noch Bilder des Grauens. Völlig zerstörte Ausrüstunge...

CHF 12.90

Dragon Teeth

Crichton, Michael
Dragon Teeth
Michael Crichton, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Jurassic Park, returns to the world of paleontology in this recently discovered novel - a thrilling adventure set in the Wild West during the golden age of fossil hunting.

CHF 13.50

Westworld: Where Nothing Can Go Wrong

Crichton, Michael / Sloan, Sam / David, Saul
Westworld: Where Nothing Can Go Wrong
This is the original screenplay of Westworld as it was just two days before actual shooting began. Before this, there had been many cuts, changes, additions and deletions over a period of months.Much can be learned about actual film making from reading this book. It is to be suggested to read the Forward by Former Story Editor Saul David and the introduction by Michael Chrichton at least twice, once before downloading and seeing the original f...

CHF 30.50


Crichton, Michael
Film tie-in to Crichton's latest film. Deep in the heart of the Congo an eight-person expedition is killed mysteriously and rather brutally. Back in San Francisco, primatologist Peter Elliot is stunned when Amy, the gorilla he has been working with, draws a painting of the lost city the expedition was looking for. A new team is sent back to the Congo...>Congo< was first published in 1980.

CHF 16.50


Crichton, Michael / Velzen, Marjolein van
Bestsellerauteur Michael Crichton (Jurassic Park) keert met Drakentand terug naar de wereld van de paleontologie in een fantastisch avontuur dat zich afspeelt tijdens de gouden eeuw van de fossielenjacht. Drakentand is een avontuur vol dinosaurusbotten, wetenschappelijke intrige en waaghalzerij. Vintage Crichton: een uitbundige verbeelding die op volle toeren draait en de lezer meeneemt naar een andere wereld, een verhaal met opwindende wendi...

CHF 28.90


Crichton, Michael
Not since Jurassic Park has digging up the past been so dangerousThe legendary #1 New York Times bestselling author of Jurassic Park returns to the world of paleontology in this recently discovered novel . . .The year is 1876. Warring Indian tribes still populate America’s western territories, even as lawless gold-rush towns begin to mark the landscape, and two monomaniacal paleontologists pillage the Wild West, hunting for dinosaur fossils wh...

CHF 14.50


Crichton, Michael / Marenco, M. T.
Thomas Sanders è un brillante manager e un tranquillo padre di famiglia. Finché non ritrova una sua ex spettacolarmente sexy, Meredith Johnson, che ha abilmente scalato i vertici della DCT, l'avveniristica azienda di Seattle per cui lavora anche lui. Il primo incontro tra i due si conclude nella maniera peggiore: la spregiudicata Meredith lo accusa di averla molestata sessualmente. Per salvarsi, Thomas dovrà ribaltare l'accusa, dimostrando in ...

CHF 20.90


Crichton, Michael / Ranchetti, C.
Avventure, esperienze ed esplorazioni vissute e narrate in prima persona dallo scrittore, fedele all'idea secondo la quale viaggiare significa anzitutto tornare a fare esperienze dirette, conoscersi più a fondo, mettersi alla prova per superare i propri limiti e le proprie paure. Dagli squali nelle acque di Tahiti agli aborigeni della Nuova Guinea, da Bangkok al Kilimanjaro, dalle tartarughe della Malesia alla solitudine del deserto americano:...

CHF 17.90


Crichton, Michael / Capriolo, E.
A trecento metri di profondità, sul fondale del Pacifico, giace una misteriosa nave spaziale di dimensioni inaudite. Da dove è arrivata? Da una civiltà aliena? Da un altro universo? Dal futuro attraverso un buco nero? Per risolvere l'enigma viene chiamata un'equipe di scienziati, mentre il mare si popola improvvisamente di mostruose creature e sugli schermi dei computer appaiono inquietanti messaggi. Un'avventura ai confini della realtà in un ...

CHF 19.50

La grande rapina al treno

Crichton, Michael / Capriolo, E.
La grande rapina al treno
Anno 1855. L'Impero Britannico manda al suo esercito impegnato in Crimea 12.000 sterline in lingotti d'oro custoditi in casse a prova di tutto. Le casseforti vengono caricate sul sorvegliatissimo espresso Londra-Parigi. A Parigi, però, ecco la sorpresa: le casseforti sono giunte con i sigilli intatti, ma dentro non c'è oro, solo pallini da caccia. L'incredibile storia del più audace colpo del secolo e del suo geniale ideatore, il ladro gentilu...

CHF 16.90

Drug of Choice

Crichton, Michael / Lange, John
Drug of Choice
On a secret island in the Caribbean, bioengineers have devised a vacation resort like no other, promising the ultimate escape. But when Dr Roger Clark investigates, he discovers the dark secret of Eden Island and of Advance Biosystems, the shadowy corporation underwriting it...

CHF 14.50


Crichton, Michael / Preston, Richard / Comerlati, D.
Honolulu, Hawaii. In un buio stabile di periferia, ufficio di un piccolo avvocato del luogo, regna il silenzio. Tutto sembra in ordine. Se non fosse per tre cadaveri stesi sul pavimento. Sul loro corpo non ci sono segni di lotta, solo dei tagli piccolissimi ma profondi e letali. L'unico indizio trovato sul luogo del delitto è un minuscolo robot, quasi invisibile all'occhio umano, dotato di lame affilatissime. La polizia brancola nel buio. Quel...

CHF 17.90

Gold - Pirate Latitudes

Crichton, Michael / Jaenicke, Hannes
Gold - Pirate Latitudes
Das Ziel vor Augen, die Verfolger im Nacken. Captain Charles Hunter wagt den spektakulärsten Raubzug, den die Karibik je gesehen hat. Er wollte das Unmögliche anpacken. Und dabei reich werden. Doch eines steigt in der Karibik schneller als die Flut: der Preis der Loyalität. Port Royal, Jamaika, 17. Jahrhundert. Captain Charles Hunter, Freibeuter in inoffiziellen Diensten des britischen Gouverneurs von Jamaika, heuert eine verwegene Crew von S...

CHF 35.50

State of Fear

Crichton, Michael
State of Fear
In his latest "New York Times" bestseller, the master of the technological thriller pens this all-too-plausible tale. An intelligence agent races around the world to put the pieces of a frightening eco-terrorist conspiracy together before humankind is devastated by a series of global catastrophes.

CHF 18.50


Crichton, Michael
Welcome to our genetic world.Fast, furious, and out of control.This is not the world of the future—it's the world right now.Is a loved one missing some body parts? Are blonds becoming extinct? Is everyone at your dinner table of the same species? Humans and chimpanzees differ in only four hundred genes, is that why a chimp fetus resembles a human being? And should that worry us? There's a new genetic cure for drug addiction—is it worse than th...

CHF 11.90

State of Fear

Crichton, Michael
State of Fear
In Paris, a physicist dies after performing a laboratory experiment for a beautiful visitor.In the jungles of Malaysia, a mysterious buyer purchases deadly cavitation technology, built to his specifications.In Vancouver, a small research submarine is leased for use in the waters off New Guinea.And in Tokyo, an intelligence agent tries to understand what it all means.Thus begins Michael Crichton's exciting and provocative techno-thriller State ...

CHF 11.90


Crichton, Michael
In the Nevada desert, an experiment has gone horribly wrong. A cloud of nanoparticles—micro-robots—has escaped from the laboratory. This cloud is self-sustaining and self-reproducing. It is intelligent and learns from experience. For all practical purposes, it is alive.It has been programmed as a predator. It is evolving swiftly, becoming more deadly with each passing hour. Every attempt to destroy it has failed.And we are the prey.

CHF 11.90

Micro LP

Crichton, Michael
Micro LP
In Jurassic Park, he created a terrifying new world. Now, in Micro, Michael Crichton reveals a universe too small to see and too dangerous to ignore.In a locked Honolulu office building, three men are found dead, covered in ultrafine, razor-sharp cuts. The only clue left behind is a tiny bladed robot. In the lush forests of Oahu, trillions of microorganisms are being discovered, feeding a search for priceless drugs. In Cambridge, Massachusetts...

CHF 38.90