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Zur Kasse

11 Ergebnisse.

The Story of Gaia

Currivan, Jude
The Story of Gaia
• Examines our emergence as self-aware members of a Universe that is itself a unified and innately sentient entity that exists TO evolve• Shares leading-edge scientific breakthroughs and shows how they support traditional visions of Earth as a living being--Gaia• Rewrites evolution as not driven by random occurrences and mutations but by intelligently informed and meaningful information flows and processesExploring our emergence as self-aware ...

CHF 29.90

Das kosmische Hologramm

Currivan, Jude / Leipold, Franz
Das kosmische Hologramm
Die Wissenschaft der Verbundenheit.Unser Universum gleicht einem riesigen Informationssystem: Die Muster, die Verhalten auf atomarer Ebene lenken, wirken auch auf galaktische Gruppen im Weltall ein. Erdbeben und menschliche Konflikte ähneln sich in ihrer Struktur, Städte wachsen auf dieselbe Weise wie Galaxien. Auch die Dynamik in-formativer Formen, die Ökosysteme durchziehen, sind identisch mit den Informationsstrukturen des Internets und sog...

CHF 15.90

L'ologramma cosmico. L'in-formazione al centro della Crea...

Currivan, Jude / Nerini, S.
L'ologramma cosmico. L'in-formazione al centro della Creazione
La nostra comprensione dell'Universo è in procinto di subire una trasformazione a tutti i livelli. Le recenti scoperte scientifiche dimostrano che l'informazione alla base di tutte le nostre tecnologie moderne è esattamente uguale all'informazione universale che sostiene, pervade e coincide con quella che chiamiamo realtà fisica. Nell'esplorare come l'informazione sia più fondamentale dell'energia, della materia, dello spazio o del tempo, Jude...

CHF 38.50


Currivan, Jude
Dr Jude Currivan has a Masters Degree in Physics, specializing in quantum physics and cosmology, from the University of Oxford and a PhD in Archaeology from the University of Reading, researching ancient cosmologies. She has researched the nature of consciousness and reality for many years and has had numerous mystical experiences from early childhood. Jude gives regular workshops and is the author of four books, The Wave, The 8th Chakra, The ...

CHF 22.90

The Cosmic Hologram

Currivan, Jude / Laszlo, Ervin
The Cosmic Hologram
Exploring how information is more fundamental than energy, matter, space, or time, Jude Currivan, Ph.D., examines the latest research across many fields of study and many scales of existence to show how our Universe is in-formed and holographically manifested. She explains how the fractal in-formational patterns that guide behavior at the atomic level also guide the structure of galactic clusters in space. She demonstrates how the in-formation...

CHF 22.90

Wave, The

Currivan, Jude
Wave, The
Offers a new revelation of the Cosmos where science and spirit are reconciled.

CHF 21.50

The 13th Step

Currivan, Jude
The 13th Step
Jude Currivan is an internationally well-known sensitive, scientist, healer and cosmic geomancer. Based near Avebury in England, Jude has researched ancient wisdom, consciousness and metaphysics since early childhood. She has a PhD in Archaeology and a Masters Degree in Physics from Oxford University, specialising in cosmology and quantum physics. She has been featured on UK television and the Learning Channel in the US.

CHF 26.90

The 8th Chakra

Currivan, Jude
The 8th Chakra
Dr Jude Currivan is a healer and cosmologist who has studied consciousness and perennial wisdom teachings since childhood. She has a Master's Degree in Physics specialising in cosmology and quantum physics, and a PhD in Archaeology researching ancient cosmologies. Jude is a sensitive who has directly experienced multidimensional realities and worked with higher guidance all her life. Moving on from a highly successful international business ca...

CHF 26.90

The 8th Chakra: What It Is and How It Can Transform Your ...

Currivan, Jude
The 8th Chakra: What It Is and How It Can Transform Your Life
The 7 chakras of the human personality are familiar to anyone working with healing or spiritual awareness. But that consciousness is essentially incomplete. It is the universal heart of the 8th chakra that can offer us the missing key to remember who we truly are. In this astounding book, scientist, healer, and mystic Jude Currivan, Ph.D., reveals a revolutionary new perception of the cosmos, reconciling leading-edge science with Spirit and th...

CHF 28.50

The 13th Step: A Global Journey in Search of Our Cosmic D...

Currivan, Jude
The 13th Step: A Global Journey in Search of Our Cosmic Destiny
In 1998, scientist, healer, and mystic Jude Currivan heard an inner message--a call to undertake a global quest that would transform her life and take her and her fellow travelers on an inner and outer odyssey that would ultimately reveal our hidden heritage and cosmic destiny. The initial intention of these journeys was to activate the healing energies of 12 ancient Lemurian artifacts around the earth to support the collective shift of awaren...

CHF 17.50