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Zur Kasse

42 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Red Grooms

Danto, Arthur C.
Red Grooms
Best known for his extravagant life-sized artworks of stores, subways and city scenes, Grooms populates these environments with offbeat, spirited, easily-identifiable characters. Many drawings, personal photographs and prints are included.

CHF 69.00

Wake of Art

Danto, Arthur C / Horowitz, Gregg / Huhn, Tom
Wake of Art
Arthur C. Danto has been increasingly concerned with the implications of the demise of modernism, and out of the wake of modernist art has suggested that a radically pluralistic art world has emerged. His essays here discuss his vision of the art world and the implications it has for criticism.

CHF 201.00

Historia y narración : ensayos de filosofía analítica de ...

Danto, Arthur C.
Historia y narración : ensayos de filosofía analítica de la historia
El texto que presentamos está formado por una selección de los capítulos centrales del libro de Arthur C. Danto, Analytical Philosophy of History. En esta obra, escrita en la década de los años sesenta, confluyen tanto la problemática afrontada por la filosofía neopositivista como el inicio del cambio de orientación que, a partir de los años sesenta, tiene lugar en el ámbito de la filosofía anglosajona de la historia. Cambio que supone un mayo...

CHF 23.90

La destituzione filosofica dell'arte

Danto, Arthur C. / Andina, T. / Barbero, C.
La destituzione filosofica dell'arte
La destituzione filosofica dell'arte costituisce uno dei maggiori contributi della cultura angloamericana all'estetica del secondo Novecento. Filosofo e critico oggi al centro del dibattito estetico internazionale, Arthur C. Danto vi elabora una teoria dell'arte, il cui motore di sviluppo viene identificato nell'aspirazione dell'arte a trovare la propria essenza. Platone aveva "destituito" l'arte di consistenza ontologica e due millenni dopo H...

CHF 50.90

La trasfigurazione del banale. Una filosofia dell'arte

Danto, Arthur C. / Velotti, S.
La trasfigurazione del banale. Una filosofia dell'arte
È il problema che passa nella testa di ogni visitatore di musei e gallerie, che appassiona gli amanti dell'arte e tormenta i filosofi: che cos'è mai un'opera d'arte, se oggi persino una scatola di detersivo può esserlo? Nel rispondere a questa domanda, Arthur Danto compie uno straordinario tour de force attraverso l'espressionismo astratto e la Pop Art, l'arte concettuale e il minimalismo, i racconti di Borges e i quadri di Brueghel, le poesie...

CHF 41.90

Analytische Philosophie der Geschichte

Danto, Arthur C. / Behrens, Jürgen
Analytische Philosophie der Geschichte
Arthur C. Danto hat in diesem Buch den ersten Versuch einer grundlegenden Kritik traditioneller philosophischer Geschichtsauffassungen aus der Sicht der analytischen Philosophie vorgelegt und Prolegomena zu einer analytischen Philosophie der Geschichte entwickelt. Polemisch gegen jeglichen historischen Relativismus gewendet, arbeitet er Grundzüge einer »temporalen Sprache« heraus, die ihm die Geltung von Aussagen über die Vergangenheit zu sich...

CHF 35.50

The Philosophical Disenfranchisement of Art

Danto, Arthur C.
The Philosophical Disenfranchisement of Art
In this acclaimed work, first published in 1986, world-renowned scholar Arthur C. Danto explored the inextricably linked but often misunderstood relationship between art and philosophy. In light of the book's impact -- especially the essay "The End of Art, " which dramatically announced that art ended in the 1960s -- this enhanced edition includes a foreword by Jonathan Gilmore that discusses how scholarship has changed in response to it. Comp...

CHF 149.00

The Transfiguration of the Commonplace

Danto, Arthur C.
The Transfiguration of the Commonplace
Mr. Danto argues that recent developments in the artworld, in particular the production of works of art that cannot be told from ordinary things, make urgent the need for a new theory of art and make plain the factors such a theory can and cannot involve. In the course of constructing such a theory, he seeks to demonstrate the relationship between philosophy and art, as well as the connections that hold between art and social institutions and ...

CHF 49.50

Nietzsche as Philosopher

Danto, Arthur C.
Nietzsche as Philosopher
Few philosophers are as widely read or as widely misunderstood as Friedrich Nietzsche. When Danto's classic study was first published in 1965, many regarded Nietzsche as a brilliant but somewhat erratic thinker. Danto, however, presented a radically different picture, arguing that Nietzsche offered a systematic and coherent philosophy that anticipated many of the questions that define contemporary philosophy. Danto's clear and insightful comme...

CHF 149.00

Nietzsche as Philosopher

Danto, Arthur C.
Nietzsche as Philosopher
Few philosophers are as widely read or as widely misunderstood as Friedrich Nietzsche. When Danto's classic study was first published in 1965, many regarded Nietzsche as a brilliant but somewhat erratic thinker. Danto, however, presented a radically different picture, arguing that Nietzsche offered a systematic and coherent philosophy that anticipated many of the questions that define contemporary philosophy. Danto's clear and insightful comme...

CHF 47.90